fan fiction scrollThe Days That Followed…CHAPTER 1

 Star Wars

“Lase! Put that down! I leave the house for two seconds and your playing jedi knight with my lightsaber!” Lase was Bastila’s adopted six year old sun. Bastila was not married to Revan, but the were engaged. “I am going out again, and this time I am calling Revan to baby sit.” Bastila said activating her communicator. “But moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(lots of mom)m! I thought he was the the the…” Bastila new what he was going to say. “For the last time he is not the darkest lord in the galaxy. Look honey, Revan is trying to make up for his crimes, and I wish you could just accept that of him. But if you want I will call Mission to baby sit insted.” The six year old was jumping for joy. Lase loved playing with Mission and her wookie friend. After Bastila had called mission, and told mission when she would be home, Mission walked into the room that Lase was in, opened her arms and said “Hows my favorite kath hound!” Lase had a smile like a banana. “Mission!” He screamed as Mission huged him as tight as ever.
MEAN WHILE…Bastila was going to the jedi council to, yet again, talk about the dark side. Bastila never got the meaning of these lectuers. Yes she had made one big mistake, but that was at malaks will. She paused for a couple of seconds and tryed to respect the councils wishes. She was in the councils chamber before you new it. Bastila looked she had seen a ghost. Three of the seven council members were killed, and the glass window behind them looked like it was blown to pieces. The rest of the council members were gone and there CSF were every where.

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One Response to “The Days That Followed…CHAPTER 1”

  1. Jedi Kasra says:

    I think that this is a good story so far. A few mispelled words, but good nonetheless.

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