Topic: Species
I can tell that some of you don't exactly understand what I refer to when I say "Noghri" or "Chiss." So here are some information on them.
Noghri - aliens/noghri
Chiss -
The Chiss really don't have any info on them, so here is a little bit.
Homeworld - Csilla
Language - Cheunh
Background - No one inside the know Universe knows where the homeworld is located. This particualr species excels at Military tactics and technolgy. They are constantly expanding their territory, and do not attack unless attacked first. They are like Wookies in their dedication to honor.
Katana Fleet Dreadnoghts, for those that dont know look like this.
Just know, they are extremely powerful war ships.
"Attero Totus Sanctus"
"Silently this one moves amongst the helpless and the oppressed."
"Nosferatu - Carpe Noctem"
"Fraternitas furvus occido"