fan fiction scrollThe Sound of Revenge chapter 31

 Star Wars

Notes: Listening to Green River Ordinance’s Come on, Secondhand Serenade’s It’s Not Over, Counting Crows’s Accidentally in Love, and the Fray’s Look After You (still my favorite song EVER). Oh and when Dustil says ‘morning star’, Aiedail in the ancient language of Eragon mean’s Morning star, just to clear that up. Also before, I was leaving out the Jedi Exile and Atton so that’s why I made Atton say he doesn’t care about Aiedail so there would be more drama with… the… um… beautiful couple…sarcasim….(No offence RevanBodyguard) I know most people pictured Dustil as a nice person. So did I untill I need someone to kill Revan… he just fit into that part =P

The Sound of Revenge

Chapter 31

Trouble Right Behind You


“Hunter, are you sure you’re going the right way?” Aiedail asked sternly.

“Completly positive.” Hunter replied coldly.


Atton sat at the small table thinking of Hunter and wondering if what he saw ten years ago still haunting him to this second.

The door opened. “I’m back.” Andria called.

“Didn’t know you were gone.” Atton said getting up.

Andria gave him a not-so-satified look before tossing her head and headed to refreasher.

“Did I say something wrong?”


“Going somewhere?” Someone said behind Hunter and Aiedail.

Hunter turned around to see his brother standing there with his red lightsabe ignighted.

“I was looking for you.” Dustil said.

Hunter was ready to pull out his lightsaber hanging from his belt.

“You won’t need that, Hunter.” Dustil said eying Hunter’s lightsaber. “Have you met Rotiart yet?”


“I bet he told you everything from the Council’s lies and tricks, to the war.”

“He might have mentioned it.”

“Oh, and did he get to the part about Carth?”

“He might have mentioned it.” Hunter said again exept in a lower voice.

“Good. Did you know…”

“Are you going to ask question’s or are we going to finish it?”

“I was getting to the good part. Hey morning star, you’ll like this one. Remember when you had that thing of Atton dying?”

“I might have.”

“Well, atleast he won’t be in the way anymore.”

“Are you always going to be like this?” Hunter asked.

“Like what?”

“What you are now; a killer, murderer…”

“I believe you were the one who killed Revan, not me. But atlas you’ll get your chance to avenge her death. Wait a little while and you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

“Why can’t we end it here and now?” Hunter said pulling out his silver lightsaber and ignighting it.

“Always getting to the point arn’t we?” Dustil said getting into his combat pose (yes pose).

Soon enough, the two men were charging at eachother full speed like an enraged lion.


Andria walked out of the refreasher.

“Where were you anyways?” Atton asked.

Andria ignored him and walked into her room.

“So now we’re playing the silent game? I totally rule at this.”

Andria walked out sternly. “Atton, you think of everything as a game and I’m getting sick of it!” She snarled.

“Well excuse you, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Atton said playfully. “Um… trick or treat!”

Andria rolled her eyes and glared at him. “Trick.” She said walking back into her room.


Hunter took a pause in their bloodly battle.

“I can see why the Coucil wanted you to lead the war.”

“What war? An imaginary one everyone keeps talking about?” Hunter asked breathing heavily.

“Gee Hunt, I thought you would be more interested in this killing.”

“Your thought was wrong.”

Dustil charged at him again giving him a few blows untill Hunter gave in.

“Didn’t know you would do that.” Dustil exclaimed to Hunter who was panting hard and his face a few feet from the ground. “Give up?”

“Never!” Hunter screamed running at Dustil full speed.

Hunter dropped his lightsaber and grabbed Dustil around the waist and pulled him down. Dustil let go of his lightsaber which switched off auto-matically. With a blood-curding cry, Dustil pushed Hunter onto the cold, stone ground. Hunter looked into the Jedi’s frenzied face. Dustil took his lightsaber back and held it a few inches from Hunters neck.

“It’s been fun.” Dustil said.

Just before he switched the lightsaber on, Aiedail threw herself onto Dustil pulling him off of Hunter. Dustil’s head hit the stone floor with a loud thud. Aiedail rolled off of him and stood up.

“Nice.” Hunter said getting up too and brushing the imaginary dust off of him.

“Let’s go, Hunter.” Aiedail said in a whiny voice.

Hunter ignored her and walked over to Dustil. Blood stream from his head. “He probably won’t live much longer.”

“He’s still alive?”

“Yes.” Hunter replied. “We should go now.”

Aiedail took a final glance at Dustil before following Hunter.


Sucky, I know.

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20 Responses to “The Sound of Revenge chapter 31”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    wholly crap me likey!!

  2. i really love this
    i thought the battle scene was really planned through

    and thanks for the: “the… um… beautiful couple…sarcasim…of Andria and Atton” (sarcasm) that made me all happy inside o_O =P
    waah! you made Atton look like a moron and me look like the serious, don’t let morons bother type (which i am. that makes me awesome)

  3. MaggOnasi says:

    Soooo, you want me to make your character a moron?

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    Uh, neither the character or the real person are morons.

    *cough* newsflash

  5. Darth Shiin says:

    you needed someone to kill Revan!!!

    they’re the protaganist of all of Kotor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. MaggOnasi says:


    Malak, Sion, Traya….

  7. no, please don’t make my character a moron please
    i can accept that Atton is just a moron now =P

  8. MaggOnasi says:

    Lol, I’m not ‘trying’ to make him a moron

  9. MaggOnasi says:

    Lol, I’m not ‘trying’ to make him a moron

  10. Darth Shiin says:

    I agree with RevanBodygaurd

  11. MaggOnasi says:

    Because you like her =P

  12. Darth Shiin says:

    that was a joke, right?

    please say that was a joke.

    I will never, ever, EVER! have a… relationship, with soemone over the internet who I don’t even know!!!


    Hey, MAggOnasi, you don’t even no, I might be a girl.

  13. Darth Shiin says:

    infact, there is a 50/50 chance I’m a girl.

    same with if I’m a boy.

    you know, if you ask personal questions I’m just gonna stop comin.

  14. MaggOnasi says:

    I’m a girl! My name is Samantha =D Well, thats my middle name and my first name only goes out to people I now and trust… such as RevanBodyguard… I PREFER SAM PLEASE, thats why I’m TerminatedSam (it sounds emo, lol)

    Theres a 50/50 chance I’m a girl too… but its obvious what I am

  15. Darth Shiin says:

    uh, I wasn’t joking.

  16. Darth Shiin says:

    and don’t tell me anything about you because I don’t want to know.

    Seriously, DEAD–serious.

  17. MaggOnasi says:

    Erm… okay? I don’t want you to know… anyways

  18. Darth Shiin says:

    thank you.

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