Topic: War Will Errupt In America...

While brave soldiers are fighting in Iraq, terrorist cells are starting to surface in many American States. Here's a video detailing it:

Details of Video:

Sean Hannity talks to Martin Mawyer (Christian Action Network), producer of the new documentary film, Homegrown Jihad, about the 35 Islamic terrorist training compounds that exist right here in America.

Actual video of terrorist cells training to kill on American soil. They have recruiting bases on university campuses, and some of their training camps in America are as large as 300 acres.

Hannity Homegrown Jihad 2 16 09
Sean Hannity Jihad Al Qaeda Islam Muslims of America Terrorism Pakistan Christian Action Network Soldiers of Allah 02-16-09 02/16/09 terrorist network holy war world war 3 III end times tribulation revelation return of Christ 9-11

Hannity Homegrown Jihad 2 16 09


Their leader Jamaat ul-Fuqra and his terrorist camps reach a total of 35 camps spread apart America, and there are 3 in Virginia - close to the Capitol. What is our government doing about it? Well, Jamaat ul-Fuqra has been doing this since as early as the 1980s!

UAV (Unmanned Arial Vehicle) Camera's captured many locations across the state that illustrate how much they've grown.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

All Americans, no matter what race or religion, have all rights. The government has known since the beginning about the training camps but there's nothing we can really do about it unless an attack can be linked to them.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

Which in a way is said that we can't take action before it happens, but on the other hand i guess their trying to protect people's rights

I Am Jedi

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

I hate wars except for the MAndalorian wars and JEDI CIVIL WARS

The New Jedi code:

There is no anger, there is peace.
There is no greed, there is sincereness.
There is no destroyal, there is mercy.
There is no Dark, for there is light.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...


Re: War Will Errupt In America...

Jedi Knight Tanrose,Mar 9 2009, 04:32 PM wrote:

I hate wars except for the MAndalorian wars and JEDI CIVIL WARS

You know, theres more to life that SW, Spartan.

Darth Jester,Mar 9 2009, 06:11 PM wrote:


We can't touch'em.  lol

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

But I can.  big_smile  B)

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

There are countless American non-terroist civilians that could be in the area if we tried to bomb them all out. Not good.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

Starr,Mar 9 2009, 02:04 PM wrote:

All Americans, no matter what race or religion, have all rights. The government has known since the beginning about the training camps but there's nothing we can really do about it unless an attack can be linked to them.

yeas shes right, but if we feel that it is a matter of national security we could go in. which i think is what is happening, the constitution was written before people we brainwahsed enough to blow them selves up, or crash plains into buildings. so screw the constitution on this matter, otherwise the constitution is unreal.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

But with Obama as President (I may be violating some rules or something other but like some new members gonna read this) nothing's gonna happen to those terroist camps. I mean, the first interview the guy gives is with some Middle Eastern @$$holes (not all Middle Easterners are as stated but let's face it... most are). The same people that are trying to kill Americans! Come on dude!

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

if the government wont do it, the people should.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

Most of the people don't know and even more don't care. You've got to admit America is a self serve nation. Most everyone's worried about their own problems and no one elses. I say we let the terroists take a few free strikes (in a non-civilized area, mind you, so no one gets killed) just to shake people up a bit. Then maybe they'll realize why there's such a thing as soldiers. Maybe they'll put down their signs and pick up arms. America is land of the free because the brave have made it that way... not a bunch of people with signs or guys in suits sitting at some desk all day. It's time to fight and America? Well, we're just not ready. We need a good @$$ whooping so maybe we'll understand when it's time to fight so it doesn't happen again. (That was a little offtopic.  :unsure: and I get a little into it sometimes.)

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

The problem is, when we do get a whopped, like on 9/11, people forget it within a year, or politicize it. And then apathy sets in again.

And I agree, Starr. Obama is terrible for this country. I doubt McCain would have been much better on some issues, though on national defense he was really strong

I Am Jedi

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

they both s**k

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

did you hear that Obama didn&#39;t welcome the Prime Minister from the UK? he sent an aid to get him 25 DVDs from Blockbuster&#33; way to try to tick off our allies. <_<

I Am Jedi

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

There is talk now that we are close to war with North Korea again.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

Obama&#39;s got a "change" coming all right and it sure as hell is gonna be one all those for-Obama people are gonna regret. America, the greatest nation in the histroy of the universe, is coming to a big ending crash... and soon. I know some of us don&#39;t see it and most of us don&#39;t want to but it&#39;s happening. America needs to know what&#39;s really happening up in the big WH... before it&#39;s too late. Then maybe we can turn this all around.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

The USA is reaching to high to fast and the fall is a long one.

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

It&#39;s just a matter of time. Trouble is, I don&#39;t know if Obama would go to war unless something really, really, really terrible happened. But he is sure to make a lot of people mad, both within the US and in the world at large

I Am Jedi

Re: War Will Errupt In America...

He&#39;s all ready ticked the military off so much and it&#39;s pretty bad when the guys that are supposed to be protecting you dislike you.

SS said: He&#39;s gonna tick us off so bad that one day a huge mob&#39;s gonna come to the White House to get Obama. He&#39;s gonna look at the Secret Service boys and the military and say "Go get &#39;em" They&#39;re just gonna look back at him and go "No way, a**hole." Ah... that&#39;d be the day.