fan fiction scrollDesolate

 Atton RandBastila ShanCarth Onasi

Author’s Notes: While beginning this story, I listened to Walk With Me In Hell by Lamb Of God. Helped me come up with some of the details. Aside from that, don’t expect a happy ending yet. Here’s Desolate.

The group couldn’t formulate a plan at the moment. This left them rather defenseless, and clueless to add to that. They had no idea why Ravenstrike had done what he had done. All they knew was that they needed to try get him away from the Dark Side once more. They felt as if all effort might result in either failure or his death. They were stuck for the first time in quite a while. It really gave them depressing thoughts. They thought that they may have to deal with him being killed.

The four Dark Siders stepped onto the barren planet that was Korriban. Ravenstrike basked in its power for the first time ever, and he enjoyed it. They dredged along the path that led to the Pyramid. Ravenstrike could hear the dead Sith Lords’ whispers in the wind. It creeped him out in the least bit. This did not make him flinch, however, and he continued to walk along the rock-littered path. Upon reaching the Pyramid’s base, he was impressed with its architecture. He wondered how the ancient Sith had constructed something so immense without any failure. “It’s a pretty damn good structure. Not much of it has crumbled away.” he said, awed. “Yes, the ancient Sith built it to withstand the weather. It has aged, but it hardly appears as old as it actually is.” Darelion replied. “And how old is it?” Ravenstrike asked intuitively. “It’s estimated at about the same time as the Great Hyperspace War.” Aurora told him.

As they approached, the phantoms of Uthar, Yuthura, and Kreia appeared. “Ah,” Kreia began, “it seems you have brought us a very well-talented ally. He shall aid us spectacularly in killing those fools.” “Indeed,” speculated Uthar, “but what if he is pulled back to the Light Side by those FOOLS?” “Then, we shall kill them all!” Yuthura said. “Oh, trust me,” Ravenstrike said confidently, “I have no intention of going back. They are too weak for me.” “Good…” Kreia said mysteriously. Suddenly, a hissing sound came from inside the Pyramid. “Oh, one of the ancient Sith Lords has awoken!” Sion said, a hint of excitement in his voice. “I believe it is Darth Avaritia…” Darelion explained. “Long ago, he was sealed in here along with the other six. They were too dangerous to have in the Sith ranks. Turned into stone, most were broken into pieces by graverobbers. The only ones left are Darth Avaritia, Darth Luxuria, and Darth Ira. The other four were destroyed…”

The explanation continued for quite a while; at least another five minutes. After it had concluded, Ravenstrike seemed mesmerized. “Incredible. These Sith seem quite powerful.” he said, interested in them. “We shall speak no longer of the traitors. We should get back to work…” Aurora said abruptly. A figure emerged from the Pyramid. He was a rather tall man, dressed from shoulder to toe in heavy armor, with a black cape the covered the back of it and ran down to the back of his knees. His voice was rather normal when he spoke. “Ughhhh…how long have I been in that awful damn place?” he asked, apparantly annoyed. “Quite a long time, Darth Avaritia.” Darelion replied. “You…I remember you! You were one of the few who didn’t want to inprison me in there! I thank you.” Dusting himself off, Avaritia saw Ravenstrike and his eyes widened. “You…the…the…” He could not finish.

“You,” Darelion explained, “are the one that was spoken about in Dark Side prophet folklore back when I was leader of the Darellians. You are supposed to lead the Dark Side to some ultimate destiny.” Ravenstrike felt honored. He didn’t know why, but he did. “What shall you you have me do?” he asked the phantoms. They soon began to explain to him…

Meanwhile, on Telos, the group wasn’t getting very far in planning. They had no ideas whatsoever, as all tactics had been used in the previous battle. Just when they were giving up, someone asked them, “Giving up already?” They all looked to the direction where the voice came from. It was none other than Azreth Nylar, somehow revived on the Light Side. “I think I might be able to help you. You see, you’ve been thinking about this all wrong. Here’s what we’re gonna do…” The group then began to formulate new ideas. They no longer felt dismayed. However, there was a desolate feeling about what might happen in the battle ahead…


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2 Responses to “Desolate”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    Nice story… as usual

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    Nice… only nice… not as good as the others


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