fan fiction scrollMemories of the Past–Chapter Two.

 Bastila ShanStar Wars

Okay, this is the sequel to the first story I wrote when I came back from my little… DETOUR. It has a little-I MEAN A LOT of romance. I won’t name names or anything, but their initials are BASTILA SHAN AND DEISA ROICE. Yes, that’s his last name, for now. And I maybe should’ve said this before but the Darth Soran account person is my co–author. But I’ve written EVERYTHING of Revan’s Shadow, Soran just came up with some idea’s. Uh, maybe more than some. Read on. Sorry that I haven’t written for a while. I couldn’t decide between PG-13 or just plain R. It’s PG-13.

Bastila woke up on Saturday morning, looking forward to training with Deisa. She had a crush on him, a lot. She had confessed to her master about these feelings, and he had talked her out of it. There was still some feeling for Deisa, but not as powerful as before. She got up and got her nightgown off and put her Jedi Robes on. She opened her door to go into the Jedi Hall. But before she took a step Bastila ran back in and put her make–up on and make herself as pretty as possible. Then she was done. The door knocked. Bastila’s stomach dropped. “Bastila?” Deisa called from outside the door. “Ready.” Bastila responded, coming out of the door.

Bastila’s beauty took Deisa’a breath away. His eyes started at her feet, moving up to her hair that wasn’t in their usual pig–tails. “That’s a beautiful neclace.” Deisa said, scooping up the neclace into his hand.

The sensation of having Deisa’s hand getting so close to her chest was WAY too much to bear for Bastila. “Thank you, my father made it out of one of the ancient and rare crystal’s he found treasure hunting.” Bastila responded, looking at her neclace in his hands. “Should we go down to the training room?” Bastila asked. “Actually, I have a room just for us.” Deisa responded, looking down at the floor. “You mean, for–”
“No, training, it’s completely set up for a lightsaber training room.” Deisa responded reassuringly. The sweat going down Bastila’s forehead ceased. “Should we go?” Bastila asked. “Of course.” Deisa responded.


Bastila walked into the magnificent, HUGE room that Deisa led her to. On one side of the room was a window that made light flood into the room. The other side it was the neck and head of a Feeroutsuit Kryt Dragon from Iridonnia. “How did you get all this?” Bastila asked. “It is not mine, it is a room of the Temple. It has always been here. I just happened to know that it was open for us to train.” Deisa responded. Bastila walked over to the window and looked out. She was about to gasp but nothing came out. When she looked out of the window, she saw all of Corascaunt stretching before her. “Were, were, this is the highest place on the Temple!” Bastila said. “Yep.” Deisa responded. “Well, we should probably start training.” Deisa said. “Yeah, definately.” Bastila said, walking to one side of the room. Sweat poured down Bastila’s face. Deisa was unbuttoning his shirt. Finally it was all the way unbuttoned and was laying on the ground. “Ready?” Deisa asked, ingniting his double–bladed green saber. Bastila didn’t respond right away. She was still studying his body. His right bicep slightly flexed when her eyes came across them. Same with his left bicep. She looked at his chest for 2 seconds before saying, “Ready.” Bastila ignited her single bladed yellow lightsaber. Deisa twirled his lightsaber in the air and brought it down to Bastila’s prepared one. They continued fighting. At one point their lightsabers came together and stayed there. Deisa looked into Bastila’s eyes with love. Bastila couldn’t help but look at him the same way. Deisa smiled and she smiled back. Without warning Deisa unignited his saber; making Bastila fall to the ground. Deisa slightly laughed. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Bastila thought to herself. Nothing. He’s extermely handsome. Another side of Bastila responded. “Need some help up?” Deisa asked, holding out his hand to Bastila. Bastila immediately put her hands behind her back onto the floor and shot herself up, using all the power in her feet to kick Deisa’s chest. Deisa flew back into the wall. Blood slightly trickled down his broad shoulder. Bastila breathed heavily; sweating hard. “Nice one.” Deisa said, Force Waving her against the wall. They continued clashing lightsabers until Deisa said, “Want to rest?”
“Hey, I asked YOU.”


Bastila and Deisa got a cup of water and so did Deisa. They sat next to each other on the comfy couch. When Deisa was done he gave Bastila a nervous glance. After a minute of sitting next to each other Deisa finally summed up the courage to say, “Your so beautiful,” in a soft voice. Bastila looked away, blushed, and then said, “Thank you,” even softer than Deisa. Deisa slowly lifted up a hand and let his palm go across Bastila’s left cheek. Finally, Bastila couldn’t resist kissing him. (Okay, I don’t want to write about how there clothes came off because that’s just SICK I mean that’s just WRONG. That DISGUSTS ME, DISGUSTS ME. So just pretend that their clothes are off. Don’t worry I won’t get into too many details. I don’t want to use the proper use of the WORDS, because I’m posting this on the internet and that is just SICK to say those words on the internet. I mean that’s just SICK.) Bastila’s hand moved up and down Deisa’s bare back. Their lips seemed glued together. Bastila shed one tear as she started kissing Deisa’s broad chest. Deisa’s fingers twirled Bastila’s hair together. After 15 years of training with the Jedi Deisa had perfected a move that he made up called “Object Control.” The power could control objects by just thinking about them. Deisa used that power in this situation to lower the curtain to the outside and to light the two candles that were in the room. The candlelight lit the room slightly. Deisa then made a life–deciding decision. He whispered through his kiss, “I love you.” Bastila shed another tear that Deisa wiped from her face. “I… I love you too….” Bastila responded, giving herself the pleasure of letting her tongue and Deisa’s meet again. Their breathing mingled. They continued the pattern until the candle went out and then they went to sleep, their arms and legs still entangled in each other’s.


Deisa woke up to see Bastila’s face in his. He shifted an uncomtorable cinemeter away. Bastila’s eyes opened and she immediately smiled. “Morning beautiful.” Deisa whispered while bending in to kiss her. Bastila kissed back for 5 seconds and then broke away. As Bastila got out of the couch she and Deisa both felt an enormous amount of loss.


Kavar woke up in his big but not huge chamber. Without wasting a second he got up, got his night clothes off and smelled them slightly.
He made a scrunched–up–kinrath face.
Kavar then put his nice and non–smelly Jedi Master robes. He was walking out of his room to get to his little Jedi Master bizz., when he felt a disturbance. It wasn’t a disturbance in the force or something like that. It was a natural instinct. Kavar knew were it was coming from. Inside the Temple! Kavar slammed his door open and was immediately face–to–face with Lonna Vash. His heart gave an un–expected leap. “Surely you feel it?” Vash said quickly to him. “Yes.” Kavar responded. “COME ON!!” Vash shouted, running up the stairs. Kavar used, “Force Run” or whatever power that’s called, and followed Vash.


As Bastila quickly got dressed, she wanted to shout, “TAKE A GOOD LOOK!” because Deisa was NEVER going to see her naked again. Bastila saw the light and warmth in his eyes vanish. Coldness swept through Bastila’s body. “Why?” Deisa asked quietly. “WHY!?!” Bastila shouted, turning on him with rage. “BECAUSE THEY’RE GOING TO FIND US!!!”
“Grab onto me, I know a way where they WON’T find us.” Deisa said, thrusting his arm out of the covers for Bastila to take; exposing his naked body. Bastila couldn’t help but tingle with excitement.
“No.” Bastila responded firmly.
She ran out of the room, sobbing.


Kavar and Vash were close to their destination when they saw Bastila Shan slam the door behind her and run out of the room; sobbing. “SHAN!!!!!!” Kavar shouted. Bastila didn’t respod; just kept running and sobbing down the hall.


Deisa heard Master Kavar shout Bastila’s name and immediately used the force to vanish. Deisa tried to cease his breathing. Kavar searched the room. “Roice,” Kavar breathed quietly. “I know your here.”
Deisa stayed in his position. If only he had some clothes on he could say, “Yes I am here.” then Kavar would ask, “What were you and Bastila doing?” and Deisa would tell the half–truth, “Training.”
Sadly that wasn’t the case.
Kavar eventually gave up his search and left the room.
Deisa lert out a breath and got dressed; his mind on Bastila.

Rate from 1 to 10 please!! This is my first REAL… *whisper* sex story. *giggle*.

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29 Responses to “Memories of the Past–Chapter Two.”

  1. Darth Soran says:

    I rate it a seven………
    what the heck! ill give it an eight.

    I don’t get it every time Deisa and Bastila go in the same room…..
    There clothes come off….
    and then…. well i don’t need to say it…

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    Uh, this was the first time.

    I can’t believe that you tried to grab to my car on your skateboard.


    thanks for the… compliments?

  3. Nihilus says:


    But, kinda…unsuitable for a character like Bastila.
    I give it an eight and a half.

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    No, it’s not unsuitable for a character like Bastila.

    I COMPLETELY disagree with you.

    Besides, member on the StarForge when she’s all, “I love you too, with all my heart.”

    It’s not the sex scene that you should be focusing on.

  5. Darth Shiin says:

    Chapter 3 coming soon!!!

  6. Nihilus says:

    The line on the SF is NOT bad.

  7. Darth Shiin says:

    what is SF???

    God I can just imagine you staring at your computer with your mouth dropped open.

  8. Darth Shiin says:

    thank you!!!!

    MY first 10 came from MaggOnasi!!

    that’s nice.

  9. Darth Shiin says:

    MaggOnasi, RevanBodygaurd, can I use the name, “Andria.” in one of my stories. I’m not even going to spell it the way you do.

    Please? =)

  10. Darth Shiin says:

    thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Nihilus says:

    Nah. I don’t usually gape at a computer screen. I ain’t THAT obsessed over the Internet. SF is Star Forge.

  12. MaggOnasi says:

    Oh, by the way, I won’t be here for a week
    I will still be reading the fanfics

  13. Darth Shiin says:

    So, your reading them, but you won’t be commenting?

  14. Darth Shiin says:

    the SF line isn’t bad.

    But it’s not like bastila’s a non-sex person.

    EVERYONE can relate to that activity.

    jk =)


  15. Darth Soran says:

    yah like shiin said i am his co-auther, since the begining. but i just wanted to say that i did NOT make any of the lovey-dovey kissy-gooy stuff…
    that was all shiin.

  16. sure Shiin, go ahead
    i think i’ll rate this story a nine!
    this is pretty good. i usually don’t read stories that are too adult or however you want to say it. i especially like it when they were going to do it but you skipped through all that (o_O i’m underage after all and sex scenes are something kids should never know) i kinda think this is the other side of Bastila here, her other self. in the game, she’s all no emotion stuff and i really think this suits her character nicely.
    keep up the good work, Shiin. very well done!

  17. Darth Shiin says:

    thank you!

    probably the nicest comment I’ve ever gotten!!!

    Soran, you came up with the idea that bastila and Deisa were married and then he turned and all that.

    You and I BOTH knew that WE were going to have to right the… SHANANAGIN scenes.

  18. Darth Shiin says:

    Uh, revanbodygaurd–on your channel on youtube it says that your fourteen so your not a kid and your not an adult.

    but kids are already exposed to sex.

  19. Darth Shiin says:

    oh, and you do know that I DID write when they do it.

    but I didn’t write how they get there clothes off.

  20. Darth Shiin says:

    and nihilus–PLEASE stop mass writing old–republic with your stories.

    don’t release them so quickly after the previous story.

    THAT keeps suspense going.

    but in my opinion your stories aren’t that suspensful.

  21. um, yes, i am 14 right now turning 15 in August. but i’m still underage!

    i know that they took their clothes off but you didn’t put all the um, thingie in the hole. that i’m grateful for

  22. MaggOnasi says:

    Just thinking about the fact you’re turning 15 is… well kinda sad

    *sniff* You’re growing so fast sis!!

  23. Nihilus says:

    I haven’t been on this site in almost a week. Jeez. Cut me some slack, por favor.

  24. Darth Shiin says:

    lol lol lol lol lol lo- OKAY I’M JUST LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF!!!!

    revanbodygaurd, tingie in the hole!!!

    god that’s funny.

    and I DID write the tingie in the hole, remember, “Bastila woke up and IMMEDIATELY smiled.” and, “Bastila and Deisa both felt an enormous amount of loss when Bastila got out of the couch.”

  25. Darth Shiin says:

    as for you nihilus~ I really don’t care if you were gone for a week.

    You still over do your stories.

    give Soran RevanBodygaurd MAggOnasi and Cyvan–Reika a chance to fit our stories in.

  26. Nihilus says:

    Mkay. If that’s the case, no more new stories from me till the end of April. (:
    How does that sound to you?

  27. Shiin says:

    no, i mean don’t post them so quickly.

    I’m not asking you to stop writing, just asking you to give your stories 2 to 3 days before posting another.

    Nothing personal!!!

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