fan fiction scrollThe Sound of Revenge Chapter 19

 Atton RandCarth OnasiExile (Female/Light Side)

Notes: I wrote this the same day I wrote chapter 18 WEEEEHEEE!!! Listening to Fray’s album, How To Save a Life and Switchfoot’s album, The Beautiful Let Down

The Sound of Revenge

Chapter 19


“Why do I have to duel her Master?” Hunter argued with Kavar.

“She hasn’t been here in awhile.”

“She’s older than me and she can beat me really easily.”

“She was on Malacore V when it exploded, she was only 14 when that happend. What can she possibly learn from being on Malacore and being gone away from the temple for 10 years?”

“Um, how to trick people into thinking she’s a incocent woman.”

“Just get ready to duel, Hunter.”

“Fine. So, would you mind if I lost?”

“I wouldn’t be happy if that’s what you mean.”

“Whatever. Now is this force, fist, viroblade, lightsaber…” Hunter trailed off.

“Your choice.”

“How about no duel?”

“How about lightsabers?”

“I choose fist.”

“You sure?”


“Then what do you want?”

“Why don’t we let the chick decide?”

“Because ‘the chick’ said she wanted ‘the dude’ to decide.”

“Well, I’m not going to decide so she has to.”

“Ughh, just choose one.”


“Because if you don’t…”

“Fine, fine. Fist!”


“Where is it?”

“You mean ‘where is she?’”

“I mean what I say, and I said ‘it.’”

“She’s coming.”

“You say that like its not a big deal, but then you go bizerk when I’m late.”

“Because I’m your master and her master doesn’t look too entirly happy that she is late.”

“Whats up with it with trainers getting mad at their students for being a bit late?”

Kavar gritted his teeth.

“Because we’d much rather have students on time and not wasting time mingling amoungst themselves.”

Just then, the doors to the small dueling room swung open and a girl who looked like she’s been through damage over the years scurried in throwing apolgize to her master.

He simply shook his head in disapointment and pointed at Hunter and said something to her. He walked her over to where Hunter and Kavar stood.

“Kavar. Hunter. This is Zoey.”

Zoey just gave him a quick smile and in an instant, it faded.

Whats her problem. Hunter thought to himself following Zoey onto the small plat form, or the dueling ring.Hunter thought to himself following Zoey onto the small plat form, or the dueling ring.They both got in ready position and the duel had begun.Hunter thought to himself following Zoey onto the small plat form, or the dueling ring.They both got in ready position and the duel had begun.At first Zoey took a high kick, but Hunter dodged it by ducking and tried kicking her down.

Hunter thought to himself following Zoey onto the small plat form, or the dueling ring.They both got in ready position and the duel had begun.At first Zoey took a high kick, but Hunter dodged it by ducking and tried kicking her down.Zoey backed off.

What her problem. She looks like shes trying to let me win.She was perfectly exposed on her left and her arms seemed to droop infront of her cheast.She was perfectly exposed on her left and her arms seemed to droop infront of her cheast.Hunter smiled and tried kicking her. He kinda had a feeling she was setting him up.

She was perfectly exposed on her left and her arms seemed to droop infront of her cheast.Hunter smiled and tried kicking her. He kinda had a feeling she was setting him up.His leg swung up kicking her squared in the stomach blowing her back.

“C’mon Zoey!” Her Trainer yelled to her angrily.

She stood up and got back in position. Her expression didn’t change. She still wore a frown and her eyes were sagging like she was sleep walking.

Hunter yawned like he already finished his job.

Her eyes darkend and she tried throwing a punch.

Hunter moved to the side and kneed her in the ribs sending her to her knees. Before Hunter could finish up on his doings, Kavar ran onto the dueling ring and stopped Hunter from continuing.

“Maybe Zoey has been gone from this place far too long. We should give her time to get used to her and get her caught up in her trainings.” Kavar said to Zoey’s master.

He nodded. “Let’s go Zoey.” He said dragging Zoey out of the room.

“You did good Hunter.” Kavar said smiling down at Hunter. “Training is over.”

“Thank goodness.” Hunter said to himself leaving and off to find Jade.

Hunter thought to himself following Zoey onto the small plat form, or the dueling ring.

Notes again: I can’t put up a fighting scene, so make it up youselves!


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5 Responses to “The Sound of Revenge Chapter 19”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    I don’t think they use the terms: “Chicks” and “Dude” in StarWars… =|

  2. fanfics are fanfics, sir… ma’am, i could imagine Atton saying that
    good fighting scene haha! just like my kick-boxing sessions with that idiot… Gabriel… may he never read this or know who i am…
    how Hunter tries to grab Zoey’s leg everytime she kicks but fails, leaving him exposed and Zoey attacks – that’s what happened to me with the idiot

  3. Darth Shiin says:

    *snorts* Heh, idiot…

  4. MaggOnasi says:

    I just tend to do that when I’m boxing with people… exept the hooker girls who wear skirts… I just choose someone else to fight o_O

  5. Darth Shiin says:

    Um… I don’t know how to respond to that.

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