fan fiction scrollAtton’s Destiny

 Atton RandBastila ShanCarth Onasi

The room was finally quiet. The Exile and her crew had gone to Telos to wind down after what had happened at Malachor V. The huge party had just subsided as everyone was in bed. Everyone except Atton. He couldn’t sleep. His mind was racing with too many thoughts. He couldn’t figure anything out right now. He was too confused. “Damn…” he said quietly, so as to not wake anyone up. “That old witch is dead, I barely escape a Sith Lord’s wrath, and now, we’re on Telos partying. Not exactly how I envisioned things happening.” He gripped his dual yellow lightsabers tightly. He couldn’t believe how far he had come: From Sith Assassin to prisoner in a force cage on Peragus II to being a Jedi. “I wonder what’s next. Senator? Leader of the Republic? Slave? Hell, not even I know.” Atton had the satisfaction of mumbling to himself, which was something he enjoyed. Suddenly, a light switched on in someone’s room. Mical had heard Atton’s mumbling, and it had awoken him. “Atton, why are you still awake?” Mical asked him. “Can’t sleep. I’ve been having…nightmares.” Mical looked at him and asked, “Nightmares?” “Yeah. Ever since that old witch was killed, she’s been haunting my dreams, telling me to join her on the other side. Usually at the end of the dream, I’m dead on the floor.” Mical could see how it scared Atton, as his face drained of color when he explained the dream. He could hear the fear in his voice. “Atton,” Mical started, “perhaps you should meditate.” I’ve already tried that. It only made the hag snicker in my ear about the Dark Side and what I used to be.” Mical had a concerned look on his face. “Atton, perhaps it is just your imagination.” “No. It’s not. Because I can feel her touch my shoulder, I hear her voice as clear as day, I see her as bright as Tatooine’s suns!” Atton’s voice was trembling in fear. “I don’t wanna tell Norris, because it would frighten her half to death. I don’t want you telling her, either.” Mical, looking shocked and bewildered, surprisingly said, “All right, Atton. I’ll respect your wishes.” With that, he headed back to bed. Atton soon dozed off.

“Fool…you only delay the inevitable.” Kreia’s voice rang in Atton’s ears. “What do you want from me?” he asked in anguish. “Oh, you already know. I wish you dead. I could use a servant here, a new apprentice.” “Forget it!” Atton sneered. “I’ve had enough of your lies and manipulation!” Come out and face me as a real being, not some vison!” Atton screamed into the darkness. “Very well, Atton. I shall bring you here quicker.” A solid form of Kreia, in her Darth Traya form, emerged from the darkness, her hands no longer cut off, and a lightsaber in her right hand. “Let us dance, fool.” They both ignited their sabers. They swung furiously at each other, with each blow hitting the other’s lightsaber. Finally, Kreia used a form of trickery: She crawled into his mind and showed him a false vison of everyone in his crew being slaughtered as they fought. Atton was in shock. He couldn’t believe it. Then, Kreia swung and sliced off his right arm and stabbed him in the stomach. He dropped to the ground in pain and Kreia vanished into the darkness. “Got…got to…st-stay strong…” he said, pained. He let out a groan of pain that woke everyone up. Norris came flying out of her room. She saw Atton and immediatley ran to his side, tears in her eyes. “Atton…” she whispered to him, “don’t die…please…” “H-Hey, d…dear. I…I can’t…can’t move.” Norris began crying a bit harder. “Atton, please stay with me!” “Heh…thought…thought I could beat her…she…she showed me…you guys were being killed in your sleep. Distracted me…let my guard down. Let everyone down. Let you down.” “Atton, you didn’t let anyone down! Please stay with me!” “Hurts…hurts me to talk…just wanted her to leave…leave me alone…Did…did I save you guys? Did I save you?” She began crying harder. “Yes…yes, Atton, you saved us. Now, let me save you.” No…too late…I can see them…my fallen allies…begging me to hurry…” Norris was nearly choking. “Atton, please don’t die!” He coughed up more blood, adding to the amount he was soaked in. “This…this is…m-my…des…ti…ny…” And with that, his eyes frosted over and his pulse was no more. Bao-Dur made a silent salute, Mira said a prayer, Mical meditated, Mandalore stood by Atton’s body, HK-47 said something close to a eulogy, and T3 beeped sadly and solemnly. Norris, drenched in Atton’s blood, was crying hard. She couldn’t believe it. The one she loved, had cherished through all of the adventures with her crew, had left her forever. Mandalore put a hand on her shoulder. “He’s at peace now. He was a brave warrior. May he not soon be forgotten.”

The next day, Carth came. “Heard about what happened, Norris. I’m sorry to hear about it.” Norris was crying silently. “I just can’t believe he’s gone, Carth.” “Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. Like you Jedi always say: There is no death; there is the Force.” She wiped her eyes. “I…guess what you say is true. I can’t blame myself. And yes, the Force will let him live on…”

The funeral was later that day on Telos’s surface. Each member of the crew went up and said a few words in honor of Atton Rand. It was Norris’s turn. “I hope that he is with whoever he was happy with before meeting me and the crew. As he was dying in my arms, he said to me, ‘I can see them…my fallen allies…’ This indicates that he may be with them. I loved him, and I will never forget him. Farewell, hotshot.” With that, she stepped down and Carth exclaimed, “Soldiers, present arms!” The soldiers then fired their blaster rifles, aiming them at the sky. As Norris was walking away from the site, she sensed something…Kreia. “You did this to him!” “Yes, I did. But, do not worry. He is not with me.” And with that, her presence faded. Norris walked back to the funeral site. They had finished.

The crew was back on the Ebon Hawk, getting ready to go to their next destination: Naboo, a place of peace. There, they could get away from fighting for a while. Norris also contemplated something: On how she would raise her not-yet-born child without Atton’s help…

Alternate storyline

Atton shook off the vision and began attacking furiously. Kreia couldn’t defend herself well enough to shake off his attacks. She wound up with both of her hands being sliced off in a single, fluid motion. She dropped to the floor. “Never bug me again, you viscous old scow!” Atton told her furiously. She faded into the darkness. Everyone was awoken by the battle. Atton stared at them all. “What?” he asked them. Mira asked him, “What happened here, Atton?” “Well, you see, I destroyed Kreia.” Bao-Dur scoffed. “The General destroyed her, remember? You must have had a dream that woke us all up.” Mical said, “I don’t think he’s lying. I sense that something familiar was here. Something evil.” He gripped his double-bladed purple saber tightly. Mira took her orange saber off of her hilt and began shining it, showing that this conversation bored her. Norris had her dual silver lightsabers in her hands. “Are you ok, dear? You seem tired.” she asked Atton. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just think…I completed my destiny.” “Hnnh.” This came from Mandalore, who didn’t believe a word Atton had said. “It’s true! I think my destiny was to overcome a great evil. And I just did that.” HK-47 interrupted the conversation.

“Statement: Master, Admiral Onasi is on the comm. He wishes to speak with you.” “Ok, HK. I’m coming.” She went to the comm with HK and the door closed. Atton looked at the others. “I think we should get back to bed.” Mira retorted, “That’s what I was planning on doing!” and headed back to her room and closed the door. “Good night, Atton.” Mical said as he walked into his room. Bao-Dur simply looked at him and went back to his room. Mandalore had already gone back to his room when Norris had gone to the comm room. Atton and T3 were the only ones in the living room. “Well, T3, get back to sleep.” Atton said to the astromech droid. He protested, “Dreeep-beep-breep-boop-bip-bop!” “I don’t care if your favorite show is coming on! Get to bed!” Reluctantly, T3 went back to the room he and HK were stored in. Norris was in her room. Atton, the only one awake once more, fell asleep on the couch.

Morning came early for Norris and the crew. Word of Revan’s return had caught Carth’s attention, and he thought it should be investigated. So, the Ebon Hawk’s crew and Carth went to the hangar bays. Revan was nowhere to be seen…until someone sneaked up behind Carth and asked, “Were you looking for me?” Carth jumped in surprise and turned around to see Revan smiling at him. “Well, well, well! Revan, old buddy! How’d it go?” “Well, I found some ruins and remains, but that was it. No “True Sith” anywhere.” “REVAN! YOU’RE BACK!” This came from a hysterical Bastila, who ran up to Revan and bombarded him with kisses. Revan laughed and said, “I’m happy to see you too, Bastila.” Carth interjected, “Well, anyone up for a big feast at my place?” A big “YES!” erupted from Revan, Atton, and Mandalore.

Everyone was now at Carth’s house. A big feast had started, and many conversations going on, including one about who would win in a fight between Kreia and Malak. Revan interrupted on that one and declared, “Who cares? We’d probably take em both out anyways!” A huge roar of laughter erupted from everyone, including HK, who found the joke to be quite humorous. Norris clanked her spoon on her glass to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone,” she began, “I’m very excited to announce that Atton is going to be a father.” A huge combination of cheering and applause erupted from everyone else. Except Atton, who looked stunned–in a good way. “Me? A father?” Norris nodded happily and declared, “Yes!” He smiled big and there was a sense of peace in the air from that point on. Atton now knew what his destiny was: To have a family.

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7 Responses to “Atton’s Destiny”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    “Yeah. Ever since that old witch was killed, she’s been haunting my dreams, telling me to join her on the other side. Usually at the end of the dream, I’m dead on the floor.”
    Atton died??? XD
    Atton is a father??
    YAY!! I’d never thought Id see the day…

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    When Atton died I cried!!!!

    Seriously! I did!!!!! Every story made me cry!!!!!!!!

  3. Pheeramae says:

    I thought it was great! Quick question though. Were Norris and Atton married?

  4. Darth Shiin says:


  5. Nihilus says:

    Um, not yet, Pheeramae. I’ll make another that follows close behind this storyline.

  6. you killed Atton! Noooo! well, i killed Atton too!
    awesome story… um… sir!

  7. Darth Shiin says:


    Just kidding!!!! Well… I might….

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