fan fiction scrollRevans Shadow, Part 7: Deisa

 HK-47Revan (Female/Dark Side)T3-M4

Authors Note: A party member comes into your party in this part. I wonder if you already know his name… You find out more things about Darth Talion. I’m also giving your character a name just to make things easier for my writing.

You and T3-M4 walk away from the fuse seller. You and T3-M4 are approaching the cantina and you suddenly hear from your right lightsaber crashing. You keep walking. You start walking backwards, still facing forward. Finally, you look right, you see a Dark Jedi and a Jedi fighting. The Dark Jedi has a Double-Bladed red and the Jedi has a green and a red. “That’s strange.” you think to yourself. Jedi don’t have red lightsabers. You then see something you’ve never seen before, the Jedi sticks his hand out and the Dark Jedi goes flying against a wall. “I guess that’s the force.” you think to yourself. The Dark Jedi doesn’t get up. “Bee-boo.” T3 beeps excidetly, you look back towards the Jedi, he’s walking towards you. “Hello.” He says. “H-h-hello.” you say nervously. “I’m Deisa.” he says, putting his hand out for you to shake it. “I’m Jessica.” you respond nervously. “Nice to meet you, Jessica.” Deisa responds, shaking your hand. “So, what’s this droids name?” Bee-boo-twee-dee-grr.” T3-M4 beeps proudly. “In other words, his name is T3-M4.” you translate. “Oh, hello T3-M4.” Deisa says politely. “Bee.” T3 responds. “Um, Jessica, what are you doing on Tattoine?” Deisa asks. “Well, my friend, Zii Padaloni, and I, well, we have this ship called the Ebon Hawk that we picked up on Cidetal Station on Telos, and we’ve been on it for 5 months until two days ago when the ship crashed into the desert and Zii got injured really badly, and I told HK-47 to look after him and then T3-M4 and I got attacked by sand people but we killed them so we then came here and I needed engine fuse, a steering wheel, and 4 windows, so I go into the Hunters Lodge and this human says he’ll give the steering wheel to me if I get a Kryt Dragon Pearl so I go out into the desert and a sand storm comes and T3-M4 gets lost in it and after the storm I see a Kryt Dragon so then I faint then I wake up and the Dragon’s asleep so I then go inside the cave, did I mention there was a cave? Well, there was a cave, anyway I go inside and I get the Pearl and come out and T3-M4 is there and I’m excited so we then go back into Anchorhead and I see a man threatning a woman and a child with a blaster so I then kill him, and then I go into the Hunters Lodge and give the man the Pearl and then I walk out and I hear, ‘Fuse, fifty credits’ but I’ve already spent all of my credits on the man who now has the pearl, so T3-M4 suggests that I dance at the Cantina for the credits, so I dance and get the credits and I give the man the credits and I then meet you and you make me really nervous but your so calm it’s scary, and did I mention that I’ve had theese creepy visions about a sith lord called Darth Talion who sent her apprentice to kill me? Wow, did I just say that in one sentence?” Deisa looks at you like your a syco maniac. “Um… Did you say creepy visions?” “Yes.” you respond. “Um… Have you ever thought about the Jedi?” “Well, I thought about them when I got the visions, I then made a plan to go to Corascaunt.” “Oh, well, I can’t go to Corascaunt.” Deisa responds. “Why not?” you ask. “Can I come with you to the Ebon Hawk?” Deisa asks, ignoring the question. “Um… Why?” you ask. “Because I need somewhere to stay.” Deisa responds. “Can’t you go to the Jedi?” you ask. “Is that a yes?” Deisa asks. “I guess.” you respond. “Great!” Deisa responds. You and Deisa start walking, with T3-M4 trailing behind you. “So, why do you have a red lightsaber?” you ask. “How far is the Ebon Hawk?” Deisa asks, like he hadn’t heard the question. “Um… About a mile away.” you respond. “Okay.” Deisa says. “Last time out?” the old man asks. “Yes.” you won’t be coming back to Anchorhead. The Barrier opens. You, Deisa, and T3-M4 walk out of Anchorhead, planning to never go back there. The Ebown Hawk appears in the distanse. “Is that the Ebown Hawk?” Deisa asks. “Yep.” you respond. “It’s a nice ship.” Deisa compliments you. “Thanks.” you respond. The Ebown Hawk gets closer. As you approach it you start seeing the figures of HK-47 and Zii. (By the way, you pronounce Zii, Z-ee, not “Z-ii, with the “I” sound). You get closer, and you start seeing something weird going on between the figures. You start hearing, “Stop HK! Stop!” “Uncontrollable Anger: Shut Up!” You, Deisa, and T3-M4 start running to the scene. As you get closer you see HK-47 pointing a rifle at Zii’s head. Zii is lying on the ground like he was when you left. “Zii!!! What happened?” “Long story, I think this droid has an assasain protocol in it.” “Bee-boo!” T3 beeps, zooming over to HK-47. “T3!” you shout. “Get back here!” T3 suddenly gets a little “arm” out of his “body” and puts the arm into HK-47. “Relieved Comment: Ahh… I feel better master, but I don’t remember what happened.” HK-47 says. “Umm… Do you have an assasain protocol in you?” “Surprised Answer: Of course master! They don’t call me an assasain droid for nothing!” HK-47 responds, surprised. “Well, do you remember it being activated?” you ask. “Answer: No, as I told you, I don’t remember nothing.” HK-47 responds. “Oh, lets just forget this ever happened.” you say. “WHAT!” Zii shouts, “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT RIGHT AFTER THIS DROID JUST ATTACKED ME!!!!!” “Calm down.” Deisa says quietly. “Who the hell are you?” Zii asks. “I am Deisa.” Deisa responds calmly. “A Jedi?” Zii asks. “Can we get off this planet?” Deisa asks, ignoring Zii’s question. “Yes, we can.” you say desperately. “Did you get the parts?” Zii asks. “Yes, I did.” you resopnd. “Good, lets go.” Zii responds.

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7 Responses to “Revans Shadow, Part 7: Deisa”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    Jessica o_O Not two of them =P

    I like this story too! Keep writing!!!!

  2. MaggOnasi says:

    Ewww, dancing at the cantina??

  3. Darth Shiin says:

    Did you read, “Kryt Dragons”?

  4. MaggOnasi says:

    Ummm, yes. I read everything here

  5. Darth Shiin says:


  6. i like the recap on what occured i was kinda getting lost there, sorry
    love this chapter. i wonder about Deisa though… =(
    you got to love that HK-47! =D
    there’s Zii, Jessica, Deisa, T3, HK
    so anymore party members coming along for the ride?

  7. Darth Shiin says:

    Yep, you’ll see. READ REVANS SHADOW INFORMATION!!!!!!

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