dark side sith


(346 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

ok i just hate mara becase (i'll put it in hanhars words) she is prey and is esly killed becase she spares


(755 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

hk-47 is stupid and i hate cando,carth,jolle,zalbar,mison t3m4 so that leves bastla

i wold have to say sorwd if byou are a soder blaster rifle (i think tha is what is) scondrel blaster pistol


(196 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

you can't end nutrel you have to pike light or dark in both games

the star forge is freaking hard

dude you can't do that oh yeah on your qustin none i mean what do romances do for you nothing exept in koter 1 you can use a romance to turn bastlai to the light hmm

this what a fight betwen me a padawan aginst jolee. jolee i,m old i will kick your but me die force choke jolee dead


(45 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

i like koter 2 evil endig iv'e never got it but i have seen it on yutube i do'nt like the light side ending very much sad


(101 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

hey we never fight tweliks

as match as mados rule cado is ugley a rancore loocks niceer then him


(2 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

thaks and if your wonering kreia got resrected by sith stuff

268 sion love a female exile imagene the weding


(6 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

i give it a 11/10


(101 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

see you figt two tweliks who stun you alo(if female not at all )



(101 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)



(2 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

this is my idea for koter 3the dark alince (first peson)
one day i wake up and i see my moter dead i see a man who has two men who look like they sleep with lightsabers i yaell at the top of my lugs"you moster!" i grab my vibroblade and i slice one head off then i stabed my vibroblade trew his heart igrabed the last mans own lightsaber and chop off his arms and  rasie his light saber and i killed him ad before he died he looked in my eyes and iha avishin of a woman and aman fighting and then maney sith lords with men hwo look like they had been killed before then the siths hood slid off it was darth traya

a light saber that has your face on it charters
