Topic: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

What new planets would you like to see in KotOR3?

I pick Naboo big_smile. I want to see the home planet of Padame from the movies.

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Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

Yeah, Naboo would be pretty cool. Seeing the early civilization of the Gungans maybe.

If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
- Mitch Hedberg

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

Yeah that would be good. I'd like Coruscant to be in it too.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

I pick the remains of Malachor V big_smile

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

Coruscant that would be sweet

Endless confusion...

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

I'd chose Rakata

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

corrosant would be nice but its so big

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

But that's the fun of it.

Endless confusion...

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

No gungans, please!  big_smile

Seriously though, I'd like to see Coruscant, Mustafar, maybe a return to Taris and a follow-up with the Undercity people and the Promised Land quest...  Naboo might be cool, if done right.  Hoth would be killer, or perhaps that other ice planet seen in Clone Wars where the crystal caves were...

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

lol go back to Taris........ WRECKAGE!!

The Taris Restoration project aka the Telos restoration project.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

I would like to see Shlayeron. The home planet of Yuthura Bann.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

id like to see the unknown regions

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

It probably will happen in unknown regions if there is going to be III part.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

I am thinking some missions on Hoth would be very cool to play through. Imagine snow/wind effects on a next gen console like the 360. (only problem is nobody lives there so who would you talk to in the game?

Also some other worlds worth checking out might be Mycenoid (if I rememebr right that's the giant mushroom world from Ep3), Mustafar, (imagine force fatality moves where you push someone off a walkway and they do a nice half gainer into the lava.), It might also be cool to see Alderaan. Given how into culture they are, imagine running around a giant museum complex, or some other appropriate setting.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

id like to see the remains of malacore 5

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

If in KOTOR III we visit Gungans because of you guys, and meet Jar Jar Binks ancestors, I think I will make a hole in the ground and never come out.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?


Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

Haha @ your face.

"Fraternitas Furvus Occido"
Resurrect, and you shall find... peace.

Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?


Re: What New Planets Would You Like To See In Kotor3?

Do you know that I once been to Rakatan Prime. I was flying on my ship "Roxton" when I was caught in some kind of distruptor field. So I crashed on the planet. I was unconscious. When I finaly woke up I saw dozens of Rakata. carrying Vibroswords. They were bubling something but I could not understand them so I drew my lightsaber and runed to them shouting: "For Lord Revan!!!" They were quickly dying so on the end there was only one Rakata left so I said "BU!" and he runed away. Then I finaly realized what I have done. I killed them withaout a reason or a provocation. I felt the anger inside me. I tosed away my lightsaber in fear. Fear from myself. But that was a mistake somebody shot me with a blaster and I fall down. After several minutes I felt somebody was trying to heal me. But I also heard a voice in my head. "Use the dark side to heal yourself. Use it the only way you could survive. Use the dark side. Use it." I recocnaized that voice. It was Revan. I stoped listening to his voce and shouted "I'll never fall to the dark side, NEVER!!!" And let the unknown person to heal me. When I opened my eyes... It was Bastila. "You" I said "I thought you were dead". "As you can see I am not". She needed my. She said that Revan Has turned to the dark side and that we must try to get him back on the path of the light side. "Its a wonder that you remained on the right path, it couldn't be easy to reject his voice." She said. I saw a desperation on her face. So I decided to help her. "Where is he?" "He is in the Rakatan Temple." When we arrived in front of the temple I saw five Rakata around a fire. He said something to Bastila. And she answered him on his language. Bastila smiled. All Of loked at me for the moment. Then Rakatan sat around a fire. And started chanting. After few hours. They destroyed a force field and I and Bastila entered the temple. The temple was empty. We went up. I saw Revan standing over a body. It was Exiles body. "You killed him. WHY?" said Bastila "You have become a monster. I don't know you any more" Revan gets furious and used force lightining on Bastila and she hits one of the walls. I said "You a relly a monster. I shall do what I must." I drew my lightsaber. "Do you really think you can kill me here. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He jumps towards me but i kicked him... After few hours of battle the rakatan temple was lying in ruins. Finnaly I pierced him through stomach. But he touched my hand with his and he has done something he passed me his memories about... about THE TRUE SITH. I turned around and dropped my lightsaber on the floor. Then Bastila comed "Nooooo!!!" she screamed. She stood by his body and cried for a long time. "I must stop them. I must stop the true Sith." And Then
               Knights Of The Old Rebuplic: The Fate Of Silver Knight

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

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