fan fiction scrollStar Wars: KOTOR Story 3-Corruption

 Revan (Male/Dark Side)Star Wars

He could feel the Dark Side as he basked in the Star Forge’s power. Revan had found the ancient Rakatan factory that had been only fabled to have existed. Fortunately for him, it was not a fable. He had found this by looking for the Star Maps that had been scattered across the Galaxy: One on Korriban, one on Manaan, one on Tatooine, and one on Kashyyk. There were four in all; five counting the one on Dantooine. Revan’s face twisted into a frown as he thought of those Jedi fools on that planet. He and Malak had left them behind when they began their search for the Star Forge. This had also led them down the path to the Dark Side. Revan cared not about this fact. He had also figured out the Malachor Academy’s purpose: It was an ancient Sith teaching facility. It was strong in the Dark Side.

Malak interrupted Revan’s train of thought by speaking. “Master, the Star Forge is ready to be used at our command.” Revan replied, “Excellent. Tell the Commanders to ready their ships. We shall begin our attack soon.” “Right away, Master.” With that, Malak stalked off to the hangar. This left Revan to get back into his deep thinking. What ARE the secrets of the Star Forge?, Revan thought to himself. If only I could find them. Then, the Republic would be COMPLETELY defenseless against our assaults. He began to chuckle to himself.

The sweat was beading down Revan’s forehead beneath his mask. He was ready to destroy the Republic like the weak bastards they were. He also hoped to corrupt many Jedi to his side once more. Where he would find them was no question, but there were also Jedi away at other planets, plus the High Council on Coruscant. More anger welled up inside him. The Jedi teachings had made him weaker when he served them. Now, he would show them the meaning of power. He would make them pay for their weaknesses. They would either kneel before him or die. He would prefer either. His thoughts then drifted to the General Norris Ossus. He wondered what had happened to her after the Malachor V battle. She hasn’t followed him to find the Star Forge. She’s probably off on some of her own business., he presumed. Malak cut in with “Shall we head out now, Master?” Revan thought for a moment. “Master?” “I was thinking. Yes. We shall head out now.”

He then turned to his loyal troops. “Today, my faithful soldiers, we head to war against the Republic! They and the Jedi shall pay for their weaknesses!” A huge roar erupts from the immense crowd gathered before Revan. These are all my loyal soldiers. I shall quell the Republic’s actions for good!, Revan thought to himself proudly. “The Republic shall tremble in fear before our massive fleets! We shall be a bigger threat than those damned Mandalorians and their pitiful crusades. Our motion is no crusade…it is a war!” Once again, the crowd cheered loudly at what their leader had said. With that, Revan ordered all of his troops to the ships in the hangar.

As Revan and his massive fleets set out for the Republic, another activity was stirring in a part of the Galaxy familiar to all: Someone was alive on Malachor V! As he turns around, he is revealed to be wearing an odd-looking mask…

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2 Responses to “Star Wars: KOTOR Story 3-Corruption”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    “The sweat was beading down Revan’s forehead beneath his mask.”
    I like that line
    Revan’s face twisted into a frown as he thought of those Jedi fools on that planet
    And that one
    ohhh and this
    “weak bastards they were”
    I am a sith now, taste my wrath XD
    than those damned Mandalorians and their pitiful crusades
    poor mandalorians =(

    Someone was alive on Malachor V! As he turns around, he is revealed to be wearing an odd-looking mask…

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    I like it!

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