fan fiction scrollKotor 3, Part 1.

 Star Wars

Authors Note: I hope you guys like it, if you do, tell me and I will write part 2.

Vision;Dream: The Dark Storm is flying through space. Meanwhile, inside the ship, Darth Talion is talking to apprentice Darth Shiin. “My apprentice,” Darth Talion says in that cold meanicing voice of hers while Darth Shiin is bowing infront of her. “I have a task for you.” A gleam of excitement and ambition glowed in his menacing yellow eyes that lasted for only half a second, replaced by his cold, exspressionless glare. “What is it, my lord?” Darth Talion smiled her monstrous, bloodthirsty smile. “I have felt the lightside beaming unaturally from a certain person who is a force sensitive. Darth Shiin knew exactly who she was referring to. He felt it too. But Darth Shiin knew all too well not to say anything. His master has had some unpleasant “Outbursts” whenever someone spoke out of turn. “What do you want me to do, master?” Darth Shiin knew what the answer was going to be but he waited anyway. Darth Talion made no effort to hide her bloodthirsty pleasure. “Find them,” Darth Talion started. “and destroy them.” Darth Shiin made no effort also to hide his pleasure. “Oh but of course, master.” Then a different thought floated into his mind, “What would my parents think of this?” The thought had bugged him ever since he embraced the dark side. Then the defensive thought floated into his mind, “But they abandoned me. Them, of all people, abandoned me.” Then the hatred for his parents came back into his black heart.

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2 Responses to “Kotor 3, Part 1.”

  1. MaggOnasi says:


  2. RevanBodyguard says:

    nice start!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i like it!!!!!!!!!!!
    write part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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