fan fiction scrollDefunct Predecessors

 Atton RandBastila ShanCarth Onasi

Author’s Notes: A peculiar name, no? I’ve got something in mind. IDK if it’ll coincide with the title, but I’ll try to make it. If you’re bored already, I won’t keep you for much longer. Continue on.

The night on Korriban was quiet and cold. Ravenstrike kept hearing the whispers of Sith Lords past in the wind. During the day, this wouldn’t frighten him, but night was a different story because you couldn’t tell if the whispers were deceased Sith or the person right next to you. Shaking off such cowardice, the fallen Jedi slowly returned to sleep. At about five in the morning, a loud noise awakened him. He immediately grabbed his sabers and ran outside. An explosion had occurred in the Pyramid. Its casualties were the three ancient Sith: All killed in the explosion. Darelion looked rather disappointed. “A shame…this’ll deny us more strength against those fools that Revan hangs around. Oh, well. That’s the way it is.” He took this like one would take a pill: Quickly, and without second thought. He probably put it aside, and forgot about it.

Aurora came from her room and rubbed her eyes slowly. Yawning, she asked, “What happened here?” Darelion replied, “It seems I misplaces my permacretes. One of them sliced the explosives and I guess they were clustered together. Took em all out.” He was smug about the situation. He cared not. Sion looked in dismay atthe scene. “Damn!” he exclaimed. Ravenstrike listened to the three converse for a few more minutes before heading back to his room. Getting his black robes on, he sighed heavily. He felt a small bit of emotion in this sliver of time, but it hit him hard. He wasn’t expecting it. He thought of…her…

As soon as he thought of her, she thought of him. She looked out the window and sighed. “I wonder where he is…” she said in a dazed tone. The door to her room opened. Carth popped his head in. “Mission, we’re ready for the next part of planning. You coming?” “Yeah, I’m coming.” Mission replied eagerly. With that, she headed out the door of her room into the central room. Azreth smiled big. “Ah! Mission, there you are! We’ve been waiting for a few minutes.” “I was getting ready.” She returned the smile after saying this. The plan had grown almost flawless in the past few days. The one flaw left to deal with was if most of the group was killed. This was the biggest flaw to work out, and it would take quite a while.

Back on Korriban, Ravenstrike was looking through ancient transcripts. He discovered that he and Aurora had predecessors, and that they hadn’t exactly been true Sith. They faltered between Light and Dark, eventually becoming Grey Jedi. This made them faulty in a way. A true Sith does not falter between the Light and the Dark. As he continue through the transcript, he figured out more and more about these predecessors. They eventually were exiled from both the Jedi and Sith, and so they travelled different worlds, defunct Force wielders. Finally settling on Naboo, they were killed when a foreign species assualted the planet. “Wow…this is deep stuff. I should show this to the others.” he said contemplatively. Showing the transcript to his fellow Sith, he told them of what he had read, and suggested more answers may be deeper in the Pyramid. As they continued deeper into the heart of the Pyramid, Ravenstrike felt like they would soon find answers to why these predecessors were defunct in the first place…


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2 Responses to “Defunct Predecessors”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    Really nice details! I loved it X 1 million

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    Ravenstrike on darkside as usual…


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