fan fiction scrollCourtship of the Princess Exile – Part Two

 Atton RandExile (Female/Light Side)Mira

Author’s Notes: No comment at this time. Author is speechless. Well, this is Part Two. My Exile is being forced to marry a prince to keep her throne and to heal the galaxy with combined most richest worlds, Hapes and Alderaan. Like I said before, I OWN NOTHING!
Andria Trelyve was speechless and gazed at the Alderaanian ambassadors in shock. Alderaanians were hard to deal with – so culturally distant, easily offended despite their peaceful nature. The roar of the hundreds of thousands in the crowd began to swell, and Andria looked up to the windows of the Hapan balcony, wondering what to answer. Atton Rand had turned away and was speaking excitedly to Mira, Mical, and Bao-Dur. One guess what that is about.

She looked away to search for her step-mother, Tali’nar’Dar and her personal bodyguard, Officer Layla Brennor for advice. Tali’nar’Dar just sat there and smiled. She must have been planning this the whole time. That’s must’ve been why she was in a good mood today! Layla was gesturing Andria to go on, urging her to accept the offer. More like a forced request. Layla must have known about this too, but probably wasn’t allowed to tell the princess. Like it matters now.

“I think your gifts are exquiste and your generosity is unbounded. Still, I need time to consider the offer.” She paused, wondering how long she could handle this.

They say a marriage strengthens a couple through anything. But they never say a marriage could strengthen a unity between two worlds! Oh, what to do. If only the Force or pure luck could help Andria on situation on like it always does…

“May I please speak, Your Highness?” The Alderaanian prince spoke up at last as he stood up from his bowed position. He spoke with a accented Basic speak.

“Um… Yes, of course.” Andria said looking into his gray eyes after regaining her composure. She wore a glitterly, slimming dress and sat arkwardly in her throne with a crown balancing on her head.

“Thank you, Princess,” The prince bowed slightly to Andria. “I, Prince Jun Alenko of Alderaan, is Heir to the Throne like you. My mother here, Ali’nor’Torr, is the Former Queen of Alderaan. I studied your records of how your life was before and memorized them by heart for quite some time after my birth. You were one of the Dark Lady’s Hands, Sera Jade, serving at Revan’s order, a Jedi Knight and war veteran of the Mandalorian Wars, turned Jedi Exile. ‘Bloody Belle’ Isabel Falls, you’re called, a pirate and a lone drifter. You have a interesting history that’s always been my favorite topic, even more your beauty is astonishing. Mother always told me we were destined to be wed ever since our birth. She remarked about your appearance, I see now that she didn’t jest.”

Andria could scarcely breathe. Arranged marriage? How come she never heard of this before? “Beg your pardon? We were engaged to marry ever since we were born? But we never met before!”

Jun smiled apologetically. There was a certain strength to his face, a ranginess. “I know your customs differ from ours. Jedi aren’t supposed to get married but you’re royalty now. Among the ancients, this is how we arranged our royal marriages. But I want you to feel comfortable with any decision. Please, take time to get to know Alderaan, our worlds, our customs – take time to know me as I know you.” 

Something in the way he spoke made Andria realize that this was an unusual offer. Inside, she kinda felt ashamed that she never heard of this guy before. “Thirty days?” she asked. “I would take less time, but I must leave for the Roche system in a couple of days. A diplomatic mission.”

Prince Jun lowered his eyes in acceptance. “Of course. A queen must forever be at the call of her people.” Then he added apologetically, “If you are leaving on a diplomatic mission, will I have time to meet with you previous to it, under less formal circumstances?”

Andria considered furiously. She had a great deal of studying to do before she left – trade agreements, registered complaints, studies in exobiology. From one world to another, there’s always something terrible going on. She simply felt that she had no business letting her personal life interfere with her work, at least not now. Andria glanced up at the observation deck. Atton had left with Bao-Dur, Mira probably disappeared with Mical (because she felt really horny), now her evil step-mother stood with her royal amazon bodyguards, each woman had their weapons trained on Andria. Officer Layla Brennor stood and nodded affirmative at the proposal.

“Yes, of course,” Andria said. “If you are free to join me before the mission.”

“My days and nights are yours,” the prince said, smiling gently.

“Then please,” Andria asked, “join me for dinner tonight, in my stateroom aboard the Crimson Dragon?”

Jun lowered his eyes again, used the thumbs and index fingers of both hands to pull back the black veil over his face. Andria sensed disappointment of the many females in the grand room, wanting to gaze at the prince for a bit longer. She also felt jealousy of the males there too.

Andria left the Grand Reception Hall, thousands watching her departure. She felt anxious, and only wanted to find Atton. She went to her quarters at the palace, hoping Atton would be there, but the apartments were empty. Nothing in there except moving holovids of the younger images of her mother, her father, and her five year old self. He must have gone back to the Burning Phoenix. When Atton felt worried or frustrated, he liked to work with mechanics and machines. Working with his hands, solving familiar problems, seemed to ease his mind. This marriage proposal must have disturbed him deeply, probably more deeply than even Atton knew. Andria was bone weary and definity bored, but she could see why Atton was in a bad mood.


Andria found the Phoenix and walked up the loading ramp to find Atton and Bao-Dur in the main cabin at the control panels, worrying over some tangled mass of wires. They were seated in worn out chairs. Atton picked up a bottle and took a long chug. Bao-Dur tried to stop him.

“Atton, you had enough,” Bao-Dur placed a hand on his shoulder. “You should probably rest or something.”

Atton pushed him away and slurred, “Shove off! I’ll tell you when I have enough!” He tossed the bottle aside and picked up a plasma torch to work again.

When Bao-Dur heard footsteps approaching, he turned his attention to see Andria arriving. He looked relieved, Andria would know what to do. “General,” he said saluting to her. “I’m sure you can handle this. Atton, is… unwell today. He has been muttering “stabbie, stabbie” to himself.”

“I understand Bao-Dur,” Andria said placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll talk to him. Go to bed in the palace.”

“Yes, General,” he turned to leave but stop to look over his shoulder and finally left the ship. Probably wondering if things would get ugly.

Atton continued to work on the wires for a minute then switched the plasma torch to off. He did not shift in the captain’s chair to look at Andria.

“Hi,” Andria muttered softly. “I was hoping to find you back in my room on Hapes.”

“Yeah, well, there were some things I needed to check into,” Atton said. Andria didn’t answer for a long moment. He turned to face her. His forehead was sweaty, though she knew he couldn’t have been long enough to perspire. “So, uh, how did it go down there? What did you tell the Alderaanians?”

“I asked them to give me a few days to think,” Andria answered. She didn’t feel ready to tell him that Jun would be visiting aboard the Crimson Dragon that night. That she have to marry the Prince to earn her crown as Queen Mother.

“Hmmm…” Atton nodded.

Andria took his grimy hands in hers. She said softly, “I couldn’t just send them away – it would be rude. Even if I don’t marry their prince, I can’t destory our chance to build a relationship with them. The Alderaanians are very powerful. Even though I didn’t know what was going on, it looks like everyone was planning this for me. You know what that means, I have a duty to do – as a princess and a Jedi Master.”

“I know,” Atton sighed. “You would do just about anything to protect the galaxy.”

“Now what is that supposed to mean?”

“You fight against the Sith, but the Sith are gone… most of them anyway. You’ve risked you life fighting them a dozen times. You would give your life for the Republic in a moment, wouldn’t you – without thinking, without regrets?”

“Of course,” Andria answered. “But-”

“Then I suspect you’ll give your life now,” Atton said, “give it to the Alderaanians. But instead of dying for them, you’ll live for them.”

“I, I couldn’t do that,” Andria assured him.

Atton stared at her, breathing hard, and all the pain and accusation went out of his voice. “Of course not,” Atton sighed, setting the torch down on the floor-board. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I just…”

Andria stroked his forehead and brought him close to her chest. He rested his head. She never felt so clumsy before. She never seen Atton act anything like this before. Upset, quiet, drained of energy all the sudden… so unlike his scoundrel self. “Hey, what’s wrong? You aren’t acting like yourself?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” There was a pregnant silence, only the humming and clicking of the Phoenix running was audible. Finally he spoke, “I have to admit, the Alderaanians sure made a tempting offer today. You hear rumors of the ‘hidden world’, but wow! Did you get to see much of Alderaan when you were there?”

“Yes, Alderaan had beautiful, stately, and serene there. Perfect place to center yourself and have inner peace. Maybe a new place for a Jedi Academy! But that’s not for me. I’m a fighter. I’ve always been a fighter. The few times when I have been at leisure, I’ve been miserable.” She caught her breath. “I don’t know what to do, Atton.”

Atton looked up at her. “Would the gifts the Alderaanians gave you today go a long way toward making a big deal payment on a planet?”

“You don’t know the Alderaanians. Their customs are very strict. If I accept their gifts, it’s an all-or-nothing deal. Unless I marry Jun, I have to give it all back.”

“Then give it back,” Atton said. “Don’t get involved with Alderaanians. They are a bad lot and could be hiding something. I noticed the queen felt threatened by us through her little calm as water manner.”

Andria pulled away from him. “That’s absurd. You’re paranoid.’

“Paranoid, huh? What about you, Princess? Have a few baubles and trinkets so blinded you that you can’t see straight?”

“Oh, you sound real sure of yourself. Do you really feel so threatened by Jun?”

“Threatened? By that big lout? Me?” Atton pointed at himself. “Of course not!”

She knew he was lying. “Then you won’t mind that I’m having a private dinner with him tonight.”

“Dinner?” Atton asked. “Why should I mind that he’s dining with the woman I love, the woman who claims to be in love with me?”

“You’re so cute,” Andria said sarcastically. “I came here to invite you to dinner, too, but now I think that maybe, just maybe, I should just let you sit up here and gnaw on your own petty jealous fantasies.”

Andria stromed from the control room of the Burning Phoenix, and Atton shouted at her back, “Well, fine, Princess – I’ll see you at dinner!”


“Why, that nerve of a guy!” Andria muttered to herself, angrily. “I just want to show him a lesson he’ll never forget!”

Andria was in her private quarters getting everything ready for dinner. The crowds left the Grand Reception Hall now. They either left to go home or stick around for the party for the ‘great amazing return of the heir to the throne’.

Andria doesn’t have to worry about that now. Now which dress should she wear…







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12 Responses to “Courtship of the Princess Exile – Part Two”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    OMG I LOVED IT!!!!

  2. Nihilus says:

    Atton’s drunk…
    Andria’s in a sticky situation…
    Something tells me that dinner’s not gonna go well. XD

  3. Darth Shiin says:

    Okay, good title for the next story, “Atton beats up Jun at dinner time. Mandalore walks in and gives them a story”

    well, that’s kindof like the whole story, not the title…

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    Oh, and about the story, I thought that when Andria put her hand on Atton she was going somewhere…

    Then she brought Attons head to her chest… SHE’S GIVING ATTON EVERYTHING HE WANTS!!!!

    And member on Peragus II, when you walk in naked then he’s all, “Me likey!”

  5. Darth Shiin says:


  6. Darth Shiin says:

    thank you…

    I think I’m going to see Juno today,

  7. Darth Shiin says:


    No, the movie.

    Well, now that it’s morning I already saw it.

    The Oscars are tonight, Juno is my pick for Best Picture.

    Crossing my fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. MaggOnasi says:

    Soooooooo, the drink?

  9. Darth Shiin says:


    Juno didn’t win….

  10. Darth Shiin says:

    Wait, is Juno a drink? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never drank an entire bottle of scotch

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