fan fiction scroll10 Revan’s Journal: Taris: The Black Vulkars

 Star Wars

“Wow, those blast doors really did their job. It seems no one heard the explosion.”

Missions comment actually made me feel better about the situation. I didn’t want to face the whole base with just an unusual mix-up of a four man squad. It would have been suicide to rush into a fire fight with three other people who have never been in this place before. Not only that, only two of us had actual combat training. I wasn’t doubting Mission’s or Zaalbar’s skills, but the fact still remains that only Carth and I were real soldiers, furthermore Mission was still just a kid; rather she wishes to acknowledge it or not.

“Keep it tight and don’t fire unless fired upon first. This is messy enough as it is; we don’t need it to get worse. If it’s possible, don’t draw your blasters, keep to the shadows and if you have to kill someone, use a blade and keep it quiet” I told them.

“That isn’t how a real solider fights; killing under the cover of the dark is an assassin’s job.” Carth complained.

“True, but unless you want to get out of this alive you will stop complaining and do as I’ve said. I don’t like this any more than you do Carth, but as a soldier you also need to do whatever is necessary to get the job done.” I said with all the authority I could muster.

I knew he was higher ranked than me but at the moment, I was leading the party. Carth just gave me a sour look and mumbled under his breath. It was slightly irritating to watch as he was acting like a child who lost his favourite toy but I let it pass. This wasn’t the time to start fighting amongst ourselves.

“All right, first we need to find a computer nod and hack into the system, find the location of the accelerator and get the hell out, any questions? Good, let’s get going.”

We crept silently into the base, dispatching any of the guards who were stupid enough to fall asleep while on duty. As much as possible, I myself did the job. We all had blood on our hands, even Mission who was just fourteen but I didn’t want to add this on their conscience. After all Carth was right, this was grizzly work.

The first real problem we encountered was a security droid. There wasn’t any way to shut the droid down with the equipment we brought without causing a ruckus and there wasn’t any way around it either. I knew this was when the fire fight would start so I wiped my knife clean and holstered it, shouldered my rifle and whispered to the others to do the same.

“Ok, there’s no way around this droid so this is when things will get messy. Watch each other’s back, don’t stay out in the open and I when say move find the nearest cover and duck. Mission, have you ever used a blaster?” I asked her with apprehension.

“Sure, but it’s usually Zaalbar who uses an energy weapon.”

“Fine, then stick with you vibro blade, keep close to Zaalbar and cover him if anyone gets too close.” I told her.

I looked at Carth and asked:



“Then let’s get this show on the road.”

I waited for the droid guard to turn around before I jumped out, took careful aim down my sights and squeezed the trigger. As the head of the droid exploded, Carth, Mission and Zaalbar quickly rounded the corner and ran for the nearest cover.

An alarm rang and soon the Black Vulkars were running out of the mess hall and sleeping quarters to find out what was going on. As a Rodian stepped out of a room that looked like the control room, I noticed a large computer nod behind him.

“There!” I shouted above the clamour to the other three.

It wasn’t a second later that a blaster bolt almost hit my right shoulder that forced me to get behind cover again. I quickly fired a few rounds blindly, then when there was fewer answering fire, stood up and took careful aim at a few Vulkars.

“Mission, Zaalbar get to that room, Carth and I will cover the two of you MOVE!” I shouted.

I fired a few more rounds in quick succession before being forced to duck for cover again. After reloading a new blaster pack, I jumped out and ran for the nearest cover close to the control room.

“Carth get to that pile of boxes, use them for cover. Go!”

I once again stood up and fired until Carth could get the boxes I mentioned. Now that we were closer to the door of the control room, we could keep the Vulkars at bay while the pair hacked into the main frame of the Black Vulkars base.

It was obvious that the Black Vulkars weren’t the best shooters in the galaxy, but I knew that they could probably overcome us with sheer numbers and it wasn’t long before more of them joined the fray, if Mission and Zaalbar weren’t finished in a few minutes; it was obvious that the four of us would die here.
Soon the fight got more taxing. Carth and I had to keep moving to evade the blast radius of the grenades that they kept lobbing at us and I found myself killing them at close range more than once. Finally, the blast doors of the control room opened and Zaalbar and mission joined the fight. It seemed that we would win this engagement when a door to our left opened and more security droids stepped out.

Luckily, I wasn’t able to fire at them right away as I was too busy throwing a grenade into a group of Vulkars because the droids didn’t fire at us, they fired at the Vulkars. With the combined weight of fire from the droids and our party, the Black Vulkars were pushed back until the room area was suddenly quiet.

“Sorry about being late, it took Zaalbar longer to reprogram the droids from the nod then if he was actually there.” Mission told.

“Next time, warn us. But you did save our asses so you two are forgiven” Carth told them.

After I caught my breath, I asked Zaalbar: “What did you find?”

“Here, let me show you.”

We entered the control room and after Zaalbar hacked into the system again, he said:

“Then let’s get going.” I told them.

Zaalbar said.

We came to the door a few minutes later, panting from all the running we’ve been doing, Zaalbar hacked into the nod and entered the code needed to shut the turrets down. Next he sent the droids first, just in case there was a trap that turned the turrets back on.

When we finally came to the blast doors of the hanger, Mission had to pick the lock due to the fact that the Vulkars sealed the door shut. As the doors opened, more rounds of blaster bolts fired from the inside of the hanger. We quickly ducked for cover a waited as the droids did their job, albeit most of them were destroyed in the process.

We entered the hanger without delay and searched for the nearest cover, not wanting to give them another chance to slow us down again. After a few seconds elapsed and no one was firing at us, I concluded that the rest Vulkars were somewhere close to the accelerator.

We quickly ran towards the room were the prototype accelerator was held, only stopping to find the main computer nod of the hanger to overload the security droids and the swoops in the hanger until they exploded.

When we got to the accelerator room, my hunch was correct. Most of the remainder of the Vulkars were in that room. The room was divided into two sections, divided by a wall and a blast door. They had sealed the doors shut, which became their undoing. We threw two grenades into the window of one of the rooms, without an exit to get out of, every single one of the Vulkars in the sealed section died.
The Vulkars in the other section of the room seemed calm. It bothered me because they looked like they were expecting us. As I quickly inspected the room through the blast-proof glass that separated us, I didn’t find any traps yet they still smiled.

“Stay sharp, I don’t like the way the guys on the other side look. There might be traps meant to kill us all.” I told them.

As my sense of alert heightened, I felt the strange energy that I felt when I fought Bendek Starkiller filled me. Without conscious thought, I… touched this energy and let it flow through me without restraint. As we stepped into the other section of the room, the Twi’lek who seemed to lead the last remnants of the Vulkars who were guarding the accelerator smiled and said:

“You don’t look like Hidden Beks, so Gandon must have hired you to steal the prototype accelerator. Maybe I could make you a deal and we could all leave this place happy and alive.”

“Brejik stole that accelerator from Gandon! You can’t possibly convince us to let you keep it!” Mission shouted vehemently.

Ignoring Mission, the Twi’lek asked:

“I see that this child is already in Gandon’s pocket. But who are you stranger?”

Preparing myself for the fight that was about to begin, I answered:

“The last face you’ll see.”

With that, I launched myself towards the Twi’lek. The room was too small for a confrontation using blasters so I drew my vibro sword from the sheath that was laid across the back of my waist. The Twi’lek met my blade with his and soon, we were all engaged. The fight lasted longer than I expected. The Twi’lek was a tougher opponent, but the strange energy that I felt kept me on my feet and when the opening came, I slew the Twi’lek. As I looked around, the other Vulkars were already dispatched by Carth, Mission and Zaalbar. Carth found the accelerator close to the end of the room in a small box.

“We got what we came for, now let’s get out of here.” Carth said.

Quickly finding the only swoop that we didn’t blow up, we made our way back to the Hidden Beks base…

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