fan fiction scrollCourtship of the Princess Exile – Part Three

 Atton RandExile (Female/Light Side)Star Wars

Author’s Notes: I haven’t gone anywhere yet but if I had, I would have told you. Continues. I own nothing except this fanfic series. Life needs more comic relief characters and… COOKIES! Oh, and dinner is served. Care to join us?


After Andria left, Atton threw his heart into working on the Burning Phoenix, so that his mind numbed and the sweat poured from his face. Everyone, Mira, Mical, and Bao-Dur, settled in their quarters in the Fountain Palace. All except a very loyal Wookiee crewmate, Hanrynrin remain on the ship, much to Atton’s discomfort. An year ago, when Atton was trying to be a Jedi, he accidently saved the young Wookiee’s life on Nar Shaddaa. Not that he did it on purpose or anything, Atton hadn’t expected to save someone’s life in a LIFETIME. Well, because of that, now Hanrynrin thanks him in a life debt for the rest of his life. Wow, what are the odds in that? Since Atton can’t ditch him, might as well accept his life debt.

Two hours of hard work later, an entourage entered the docking bay with that red-headed young Officer Layla Brennor in the lead. She led Prince Jun Alenko, the prince’s bodyguards, and half a dozen curious minor officials around the hanger bay.

“This, as you can see, is one of our repair docks,” Layla Brennor said in her mannered voice, meaning business and comfort. She just been ordered by Tali’nar’Dar to make the Alderaanians feel welcome here since the prince will be marrying Hapan Princess Andria Trelyve soon. ”And this our um… esteemed Commander Atton Rand, a hero of the Republic, working on his private – er, uh – rust bucket, I mean ship, the Burning Phoenix.

Prince Jun Alenko scrutinized the Phoenix, gazing at the rusting metal exterior, the odd panoply of components. Somehow, in all those months running the ship, Atton had never felt quite embarrassed by the thing. Maybe he shouldn’t have won it from that scruffy Pazaak player. It truly did look like a hunk of junk. Jun stood taller than Atton, and his thick chest and arms seemed somehow intimidating, but not as intimidating as his regal manners or the calm strength of his face, the sea-gray eyes, the straight nose, and the thick blode hair hanging around his shoulders. Jun looked like some barbaric god come to life.  

“Rand here is an old friend to Her Highness Princess Alexandria Trelyvee,” Layla added. “He has, in fact, saved her life a number of times, if I’m not mistaken.”

Jun shifted his attention to Atton and smiled warmly. “So, you are not only Alexandria’s friend but her savior?” He shooked Atton’s hand. “Our people owe you a great debt.”

Atton pulled his hand away. “Oh, I guess you could say I’m more than her savior,” Atton answered. “We’re lovers, to be precise.”

“Commander Rand!” Layla objected as she threatened to point a blaster at him, but Prince Jun raised a hand. “But, Your Majesty…”

“That is all right,” Jun said. “She is a lovely woman. I can understand why you would be attracted to her. I hope my appearance here hasn’t been too… unsettling.”

“Annoying is the word,” Atton answered. “I mean, it’s not as if I wished you were dead or anything. Neutered perhaps – not dead.”

“I apologized, Prince Jun!” Layla shouted then shot a venomous glance at Atton. “I rather expected more civility from a commander in the Republic. I thought he would at least know how to behave himself. I assure you that Her Highness and this… ruffian hasn’t been playing put the land speeder in the cargo hold.”

Jun studied Atton a moment, then bowed slightly. He smiled brightly to Layla then to Atton. “Believe me, no offense is taken. Commander Rand is a warrior, and he wishes to do battle with the woman he loves. That is the warrior’s way.” He turned to Layla. “Officer, may I have a moment alone with the Commander? You may escort my bodyguards around without me.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” Layla bowed respectly along with the amazon bodyguards and began to walk away. She called over her shoulder, “Atton, if you try anything stupid, I’m so going to space you!”

When Layla and the bodyguards were out of earshot, Jun examined Atton for a minute. “I see you have such a interesting ship. Fast speeds, secret compartments, hiden weaponry, it’s a Corellian fighter. Reminds me of my own pirating days.”

Atton replied, uninterested, “Really?”

“Oh, yes, I was once a privateer,” Jun said, “The fact that you can keep this ship at all speaks very highly of your skills and your interest of ships is also high.” He whispered conspiratorially, ”Would you like me to give you one of my ships?”

“What’s the catch?” Gifts don’t come free, there’s always a price.

“There’s no catch. I will give one to you, if you promise to use it to fly far, far away from here.”

Atton leaned forward, whispered back in the same tone, “No deal.” Even if the prince gave him the ship, he probably placed a bomb in it to kill him.

Jun grinned, admiration shining from his eyes. “Good, you are a man of principles. Then let me appeal to those principles. Commander Rand, what can you really offer to Alexandria?”

Atton faltered a moment, unprepared to answer. “Andria loves me and I love her. That’s enough.”

“If you love her, then leave her to me,” Jun said. “She wants the security that Alderaan offers her people. Hapes had used much of its wealth to fund the Mandalorian and Jedi Sith Wars and needs Alderaan to rebuild again. But loving you would only cramp her, giving her a smaller life than she deserves.” He began to leave, edging past Atton in the hallway, but Atton grabbed the prince by the shoulder and spun him around.

“Wait a minute!” Atton protested. “What’s going on here? Let’s put all our weapons on the table.”

“What do you mean?” Jun asked.

“I mean there are a lot of princesses in the universe, other worlds that need help rebuilding. Why this planet? Why did your mother choose Andria? I want to know why you’re here. If you want a treaty with the Republic, there are easier ways to get it.”

Jun looked down into Atton’s eyes, and smiled, “I understand that Alexandria has invited you to dine with us this evening. I think, perhaps, both of you should hear what I have to say.”



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5 Responses to “Courtship of the Princess Exile – Part Three”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    I’ll join you =D Also, I thought Jun mean’t ‘Really’…. oh well
    Good story as usual!

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    LOVE IT!!

    Hehehe, the thought of Atton whispering is funny.

  3. Darth Shiin says:


    sarcastic =)

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