fan fiction scrollRevan’s Journal: Taris: (09) 4 Man Cell

 Star Wars

I was shocked when I understood what Zaalbar was telling me. A Life Debt was the highest honour a Wookiee could give someone; it was not handed out like some cheap drink. A Wookiee would only offer a life debt to someone they believe was worth trusting without hesitation. It meant that Zaalbar would follow me to whatever end. In short, I now owned his life for as long as I or he lived.

“I gladly accept your offer Zaalbar. Know that I will not let this go to waste.” That was the only thing I could answer.

“Well since Zaalbar is going with you, it looks like you’re stuck with me too!” Mission said.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mission.” I told her.

“Now that’s settled, can we please move along? I don’t want to stay here longer than necessary.” Carth interrupted.

“Yeah, let’s get the hell outta here, so what do we have to do now Mission?” I asked her.

“Well, first we have to lower a force field that shields the entrance to the Black Vulkars base… then we have to get past…”

“Get past what?” I asked, fearing the worst.

“We have to get past a ranchor…” Mission said with hesitation. Before I could express my doubt that we could easily kill a ranchor she continued with a bit of urgency.

“But don’t worry, we don’t have to kill it, I was able to get past it once using a stealth field generator belt.”

“Uhuh… look, I don’t doubt the fact that you could pull it off, but can all four of us do it?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t know… but you don’t exactly have a lot of choices, do you?” She asked with a tone that was obviously sarcastic.

“I guess not… you know Carth, this ‘saving Bastila’ thing is really starting to get under my skin.” I told Carth with irritation.

“It really doesn’t matter Eon, if we don’t save her this entire war is doomed for the Republic. Would you let millions of lives be endangered just because you didn’t want to face a ranchor?”

“Hmm… you’re just saying that because you don’t want to face that ranchor alone.”

“Maybe, but if we don’t try to get past that ranchor then all of this would have been for nothing.”

“ALRIGHT YOU’VE MADE YOUR POINT! Damn, why does it always have to be me?” I asked.

“Because we’re here, right now, that’s why.” Carth answered.

We headed off right after that, when we got to the force field, Mission sliced into the control console using a key card she nicked from one of the Vulkars. We then headed for the hidden entrance and the ranchor that awaited us without delay. As we got to the control panel for the door, I noticed a severed arm holding a datapad that held a message for whoever the arm belonged to. Beside it laid a vial that held a green liquid of unknown origin. The message detailed that the green liquid could distract the ranchor by attracting it towards the smell of the liquid.

As I read the message, an idea sudden came to me, if I spread the liquid somewhere where the ranchor usually fed, and hid a thermal detonator in that pile, the ranchor might accidentally eat the thermal detonator as well.

When I told the other three my plan, they couldn’t believe the stroke of genius I came up with.

“I’ll do it, between the four of us; I’m the best at sneaking about.” Mission pimped.

“Alright, just make sure you don’t do anything stupid like getting yourself killed.” I told her. Zaalbar roared his agreement.

It took Mission less than five minutes to get back. Soon we heard the explosion and the last gurgled roar of the ranchor as the thermal detonator blew up in his throat, killing him. At the sound of the explosion, two guards came rushing out of a door at the far end of the ranchor’s chamber. We took cover behind the body of the ranchor and opened fire. Within a few seconds, the small scuffle ended with Zaalbar firing the killing shots.

“Well, that wasn’t what I would call a stealthy entrance, but what the heck; at least we got in, now for the real part.” Carth commented…

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