(134 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

I like nihilus because he or she is so mysterius.


(4 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Well do you. If you do you can prove it to me if you want.
Well i do remember it myself.


(1 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Ok. I have seen some mottos that others have like jedi code or a dialog of some star wars charecter.

How to get that? I woud like to have one.


(1,057 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

So do you remember all that stuff from the game!? Awesome!! I didnt known that Carths homeplanet was Telos, or that the citated station is a spacestation ower the planet.

Wery intresting.

If i have to give a number it wouyd be 10!! big_smile


(1,052 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

I have heard that canderus is the mandolore in kotor2. Is this true?

Oh out of topick. Yeah dxun is a pretty cool planet because there are the mandolorians and there are many strange animals out there. roll

kotor of course!! It´s so best game of all time. I really like roleplay games my self and kotor is the best of those games.

If i woud like to change something about the game... i woud want the story to be more more longer. wink


(106 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

So wich one?

Well i dont like the enemies because sometimes they are way too easy.

secendly i dont like the shops because only things i buy from them are medpacks and because there is always only junk on sale.

And thirdly i dont like the force powers that cannot be used with armour.

But still kotor is a great game big_smile  lol


(70 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

i have the xbox version but i think that the pc version is bit better.


(176 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

So wich one?


(1,066 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

So wich one is the most evil?


(189 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

I mean first she trains you.
Then she wants to kill you whatever you good or evil.

What do you think about this?

green because it´s my fav colour. B)


(2,297 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)


Yeah wery wery wery good story. I woud never think about that before but now when you tell your own story of kotor3 its like PERFECT for the game!


i woud like that if there woud be a wirtual duel. There the main charecter woud test himself against difrent levels and diferent creatures and enemies. There woud be no xp for completing a challenge but there woud be somesort of simulator points. When the charecter beats a hard opponet he gets a point of two. When the charecter woud have enough points HK-74 woud give him upgrade parts or new weapons. That woud bve also good fun to battle against like 20 sith. lol

mustafar because it woud be nice to see lava lakes and something like that in the game.


(101 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

what kind of enemy or creature you woud want in kotor3?

I´d like if theyre woud be somesort of sith or jedi forceusers. They woud have low health but they woud have many forcepowers. Like from the jedi kgnith jedi academy.

What kind of enemies you woud want to be in kotor3?


(116 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

OF COURSE!!! lol


(4 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

OK heres the point. It woud be nice if there woud be a enemies or willans list on the webisite. I`d like to know more about... for example know more about kath houds or about darth sion. If someone agrees please post.


(118 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

new classes.
assasin: good stealth, good security, awarge compuret use, poor defense, good meelee, wery good ranged.

feat prosessing:awarge
skill prosession:awarge
abileties psosession:wery good

hunter:wery good ranged, good demolution, good threat injury, awarge meele, awarge defense.

feat prosession:good
skill prosession:good
abileties prosession:poor

smuggler:good security, wery good meele, poor ranged, wery good defense, good presurade.

feat prosession:wery good
skill prosession:poor
abileties prosession:awarge