Topic: Star Forge Robes

Hi everyone.  I have played KOTOR quite a few times and i have never been able to actually find the Star Forge robes.  Is that just for the PC game?  I have Xbox. 

Re: Star Forge Robes

ive got them on Xbox. They are in a room at the end of one of the levels, the end where you dont go to find Malak i think. Its the room before all the droid making machines...

Re: Star Forge Robes

Ok, thanks.  I'll remember that when I get to the end again.

Re: Star Forge Robes

If you want to get them earlier use cheats.

Re: Star Forge Robes

she has xbox

Re: Star Forge Robes

The Dark Lord of the Sith,May 15 2006, 09:47 AM wrote:

ive got them on Xbox. They are in a room at the end of one of the levels, the end where you dont go to find Malak i think. Its the room before all the droid making machines...

Actually, it's after. It's when Malak's got his jedi onto you. You go to the end room. On the computer where you switch the turrets off, there's another computer, which will give you the star forge robes.

Re: Star Forge Robes

or if ur Dark Side, Revans Robes...

Re: Star Forge Robes

I was disappointed with the star forge robes. I don't think they look that good.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: Star Forge Robes

their on xbox on one of the levels its in a circular room and theirs a force cage with a box with it

Re: Star Forge Robes

Thanks everyone.  I am playing again for like the millionth time!  I just have to say, I hate Manaan.  Of all the planets, it is the worst!  :angry:

Re: Star Forge Robes

Another who hates Manaan. I guess no-one appreaciates the peaceful place that is Manaan. The underwater station is a bit annoying. But its like the sand people on Tatooine.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: Star Forge Robes

Peaceful? Not really. Selkath want Manaan to be peaceful but it will never be becouse of the sith and republic. They will always argue and fight with each other.

Re: Star Forge Robes

Yeah you gotta look beyond rivalries and arguements. Manaan is a beautiful planet. Probably many would disagree but its my opinion so tongue

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: Star Forge Robes

I think the reason people get a little aggrivated with Manaan is that it has alot of what I Affectionately call "Step and Fetch" missions. When you first play through the game some of that stuff really requires patience and having to use your noodle. But when you are *re*-playing the game, you already know the answers to the puzzles, so it's kind of a matter of muddling through them and getting to the next cool plot development, or saber slash mission. (if that's yer preference).

Personally, I like it as it's a nice change of pace, and it kind of lets you catch your breath before getting to the heavy stuff like the Leviathan section of the game.

Re: Star Forge Robes

I also hate mannan. It takes so dang long to get through the level, and it is really boring.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"

Re: Star Forge Robes

I just beat KOTOR again and I found the Star Forge robes.  Thanks everyone!  I wasn't that impressed with them either.  I don't like Manaan b/c of the Selkath.  They are creepy, mean and their voices get on my nerves!

Re: Star Forge Robes

Yeah, I hate that when you get an alien species that starts talking in their language, and the producers weren't motivated enough to switch up the sounds a little bit. I hate trying to go through all of that also.

"Semper Paratus"
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"

Re: Star Forge Robes

Yeah, that and I always get lost trying to get around on Manaan.  As many times as I have played this game, I still get confused there.

Re: Star Forge Robes

Have you noticed when different species talk, how long it takes them too finish?? You'd be there for hours just saying hello.

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: Star Forge Robes

The star forge robes look WACKO so I never wore them...

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.
-Jedi code