(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Well, at least focus it to one place, rather than litter the entire forum.


(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Well, firstly, I agree with TDLOTS. We all need to calm down for a change. Secondly, there have been so many N******s posers over the months, so it wouldn't be wise to start accusing people of being him. (Not that I'm saying any of you are) Thirdly, to hopefully end this discussion one and for all, I think it's settled that Clans won't appear on this specific site. If anyone -really- wants to continue discussing N******s, do it on private tells, or, if for some reason you feel it's -that- important, which I don't think many people will, then post a SINGLE topic about it, and don't mention it anywhere else. At least contain the talk about N******s if it really annoys you that much. (And yeah, TDLOTS, it was Moordrael.)


(58 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

(*wince* The story died, apparently. I don't have much time either. My vote's no)


(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Silence. This is just stupid. Now you're intending on attacking someone who you ASSUME to be N******s because he took N******s' side. Well, incase you didn't notice, I took N******s' side as well. Really, you all made him look like Hitler reincarnate in the discussions about him. If you notice, most of his 'crimes' didn't even commence until that new guy joined who claimed to be N******s, as well as several others. If you actually believed that idiot was Nipehous first glance, you were being blinded fools who were just looking for a reason to hate N******s.


(11 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

Heh, yeah, for those who get it. It actually took me a few moments to get the pun.


(58 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

There was white everywhere, to the point where Azalray could barely see. Now he was glad to had the sense to go to his ship and grab a warmer jacket before going here. At first, he though it was unwise, but he felt so strongly attracted to this place that he almost couldn't resist. He knew where he was going, even if he couldn't see, even if he had never been here before.
Then, he saw something up ahead... it was an entrance to a cave! Azalray rushes inside.
"Finally... I was afraid the next time someone saw me I would be a statue..."
Going deeper into the cave, away from the cld, he notices that there's light coming from up ahead. At first, he suspects it's a fire, but then he realizes it's coming from the walls ahead. As he approcahes them, he also realizes that instead of the jagged walls of the cave, they're now smooth walls, with similar marking from the temple on Yahvin IV... except, these marking were glowing, and radiated warmth.
When he laid a hand on them, insetad of burning, he could feel the warmth spread throughout his body.
"... there's power in this place... much power... but, it's unique. It's not light, nor dark, but it's not neutral either. It's as if there's a perfect balance of the force within these walls... how could this be? The Light and Dark have completely different standards and principles. For them to me merged into one is... it's impossible, it's can't be..."
Azalray staggered for a moment, leaning onto the wall for support, stunned by the thought of perhaps finding the perect balance between liight and dark.
"... No, it can't be. It would have been disvcovered by now if it had... but, I need to be sure. I need to go deeper, see what's inside of this temple."
Azalray began walking down the dimly lit hallway of orange glowing symbols, leaning on the wall for support...


(58 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

After Azalray left Yahvin IV, he had let the force guide him, and, after several days of drifting, he ended up on a planet named Jantive...

Azalray had been walking for about fourty minutes now, headed tpwards the closest town on Jantive. He didn't know why the Force had led him here, to Jantive of all places, but, whnever he put his full confidense in the force, it never let him down, and he knew it wasn't about to.
Azalray finally climbed over a small hill, and immediately hid behind a large boulder. Just outside the town was aship, all but too familar. The Ultima, a ship belonging to Sith that Azalray wasn't fond of in the least. He had run into Darth Cilate several times before. In fact, one of those times was when Azalray himself had fallen tot he dark side. However, even when on the same side of the force, the two didn't see things eye to eye, and they both walked away that day nearly dea, battered and broken, both having scars to remind themselves of the other.
Azalray didn't sense anything coming rom the ship, but he did feel something else that seemed strange; A large power from inside the city. At first, he has afraid Darth Cilate had eally grown that strong, but, he sensed it came from several lifeforms. He was relieved that Cilate hadn't surpassed him, but still distressed that there were more Sith with Cilate. Still, he had to take advantage of the moment, and would try to sneak into Cilate's ship while he was out...
It took about half an hour for him to bypas the security measures without being caught. Apparently Cilate valued whatever he was keeping within his ship. However, he had finally finished with the locking mechanism, and entered the ship, hoping that he could find out something there before the others could return...


(58 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Mean while, on Yavin IV...

*Azalray leans against the pillar of a temple long since destoryed, on one of the higher platforms, his eyes closed in meditation. He's not fond of the traditional sitting stance; he prefers to meditate standing. Suddely his visible blue eye shoots open, and he stumbles back*

What... what is this horrible feeling... it... it feels like I felt when I was in the Dark side...

*Azalray falls on his knees and covers his head, trying to block out the feeling. Then, his eye turns white, as his head suddenly feels like it explodes. Throwing his head back, he screams a long, lingering scream of agony. His Master suddenly leaps up from a lower platform seventy feet below and runs beside him, dropping on his knees*

Master Sands: Ray?! Ray! What's wrong, what is it?!

*Then, as soon as it hit him, it vanishes, and his pupils return to his eyes. Panting, he stand up, leaning on his master for support*

Azalray: I... I don't know. It was like, I was overcome with the same burning feeling that I felt when... you know, I...

*Azalray cuts off, and stares at Master Sand's hand, being a cybernetic implant to replace his rea lhand he lost to Azalray in his time in the Dark Side*

Sands: I see... What exactly did you feel?

Azalray: I don't know. It's like, the entire Light Side just disappeared, and all I felt in the Force was that same Rage and Anger... Then I started seeing things...

Sands: Things?

Azalray: I don't know, it was strange. It felt like the visions I've had of past events, except, like, they haven't happened...

Sands: I know what your talking about... I think you've had your first Prophetic vision. And it's too bad it couldn't have been a memorable moment.

Azalray: Oh, I don't think I'll forget it anytime soon.

*both of them chuckling, they make their way out of the temple goround and back to their ship, the Crow's Talon, and sit on one of it's landing stilts*

Azalray: ... Sands, what do you thinks it means?

Sands: I don't know... Jedi Master is just a title, Azalray. You yourself should know that being called a Jedi Master by the council doesn't give you strength or Wisdom. That comes from experience... and from screwing up a lot, which is why I've become so wise myself.

*Azalray's face breaks out in a soft smile, but it quickly fades, and is replaced by a troubled look*

Sands: Listen... I think I'm going to be out here a few more days. These expeditions never interested you. Why don't you take the Crow and try to find out what that vision was about.

Azalray: Alright, I will... *begins climbing up the ramp*

Sands: Oh, and if you need me, I'll have my communicator.

Azalray: And ruin what time I have away from you? Not a chance. *smirks*

*Grinning, Master Sands steps away from the ship as the ramp closes, and the ship begins to rise in the air. With one last wave, the Ship departs, and disappears in the sky*

I think the worst crime commited by a Sith isn't even on here. Exar Kun. He destroyed, what, six planets in a single blast? -THAT- was legendary.

And Princess, it was Malak that ordered the destruction. Revan was just kind of there at the moment.


(82 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

*wince* It always hurt to see a good idea go to waste.


(130 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Honestly, all of these are pathetic. I mean, even on a -serious- scale, Lucasarts are sonner gonna name it "Dude! Where's the Force?" then any of these previous names. Note that I don't claim to have any better ideas either...


(174 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)


Fire or ice?


(710 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

No academy suit me just fine. Each Sith, really, are capable of training on there own, or with their masters, that way it won't waste room on a board.


(35 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

-Plus-, she had that cute British accent. That's always a plus in my book.


(33 replies, posted in Video Games)

Heh, yeah. Or, you could wait until the Revolution comes out, which supposedly plays Game Cube titles as well.


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

*blink* Ummm... Princesses? *shrugs*


(174 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Pizza. I'd rather anything Italian related, or having to do with pasta.

Pencil or pen?


(19 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Hmmm, from the looks of it, this stroy had a slight flaw; the timeline. My character comes from several generations after episode 6, and Spencer Summers seems to come several thousand years before it. I'm not discouraging you from playing, I'm just saying we need to find a way to fix this.


(33 replies, posted in Video Games)

Heh, yeah, I was getting worried. What do you guys think about the upcoming Zelda game for game cube? Think it's gonna be worth the wait?


(44 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Depends. Why do you want to know? *grins*