fan fiction scrollThe Sound of Revenge Chapter 32

 Atton RandStar Wars

Notes: The Sound of Revenge was basically leading Dustil’s death. I’m not a writer AT ALL so don’t say my writing sucks… even though I agree… I’m a pre-teen so you have to excuse my suckiness. Right now listening to some songs on my iTunes. (Time: 6 o’clock muhahahaha)

The Sound of Revenge

Chapter 32


Hunter turned on the transmitter. “Hi Atton. I have good news and bad news.”

“Okay. Fire.” Atton said.

“I’m coming back.”

“…Okay, whats the good news?”

Hunter frowned at him. “The bad news is that we’re going to be a bit late.”

“Thats too bad… I’ll see you in…”

“About five hours.”

“Yeah, that.” Atton said switching off the transmitter.

Hunter sat it the pilots chair, the Ebon Hawk on auto-pilot.

Aiedail was asleep in the starport section of the ship. She said she hadn’t slept on something as comfortable as this even though the beds were uncomfortable to Hunter.

For a couple of hours, Aiedail was asleep. After awhile, she woke up and went strait to the cock pit.

“Hey, Hunt.”

“Hi Aiedail. Sleep well?”

“Yeah. Are we almost there?” She asked rubbing her eyes.

“Almost.” Hunter looked up at her. “Something wrong? You look a bit troubled.”

“No. Nothing is wrong. I just want to get home… be with my family again…” She trailed off.

“Well, we’ll be back soon. Just try to avoid your dad.”


“Because he needs mental help.”

“Have you talked to them lately?” Aiedail asked sitting down in the co-pilots chair.

“No.” Hunter said quickly.

“Why lie?”

“What?” Hunter said turning his head her way.

“Why are you lying?”

“I’m not lying.”

“I know you’re lying, Hunter, I just want to know why.”

“Well, how do you know I’m lying?”

“Answer my question and I’ll answer yours.”

“Because I don’t want to tell the truth…”

“I don’t believe you but I doubt you’ll tell me anyways.”

“So answer my question. How’d you know I was lying?”

“I’m going back to bed.” Aiedail said getting up and heading out of the cock pit.

“Hey, you didn’t answer my question!” Hunter yelled at her. He exhaled. “Women.”


“Aiedail… AIEDAIL WAKE UP ALREADY!!” Hunter said shaking Aiedail violotly.

“Huh… what? I’m awake.” Aiedail said sitting up.

“Good. We’re here.” Hunter announced.

“Really?!” Aiedail asked jumping out of bed.

“Yeah. Ready to see your family?”

“Was I ever?” Aiedail said following Hunter.


“Your parents live in the apartments.”

“Where does your dad live?”

“Right over there.” Hunter said pointing at a door. “But you probably want to go see your parents.” He said leading Aiedail away from his home.

The went into the Residents Module where there was A B and C apartments. “I believe your parents told me that they were in A.”

Hunter walked into the apartments with a huge letter A infront and opened the middle door.

“Good afternoon, Andria.” Hunter greeted Andria when he walked in. “Hello Atton.” He said in a rude voice.

“Aiedail?” Andria screeched jumping up and hugging Aiedail.

“Mom!” Aiedail cried hugging her mother. “I’ve missed you so much!!”

“I’ve missed you too, Sweetheart.”

Atton stood up and joined into their group hug.

Andria let go of Aiedail (Atton still didn’t) and turned her attention to Hunter. “Thank you so much, Hunter!” Andria said with tears in her eyes. “Have you seen your father yet? He’s been worried sick about you.”

“I haven’t, but I’ll be on my way.”

“Thank you again.” Andria said as Hunter left.

Hunter made his way down to his father’s home. He stopped and greeted some people he had known before stepping to the foot of the door. He gentally pushed it open.


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22 Responses to “The Sound of Revenge Chapter 32”

  1. great story as usual. again for the millioneth time, your STORY DOES NOT SUCK! MINE DOES THOUGH! maybe we should write a series together.

    hey, shouldn’t the Ebon Hawk be a flying rust bucket now? Atton does care about Aiedail after all. Aiedail and Hunter are alive… family reunion… good… Atton doesn’t die… good… i think i can get the idea of where this is going…
    *sacrasm* yeah, sure Aiedail and Hunter make such a great couple unlike Andria and Atton

  2. MaggOnasi says:

    “Who’s the best pilot? Judges: RevanBodyguard and MaggOnasi” Purfect!! We all know who would win, lol

  3. Nihilus says:

    I would have to say Atton’s better than Carth LOL. I found Atton more humorous and he informs the crew about the planet. All Carth does is fly the ship to the planet and land, with no information given to the crew.

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    sisters, sisters, BOTH of your stories asre AWESOMELY POSSITIVELY AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT.

    No sarcasm there, MMMHHH

  5. Darth Shiin says:


    TOTALLY CARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nihilus if you’d play a female lightside on Kotor 1, you would totally vote for Carth. And if you’ve had already, then you need help.

  6. Nihilus says:

    I enjoy playing through as a female in both games, but I prefer to keep things canonized when playing.

  7. Darth Shiin says:

    Well, once I finish writing my revan/female/lightside/exile/male/lightside/female/lightside, I’m gonna write everyway possible.

    So, it is YOU that decides if exile is male/female. same with rev

  8. MaggOnasi says:

    I enjoyed male more than female…he he

    Shiin, you are so far my favorite

  9. Darth Shiin says:


  10. MaggOnasi says:

    Fine, don’t be my favorite
    RevanBodyguard, you’re my favorite… has been

  11. Darth Shiin says:

    no, no I mean, GREAT!!!

    I just meant what do you mean by favorite, you mean my Revan’s Shadow story??

  12. MaggOnasi says:

    No… just my favorite person

    But Kaiden and RevanBodyguard took that spot up already
    Don’t worry my young padawan, I’ll always think of you as a… person… hopefully

  13. Darth Shiin says:

    Uh, what you think I’m a dog?

    duh I am a person.

  14. MaggOnasi says:

    … Psshhh, I knew that… I knew that… pssh, why would I?
    (and all this time I thought he was a puppy)

  15. Darth Shiin says:

    she/he– lets keep it that way

  16. Darth Shiin says:

    who the hell is Kaiden, the Mass Effect person?

    He doesn’t even exsist!

  17. MaggOnasi says:

    Kaiden is someone from Mass Effect whose voice is the same as Carth’s

  18. ooo, Sam has a total crush on Kaiden Alenko from Mass Effect! awesome game by far! (personaly, i don’t like him much, too much like Carth Onasi.)

    Carth is the better pilot because he lands the Ebon Hawk better, Atton crashes each ride you have! sorry Atton…=P
    Shiin, i think you are a guy… not a he/she, not a girl

  19. Darth Shiin says:

    think what you want.


  20. Darth Shiin says:

    uh, no I’m human.

    No I’m not telling.


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