fan fiction scrollRevan’s Shadow: Part 12 Dantooine.

 Star Wars


“Did you touch him, did you look upon him with love?” a menacing voice shouted. Suddenly, an image of a young woman with white hair lying on the floor appeared with a woman blasting lightning at the young woman. “I-I did not, I-I-” the young woman stuttered, passing out. “What the hell did you do to her?” a man with dark-dark brown hair says, walking into the room. “Ah, yes, I thought you would come for her.” the woman who practically killed the young woman sneered, igniting a red lightsaber. The man ignited a dark green saber, the color was hard to explain, it looked like a leaf off of one of the trees from Kyshyyk. He ran at the woman, slashing his lightsaber at odd angles at the woman who easily deflected the hits. The man then got his hand into a fist, picking up the woman with the Force and throwing her against a wall. The woman coughed up blood and ran out of the room, running up a bridge to a chamber with tiny red pyramids all around it. The man followed her. “She told me you would come her, to this place. If you think you can defeat me, you are wrong. All this collected knowledge all these teachings of the force and combat- they’re mine to command. And if I must use it to defeat you, I will. Surrender, you need not die.” the woman says. “Atris, you have fallen to the darkside, surely you see that.” the man says. “Atris? That is not who I am-not anymore. She has not existed for a while I think. There was always something in me, I think. It just took time for its voice to be heard.” the woman says. “Atris, we don’t have time for this-we have to unite to stop the Sith.” the man says. “Yes, the Sith are here at last. You have brought them to this place as I have foreseen. It has all been part of my plans for you. And when I defeat you and the forces you have brought to Telos, I shall take the battle to the heart of the Sith, and wipe them out, forever.” the woman says. “What plans are you talking about?” the man asks. “These Sith are cowards, striking from the shadows to kill Jedi. I needed a target to draw them out. But I could not risk my own life, all that remained of the Jedi. So I arranged for you to return to the Republic, leaked information about your past, and then waited for the Sith to come. And they did. But you came to Telos against my predictions- now I can finally face this enemy and defeat them.” the woman says. “I will not fight you-surrender, I will spare you.” the man tells her. “Surrender? To you? Never. Let us end this.” Atris activated her red saber. The man ran at the woman, entering a flurry stage. Once again, the woman deflected it easily. The woman then thrusted her hand out in the air. Immediately a purple thing came out, shooting right at the man. The man started shaking; the purple thing had enclosed him. Finally, it stopped. The man blasted lightning at her. The lightning stopped. The woman was holding her sides. “Kill me, end this.” the woman says, gasping for air. “I will not kill a helpless opponent Atris.” the man says, de-activating his saber. “I would not expect mercy from you… torture… in the end, after all that has happened between us.” the woman, Atris, says. “We have bigger problems Atris-and there has been enough killing.” the man says. “If you will not kill me, what will you do?” Atris asks. “What happened to you?” the man asks. “This knowledge of the Sith… and the Jedi… it is what I am. It is my attempt to hold on the past… to try to protect the future.” Atris responds calmly. The man sighed. “It was not your responsibility, Sith knowledge is forbidden, and there is a reason that it is kept safe.” the man says. “Once, I was a historian, the chronicler of the Jedi. And when both wars past me by, I was determined that I would not forsake battle again. In some part of me… I knew I had made choices, compromises, but always for the sake of the Republic, for the galaxy. To do what you have done… at times did not seem so wrong.” Atris responds. “Hausa no tyro frgh deeaa no tyuu no ki no.” a red pyramid says. The woman and the man paid no attention. “It never does, until you rebuild, you have lost your connection to everything else.” the man asks. “You are right. The Jedi were all that seemed left of me. And yet I’ve come so far removed from them that I betrayed them.” Atris responds. “Can you tell me were the Sith are striking from?” the man asks. “Hasa no tee jyui guysra hasa anorak agoras.” another red pyramid shouts, once again, the woman and the man paid no attention. “You always knew were they were striking from. You always knew. These Sith are spawned of you… spawned of the Mandalorian Wars… all those lives, all those Jedi. Their power is to feed on life, until nothing is left except a hollow galaxy, echoing of the screams of the Jedi lost to us.” Atris says. “Is that were Kreia has gone?” the man asks. “Yes. I thought she was awaiting at that place, but I see now she lied. It was not meant for me… but for you. She has gone there. She is waiting for you, she is waiting for you to travel to Malachor V, to finish what you started.”

You wake up at 4:00 am. Standard Republic Time. “That was one of the Jedi Masters, he taught me.” you think to yourself. You walk over to Zii’s bed. “Zii? Are you up?” you ask. No answer. “Zii!!?” you whisper. No answer. “ZII!!!!” you shout. No answer. “What happened to him? We’re not three, we’re not playing hide in seek, unless he thinks it’s cute for boyfriend and girlfriend to play hide-and-seek. I don’t.” you think. You walk into the center of the ship. There’s a figure standing there. “Deisa?” you ask. The figure slowly turns around. Darth Revan is staring right at you. The figure has the Revan robes and mask and everything. “Sis?” you ask. The figure shakes its head slowly. “WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!” you shout. The figure slowly gets their hand behind the mask, you here a click. The hands slowly take of the mask. You start screaming. Inside the mask, the head, smiling right at you, is yourself.


You wake up AGAIN, this time you actually do wake up, Zii is there. “Zii!!!” you whisper. “Huh?” Zii asks, jolting up from his bed. You snort and turn away. Zii has practically nothing on except his underwear. Zii jumps back into bed, pulling the covers up to his neck tightly. “Wow, didn’t see THAT coming. Anyway, I think it’s time I tell you.” you tell him. “Tell me what?” Zii asks. “Exactly.” you say. You start unraveling the story about your visions of Talion and Shiin. Zii gasps at all the right times. “So, that is what Deisa and I were talking about when I went into his bedroom.” you conclude. “How do you know I knew that you got up and that I went into the surveillance room?” Zii asks. “Well, I knew that you were awake and that the first time we kissed I didn’t know that you wanted to kiss me that much, so I assumed that you got up and went to the surveillance room to make sure that Deisa and I weren’t umm… okay.” you stutter uncomfortably. It was Zii’s turn to snort. “What’s ‘Okay’?” Zii asks with his eyebrows raised. “I have no idea, well, I, umm… okay.” you stutter again. “Okay, not the ‘Okay’ okay, the regular ‘Ok’ ok?” Zii explains. “Ok.” you respond. “Ok, so the next time I’m like all the way naked and you want to talk to me about Sith Lords who are hunting you down, I’ll get dressed FIRST.” Zii says. “Yes.” you confirm. “Okay… good night.” Zii says with a confused look on his face, lying his head back down on the pillow.


You wake up 7:00 am. Standard Republic Time. Zii isn’t there, he’s in the cockpit. “Today, we do it, we find the heart.” you think to yourself. You get up and walk into the center of the ship; Deisa is standing there, it looks like he was waiting for you. “Um… hi??” you ask. “The Exile, Atris, these are visions the Force are bringing us, there must be a reason for them.” Deisa says. “I-I saw myself in Revan’s body, Revan’s mask, Revan’s robes, Revan’s… everything.” Deisa says, looking at the ground. “So did I….” you say, also looking at the ground.”It must be harder for you, you know, with you and Revan being siblings and all.” Deisa says, walking over and putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. “No, it’s just, I,-” you break off, crying.


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4 Responses to “Revan’s Shadow: Part 12 Dantooine.”

  1. too many ‘okays’ and ‘oks’
    got lost after “What’s okay?” sorry
    nice recap on what occured between the male Exile and Atris. do you think they ever had a imitate relationship or something?

  2. MaggOnasi says:

    too long
    I skipped through… like…. IDK… a paragraph…
    But I can’t read long stuff unless I have my glasses… can’t seem to find

  3. Darth Shiin says:


    Gothic Glasses?

    MaggOnasi the Goth girl wearing Glasses?

    Can’t imgaine it…

    I have a feeling Atris and Exile liked eachother for short while then Exile found out what a jerk she was and stopped liking her.

    He originally liked Lonna Vash.

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    I had to listen to a thing on YouTube to recap Exile vs. Atris.

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