fan fiction scrollKnights of the Old Republic: Reunion – Part Two

 Atton RandBastila ShanCarth Onasi

Author’s Notes: This Part Two of Revan’s and Carth’s Marriage. I wrote Part One and Part Two just for MaggOnsai. Read Part One before Part Two. She’s my half-sister and her birthday is on December 18. I thought it would be nice if I wrote the Parts for her birthday. How many Parts are there? Answer: Uh, I really don’t know. I just write until it’s over. Ha ha ha *coughs* This is what happened from Part One and therefore continues… Enjoy.


The clone Revvan frowned slightly. “You don’t know what I am talking about? Hmmm, I thought you should have recovered all your memories by now. You could be some use to us still. But on the other hand, you may not. So my options are limited. I have to kill you. That’s too bad. I wished I met Father before he was killed by your hand but it was still nice to meet you. Then again, a pleasure to kill you.” She activated her single blood red lightsaber and twirled it in the air. “Are you ready to die, Mother?” She charged at Revan at great speed. Revan activated her lightsaber and their weapons clashed with a hissing noise.

Ariel Revan grunted at she tried to push the Sith clone Revvan away from her. She called out to Carth Onsai. “Carth! Run to the Ebon Hawk!”

Carth took out his blasters to aim at Revvan. Then Malaak, another clone was behind him and whispered in his ear, “Don’t move, Onsai. Unless you want me to end your life.” He pressed a knife gently to his thoart.

“Great,” Revan muttered. She sensed Revvan failing in their lightsaber lock and quickly release the lock unexpectly. Which threw the clone off guard as Revan punched her in the face. Revvan felled down as her lightsaber deactivated itself. Then Revan stabbed the clone in the torso.

The Malak clone looked frighted out of concern. Carth took the chance to get out of his hold and shot Malaak behind the back. Malaak fell down dead.

Revan and Carth ran into the safety of the Ebon Hawk and got away from the evil Sith clones. After they escaped, Revvan stood up from the ground to examine the wound mark Revan left on her. The wound healed itself back together but the lightsaber left a scorched mark on the clothing.

“Hmph,” Revvan grunted, “That wasn’t a very nice thing Mother did to me. She ruined my best outfit.”

Revvan walked over where Malaak lay and kicked him on the behind.

“Wake up, fool! We cannot die remember? We are Lady Revan’s and Lord Malak’s best clones. So you better stop playing dead. Wake up!”

Malaak groaned, “Yeah, yeah. I heard you. It just hurts to move.”

“Stop complaining, weakling. We live to only savor pain and hardship. Better get used to it. Let’s get back to base now.”

“Yes, ma’am! My wound has healed and I’m ready to go.”



When the Ebon Hawk landed in the docking bay on Coruscant, a welcoming party had waited for them. Atton Rand, Andria Trelyve, Mira, Mission Vao, Mical Ducan the Disciple, Zaalbar, HK-47, T3-M4, Dustil Onsai with his girlfriend, and Bastila Shan greeted Revan and Carth as they got out of the hangar.

“Dad! We came as soon as word of your marriage came up,” Dustil called out to his father.

“Son! I can’t believe my eyes! My son is here!” Carth ran to hug his son.

“Dustil, it’s good to see you again. It’s been too long,” Carth glanced at Dustil’s companion who’s about Dustil’s age. ”Say who’s your lady friend there? She’s kinda cute.”

“Dad, this is my friend Irene Sachi. Irene, this is my dad, Admiral Carth Onsai of Telos.” Dustil said proudly.

“Nice to meet you Admiral Onsai,” Irene said shyly as she held out her hand.

“Please call me Carth. Much easier that way,” Carth shook her hand. “This woman here is Ariel Revan. My bride to be.” He gestured to Revan and Irene shook her hand too.

“Hello there Irene. Nice to meet you too. So when are you planning to marry Dustil anyhow?”

“Revan!” Dustil protested as he turned red. Irene just giggled as she blushed. “Dusty, we have go now.”

“Alright, Irene,” Dustil held her hand. “Dad, we’ll catch you later. Okay?”

“Okay. Good-bye Son.” Carth waved.

“Yeah, bye ‘Dusty’!” Revan called after him.

“Amazing. You two get along real well.”

“Thanks. I got ways to charm people into liking me.”

“You didn’t have to come out here to greet us. We’ve only been away for a couple of days,” Carth called out to everyone.

“Not a problem, it’s our pleasure,” Atton gestured to Andria’s direction. “Andria here is being a worry-wart. She said you guys are in trouble.”

Andria elbowed Atton in the ribs, “It’s not my fault I worry sometimes! Can you blame me? We sensed a disturbance in the Force. Did anything go wrong during your vacation?”

“Yes, I can. You worry all the time not just sometimes, babe,” Atton snicked as Andria elbowed him again.

“No, nothing went wrong. Just two Sith clones that look exactly like me and Malak attacked us,” Revan said.

“Hmmm. Interesting,” Bastila muttered.

“What do you know about this, Bastila?”

“I’m not sure. I thought we already destroyed the Star Forge. They should be dead now.”

“Tell me what you do know then.”

“Back when you were the Darth Revan, you and Malak cloned yourselves. It was the work of the Star Forge and the Dark Side. I don’t know why but you did. Atton, Andria, do you remember?”

“Sure, they were supposed to be in the Special Forces that capture or kill Jedi for Revan during the Jedi Sith War. But they were too unstable at the time,” Atton remarked.

“Yeah, when I was one of the Dark Lady’s Hand. The clones are highly advanced but they have a short life-span. They depend on blood to survive. The only thing that kills them is their master’s blood. They can’t die easily and their wounds heal quickly,” Andria pondered. “Ariel, you say they attacked you right?”

“Yes. One of them called me Mother and Malak their Father. They claimed that they’re our children.”

“Well, I don’t have anything to say about that. But Sith must always have a leader so they depend on you, Ariel, to lead them as you did before.”

“They offered me a chance to go with them. I said no.”

“Then they will go after you until you are dead.”

Revan cracked her knuckles. “Good. I’m always up for a fight. This will be fun!”

“Statement: Now that’s the Master I remember! Count me in too, Master. I would ever so much like to squash another meatbag’s organs. It has been so long!”

T3-M4 questioned HK-47 about that.

“Answer: I know I’ll be blasting clones of Master but they had it coming! Whoever attacks Master, will soon meet my blaster rifle face to face!”

“They must have the minds and brains of assassins to go after you at a time like this. Count me in too,” Mira said.

“Uh, I don’t mean to interupt this lovely conversation but you guys are boring me, Mical, and Big Z to death!” Mission hollered.

“Well, this conversation is very-,” Mical began.

“Okay, not Mical then. He’s boring anyway. No offense. Big Z and I are bored out of our skulls!”

[I don't mind, actually Mission. I still owe that Life Debt to Revan.] Zaalbar said in Wookieespeak.

“Fine! It’s just me who’s bored, okay? Are you happy now?” Mission shieked.

“Poor Mission,” Carth teased as he roughed up her headtails. “She’s right. We shouldn’t talk about grown-up stuff in front of kids. Kids are like that.”

“‘Kids are like that!? Listen here you old geezer, I’m not a kid anymore. I’m 19!”

“Really? It’s hard to tell. You haven’t grown an inch in five years.”

“Grrr…” Mission growled.

“Carth, don’t tease Mission. She’s mature now and we should treat her like that. Also, she can bite hard.” Revan said.

“Are you done making fun of me now?” Mission asked, annoyed.

“Yes, Mission,” Everyone answered.

“Good. Come on. There’s this place where it’s rumored the greatest in the galaxy. It’s called the ‘Flaming Pixies’. They sell the best outfits for the weddings and parties. Andria found the place. It was all her idea after Bastila nearly ruined everything with that Jedi honor rally ceremony idea thingy.”

“It’s not called a ‘thingy’, Mission!” Bastila said.

“Whatever!” Mission stuck out a tongue at Bastila.

“I’m really going to hate this, aren’t I?” Revan groaned.

“Really, Ariel, it was no problem. I think it’ll be fun.” Andria smiled.


Flaming Pixies

“I don’t like this at all, Andria. I don’t care who these people think they are.” Revan complained.

“I thought you like wearing skirts because the guys stop in their tracks just to look at you,” Andria said.

“Yes, that’s what they say. But I just don’t trust these people.”

“I know, but they did compromise to all come here, and you do need a wedding dress.”

That is the only reason you’ve talked me into this.”

“Greetings mistresses and misters. If you follow me, I’ll show you around our selections here. There is a women’s side and a men’s side. Wedding dresses are over there.” A protocol droid welcomed them as they walked in the entrance way. Another droid led the men to another side of the store.

“Do you really want to prolong this? Where is the dressing room?” Revan asked.

“Hold on a sec, Ariel. Atton, let’s pick out a suit for you, okay?” Andria grabbed Atton’s arm, leading him away from the group.

“I’m not going to like this am I?” Atton groaned.

“But Atton, we’re going to a wedding not a nearby cantina. So that means we have to dress nice for once.”

“What’s wrong with my ribbed jacket and the clothes I’m wearing now?”

“Nothing. I just want to see you dress like a gentleman. Please? For me?” Andria gave him a puppy dog look.

“Alright, alright. Stop giving me that look. I get to pick out a dress for you then if you choose what I wear.”


“Why not?”

“Because you have no sense of fashion.”

“And you do?”

“Just shut up and do what I say.”

Minutes Later…

“Uh, Andria. I really hate this suit.” Atton said unhappily in his tuxedo.

“But you look so handsome in it,” Andria grinned. “I just love it!”

“Aren’t I already handsome?”

“Okay, it makes you handsomer. The most handsome man in the galaxy. Fangirls will go after you in the streets. If they hadn’t already.”

“I thought women go after my jacket, charm, and good looks. This tuxedo is so uncomfortable and stiff! I can’t breathe in this!” Atton gasped for air.

“That’s what you said when I made you wear Jedi robes. After that, you stopped complaining about your wardobe.”

“That was then and this is now. Get me out of this costume.”

“Okay. You can take it off now. I like it so I’m going to buy it. Whether you like it or not.” Andria glanced at the price tag hanging on the suit’s sleeve. “What!? 100,000,000 credits! It costs that much!? Outrageous!”

“Heh, heh. Too bad isn’t it, babe? You can’t afford it.” Atton smirked as he got dressed.

“No, it’s not a problem at all. I’m surpised it didn’t cost more of its great quality. I got the money so I’m going to buy it. Sit tight, handsome.” Andria gave him a peck on the cheek.

Atton groaned. “She’s either trying to kill me or take the scoundrel out of me.”

“Oh, Atton.” Andria said in a sing-along voice from behind a curtain.


“Do you want to see what I’m going to wear?”


Andria stepped out in a tight midnight blue dress with embroidered features and a scarf. Atton was speechless.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, I do. Keep it.”

“Well, that’s good to hear. You’re right, I have no sense of fashion. Mira brought this with my own money instead of telling me before hand. It costed me 500,000,000 credits – so unfair! Now I can’t return it. See, it’s computer generated to stick to my body to attract attention by showing my figure. It’s so revealing!” She paused and looked at Atton who was still staring. “Atton?”


“It’s not polite to stare.”

“Sorry. It’s just you haven’t worn anything that dazzling before. You usually wear bulky clothing making you a tomboy.”

“Doesn’t the Dancer’s Outfit from Nar Shaddaa count?”

“Nope. That outfit made you look sleazy. That’s not who you are.”

“Awww, that’s sweet. Thanks.”

“I’m only telling the truth.” Atton shrugged his shoulders.

“Atton, I’ll take care of things here. Why don’t you take the guys to the Red Rancor? Make sure you invite everyone, okay?”

“Got it. See you later.” Atton kissed Andria before leaving.

“Andria! Get your butt in here!” Revan called out.

“Coming!” Andria rushed in to see what’s going on. “What’s the matter?”

“Tell these people to stop measuring me before I beat them up!” Revan exclaimed as dressmakers gathered around her, measuring her dress size.

“Have you told T3 and HK to do that?”

“I would have but I sent them home. Where’s everyone else?”

“Just us ladies here right now. The guys are at the Red Rancor.”

“The Red Rancor? Oh no!” Revan took out a comlink. “Hunter, are you there?”

“Yes, Master Revan? What do you require of me?”

“I need you to keep a close eye on Carth and Atton at the Red Rancor. Make sure they don’t get in trouble or get themselves killed.”

“Yes, Master.”

Revan put the comlink away. “Man, I love that kid. Wish I’d have a kid like him. Now how about you get these people off me!”

“Um, you helped us enough today. Thank you. Please leave us alone now.” Andria pleaded. The dressmakers left disappointed.

“That’s a shame. I wanted to take out a lightsaber to chop their nosy heads off.” Revan pouted.

“Have you found a dress yet, Ariel?”

“Not yet. I keep finding Neo-Empire designs that are ‘new’ and ‘retro’ at the same time. Supposely the next big thing. Can you believe this? Sith trooper and Sith Lord armor are in the wedding dress selection. Unbelievable.” Revan shook her head in disgust. “So far a disaster.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find the dress for you.” Andria assured.

“I hope so. I don’t want my wedding to be in ruins.” Revan sighed.


Writing Part Three Soon!

I’m a Atton Rand Fangirl. MaggOnsai is a Carth Onsai Fangirl. Actually she’s married to him and I’m married to Atton Rand. Ha ha. XD

Atton Rand + Andria Trelyve= Jaq Rand and Isabet Rand)= according to me. Aiedail Scarlett Rand= according to MaggOnsai

Carth Onsai + Ariel Revan Onsai= Asta Onsai and Corick Onsai)= according to me. Hunter Trance Onsai= according to MaggOnsai

I promise I’ll write about the kids another time.

“You may silence the pen but never the writer!”









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2 Responses to “Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion – Part Two”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    Yay!! I am married to him =D That is a lesson all fangirls must know! I don’t share!

    Thank you, I really liked story!!

  2. RevanBodyguard says:

    you’re welcome
    this story was made for you for your birthday

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