fan fiction scrollThe Sound of Revenge Chapter 7

 Atton RandCarth OnasiExile (Female/Light Side)

Its sooooo short!

The Sound of Revenge…
Chapter 7
Time of Dying….

Carth arrived at Mederas and sprinted to the only balcony in Mederas. Mederas was a pretty popular place to be, Carth had to push people out of his way, normally getting the same response; “Whats your problem?… “Watch it!”

“Revan! Revan!” Carth called as her neared the balcony.

He hopped up the stairs by two and saw blood prints, everywhere, which made his heart pump faster. A million thoughts raced through his mind, but there was one he wish wasn’t true.

Carth reached the top a looked off the balcony. He choked at the sight.


“Now reaching Mederas.” The robot standing in the front that was posably controling the shuttle annunced.

“Hurry up, hurry up!” Andria reapeted impatiantly.

“Calm down Andria. Carth left way before us, he’s probably already there with Hunter and Revan.”

“Where’s that 10%??”

“Right now, pushing to 20%.”

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“Um, no.”

“I’ll say this once, and only once; SHUT UP!!”

The doors opened and Andria darted out.

“Andria, wait up!” Atton called running after her.

Andria pushed and shoved t’ill there was a point she couldn’t.

“Oh my gosh, move!” Andria said to a big group of people.

Atton gerked her back.

“Shut up before someone decides to put a blaster to your head!” Atton said making sure only Andria could hear.

“It’s against the law to kill someone, Atton.”

“Who know’s. The person might be a criminal.”

“Let’s go!” Andria said gerking Atton through the croud.

“Were you even listening to me?” Atton asked after Andria let go of him.

“Of course I was, sweetie… now what did you say?”

Atton groaned. “Never mind.”

“Good. I wasn’t going to listen anyways.” Andria looked around. “Theres only one balcony… where is it?”

“Let’s ask someone who is not a murderer.”

“Excuse me sir.” Andria said to someone walking by. “Where’s the balcony?”

He looked at Andria then pointed to a large building. “Its locted on the other side.”

“Thank you.” Andria said before zooming off again.


Andria hopped up the steps by two with Atton behind her.

By the time they reached the top of the stairs, Atton was out of breath and panting hard.

“You okay, Atton?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Don’t care. Is that Carth?”


“What is he doing up there…”

Andria screamed.


“There’s blood everywhere.”

“Did I say 20% I mean’t 70%.”

“Shut up Atton!” Andria hissed.

Andria ran up the Carth who was kneeling down on top the balcony.

“Carth, what’s wro….. Oh my gosh.”


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2 Responses to “The Sound of Revenge Chapter 7”

  1. RevanBodyguard says:

    awwww, and it was getting to the good part too
    i know this is so sad – what’s going on?
    what’s happens next – i’m dying to know
    and stop making me mean to Atton, i’m not that evil

  2. MaggOnasi says:

    Well, you and Atton are married, so, its kinda hard for you to split apart.

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