fan fiction scrollKOTOR: Wonders of The Jedi

 Bastila ShanRevan (Male/Dark Side)Revan (Male/Light Side)

There is this Sith Boy named Kyle Storm. He was 11 years old, which was really young for a Sith Lord. He got up and saw his master, Darth 123456, torchering a Jedi just to make him join the Dark Side. He was just using force lighting on the Jedi, nothing dangerous.

“Torchering time has ended,” said 123456.

The Jedi looked tired and torchered…..
He was stuck to a rock. That’s weird. Lets get on to the story.

“Hey,” Kyle said.
The Jedi did not answer.
“Hello? You there?”.

“Anyway, I want to ask you a question”.
Finally, the Jedi answered,”What do you need from me”.

“What do…I mean…How.. How does it feel like being a Jedi. What are the rules?”, Kyle asked.
“The rules are very strict. They keep you from the Dark Side,”.
“Why would they keep you from the Dark Side? It’s Fun. Going on missions. Killing people. And even trying to help the Sith rule the galaxy!”.
“The Dark Side is evil. You do not understand much, child. How did you even become a Sith Lord?
“I’m not a Sith Lord…yet. And I don’t feel like telling you.
“Okay, you do not have to”, said the Jedi”

There was silence….

“Fine. I’ll tell you”, said Kyle.
“Okay, how?”
“Well. It all started like 2 years ago. I was so happy running around and playing, that I bumped into a Sith Lord named, 123456, who is my master now. Then I got angry and kicked him so hard, That he cried. He told me to join the Dark Side because he said I was evil.”
“That sounds F.U.N!”, exclaimed the Jedi.
“I K.N.O.W!”

“Wanna join the Dark Side and kill people,steal stuff, and even play my PlayStar 3 (Playstation 3 in our world)?” asked Kyle.
“You bet I do!”

SO the two Sith killed people, stole stuff, and played Kyle’s PlayStar 3.

THE END….Or Is It???

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8 Responses to “KOTOR: Wonders of The Jedi”

  1. That was odd… but a nice story!

  2. ranorok859 says:

    lol thanks

  3. you’re welcome
    hope to see more of your work!

  4. MaggOnasi says:

    ARRRGGHHH, WHO ARE YOU?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

  5. Darth Shiin says:

    You’re not real.


    Hehehe, Darth 123456. That’s an AWESOME Sith Lord name, I wonder if I can rename Darth Talion 123456…

  6. JediMasterTahl says:

    I don’t really get it, but it’s funny. =)

  7. ranorok859 says:


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