fan fiction scrollDestruction’s Symphony

 Atton RandBastila ShanCarth Onasi

Author’s Notes: Aaaaaaah, back after the weekend. Time for more writing. Well, Atton and Arden are back. But, only one of them is still good. Hanharr IS in this. Hehehehe. Read on…if you dare.

Ravenstrike’s planning was coming along quite well. He had figured out a plan to counter every one of his enemies. He now knew that Arden and Atton had come back to life. But, he also knew that Atton was on Groiorg, searching for him. He knew this was because Atton wanted to join him. He, along with Hanharr, would make excellent allies in this fight. He planned to wipe his enemies out with a single victory. He would try to make it as bloody as possible. He wanted to make sure they got what they deserved.

Hanharr approached Ravenstrike. “How much longer must we wait?!?” he growled at Ravenstrike. “We must wait until Atton finds us. He will make an excellent addition to our team.” He could tell that Hanharr was growing impatient. “Patience, my friend. He will be here.” “You’d better be right, or I’ll tear your throat out!” Just as Hanharr finished saying this, Atton appeared. “Ravenstrike. Nice to see you’re still alive.” he said as he approached them. This began a long conversation…

On Naboo, the crew of the Ebon Hawk had just gotten settled down. It took two hours just for HK to get out of his hyped state. After calming down, the group decided to head to the huge mansion that Dustil had somehow purchased. Carth was impressed. “Wow, son. You’ve really had some good luck lately, huh?” he asked Dustil when they got there. “Yeah, kinda. I was just walking around the central plaza one day while not on duty and saw the ad for it. It was a bargain, too. Three hundred thousand credits.” “Uh, that’s not exactly a bargain, Dustil.” Arden told him. “For me, it is. I’ve come into some money recently. A lot of it.” “Really?” Norris asked him. “Yeah. My friend gave me two hundred billion credits for no reason. Never saw him after that day.” “Maybe he robbed a bank!” Jolee said jokingly. Everyone laughed. “No, I don’t think so. I think he just left the planet. He wasn’t in a hurry or anything to leave, so that’s why I rule out robbery.”

Back on Groiorg, Ravenstrike, Hanharr, and Atton were through talking and planning. The next part was plotting when to attack. “We should wait until they have gotten settled down so they aren’t as ready for it. We should also make sure that we can conceal our presence, Muffling it in some way will help.” This all came from Ravenstrike. Hanharr and Atton agreed with every word. This whole plot was like a symphony of destruction. All they could do now was wait.


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6 Responses to “Destruction’s Symphony”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    Uh, good story… I guess.

  2. Darth Soran says:

    Read on…..if you dare??? that kinda freaked me out.

    and sounded a lottle gay.
    other than that gayness good story.

  3. Nihilus says:

    Bah. This word. I was trying to be suspenseful, people.

  4. i can tell this is going to be suspenseful and daring
    yeah, Read on… if you dare – oh, i dare, Master
    Atton, Hanharr, and Ravenstrike working together in a trio… hmm, i can never imagine that ever happening… good story though short=D

  5. Darth Shiin says:

    neither can I revanbodygaurd

  6. Darth Shiin says:

    soran, never ever ever ever ever call a story gay.

    except this one.

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