Topic: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

tongue  big_smile statement:Hello to all the organics here. i'm hoping to have an enjoyable time here, as long as there is something to kill, i'm a happy droid. seeing as my Assassination protocols are restored, and i'm without a master at the moment, i'm a droid with nothing but time on my hands

Advisory: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blaster warms up.

Objection: I am not a problem, you useless organic meatbag! You and your lack of any organized repair skills are a problem!

Commentary: The meatbag speaks without clarity. Detail your involvement or the master will splatter your organs all over the floor.

I would have congratulated him, if he had not been sizzling and incoherent at the time.

Suggestion: Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

greetings HK. Welcome to the Old Republic forum. hope you enjoy it, it's a pretty fun forum.

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

Commentary: yes, i have gathered that thus far. and all these Jedi and Sith around to slaughter :pats blaster rifle: oh the fun we shall have

Advisory: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blaster warms up.

Objection: I am not a problem, you useless organic meatbag! You and your lack of any organized repair skills are a problem!

Commentary: The meatbag speaks without clarity. Detail your involvement or the master will splatter your organs all over the floor.

I would have congratulated him, if he had not been sizzling and incoherent at the time.

Suggestion: Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

haha, well, if you wanna fight, the best ones to go for are Spartan and maybe Nedles. those two are always fightin with people over something. lol, me, i fight with em sometimes, but i normally take the high road. lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

Acknowledgement: Understood, i must be sure to look up these Sith, and i'll save you for last Jedi as a token of my appreciation

Advisory: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blaster warms up.

Objection: I am not a problem, you useless organic meatbag! You and your lack of any organized repair skills are a problem!

Commentary: The meatbag speaks without clarity. Detail your involvement or the master will splatter your organs all over the floor.

I would have congratulated him, if he had not been sizzling and incoherent at the time.

Suggestion: Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

lol, that's good. i'd hate to have to turn a youngling into a bin of spare parts before he gets a chance to enjoy the site. haha we'll save it for later then

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

An Hk Driod is no match for a dark lord of the sith.

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

In an open fight, probably not. But given the element of surprise, maybe. A stray blaster bolt can kill the strongest warrior

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

no single bullet will take me down.

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

ok, well, just throwing that out

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags


Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

Witty Repost: Trust me, i have plenty experience taking down Sith and Jedi alike, all meatbags are too squishy and soft for their own good, why not a metal exterior? it's much more durable

Advisory: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested that you run while my blaster warms up.

Objection: I am not a problem, you useless organic meatbag! You and your lack of any organized repair skills are a problem!

Commentary: The meatbag speaks without clarity. Detail your involvement or the master will splatter your organs all over the floor.

I would have congratulated him, if he had not been sizzling and incoherent at the time.

Suggestion: Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

im a mandalorian sith with durasteel mjolnir armor that camoflauges.
and with a double bladed saber that cuts through a junk of metal


Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

The force is my armor, HK. in time you will learn the strength of the force and how strong the true Jedi is.

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

*grabs popcorn and a portable chair*


Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

haha, watch and learn Spartan.

:blaster bolts begin firing at lightside master. through the force, each bolt is either absorbed through his body or deflected back. then his lightsabers fly from his belt and begin rotating in front of him, deflecting all the blaster bolts. finally, lightside master uses a force push to thro all the guns back against the wall, where they then clatter to the ground.:

next time I'll teach you to fight a Sith without breaking a sweat. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

watch this
*slices everyones head off*


Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags uncivilized..............

I Am Jedi

Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

wipes blood off*


Re: Statement: Greetings Meatbags

Welcome to the site, HK.

** Hovoth grabs Spartan's Neck, and drains the life out of his body. **


Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?