Re: Your Darth Name...

Well then he is going to turn you sorry that is just how it goes

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Your Darth Name...

? turn on me ?

Re: Your Darth Name...

Not turn on u-turn you that is how they do it on the darkside

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Your Darth Name...

ok so you mean he is going to turn me to the darkside . Ha im a jedi im not arrogant but im not goin to lie there is no temptation that could turn me

Re: Your Darth Name...

dont be to sure about that

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Your Darth Name...

i admit the lure of the darkside is strong

Re: Your Darth Name...

The Darkside is everywhere and in everyone even in you jedis.

Re: Your Darth Name...

i admit that is true but the light will always expell the dark no matter what i beg you jester come back to the light

Re: Your Darth Name...

I was born in the Darkness and I will die in the Darkness.

Re: Your Darth Name...

oh you simple little child the darkness will be turned into light

i have waited all day for somone to post i have been sick for like a week with swine floo

Last edited by Dangerous Seduction (2009-11-14 22:56:58)

Re: Your Darth Name...

I hope you are feeling better.

Re: Your Darth Name...

thanks lol i do feel better

Re: Your Darth Name...

ick, sorry about that. how are you doing now?

The light will always prevail. Darkness may have it's time, but ultimately the light is always stronger.

I Am Jedi

Re: Your Darth Name...

Even in the light there are shadows of Darkness.

Re: Your Darth Name...

True. One need look no further than Anakin Skywalker and Revan to see that

I Am Jedi

Re: Your Darth Name...

Yah but they turned unlike me i will never go with the darkside

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Your Darth Name...

to stay true to the light is to take an pledge to never fall that little voice in your head saying hey take the cookie its ok

Re: Your Darth Name...

To say that you will never fall to the Darkside is the first step to start falling to the Darkside.

Re: Your Darth Name...

Hahaha, the cookies! love that in Starr's sig. Starr was one who fell to the darkside.

I Am Jedi

Re: Your Darth Name...

falling to the darkside is not what i have done here