Re: Dsf Revan

George: (turns around)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Dsf Revan

(the footsteps stop)
(no one is there)

Re: Dsf Revan

George: (comtinuos on) (enters his house) (places a bag on the table and sits down)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Dsf Revan

Man: (behind him) Hello, Kwei.

Re: Dsf Revan

George: (freezes) (looks back)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Dsf Revan

(leaned against the kitchen wall is a dark hair, blue eyed, very masculine man holding a heavy modified repeater)

Man: Relax, Kwei... I'm not going to kill you.

Re: Dsf Revan

George: (stands up and turns around to face the man) Then why are you here? (frowns)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Dsf Revan

g2g... See ya later...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Dsf Revan

Starr,Jun 23 2008, 05:26 PM wrote:

You gonna get back in George?

Man: (drops the blaster and pulls out a vibroblade)

logan: that's a nice trick... (grabs the vibroblade)

Re: Dsf Revan

Man: (growls)
(pushes Logan off him)
(stands up and twirls the vibroblade)


Mason: (approaches him) Name's Mason... and I'm your new body guard.

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: (pulls out a short sword)

Re: Dsf Revan

Man: No lightsaber? I'm surprised...

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: just because i know how to use a lightsaber does not me i would have one at all times, nor does it make me a jedi.

Re: Dsf Revan

hey guys could i join.could i be jason nord a relative of calo and a mercanary/bounty hunter.also hunting down logan.

" The only thing we have to fear is,fear itself. "

Re: Dsf Revan

why you gotta hunt me down?

Re: Dsf Revan

who else could i hunt whos a main character.but not kill.just obssed with failing everytime.

" The only thing we have to fear is,fear itself. "

Re: Dsf Revan

how about george?

Re: Dsf Revan

hes already fighting someone.

" The only thing we have to fear is,fear itself. "

Re: Dsf Revan

it never occured to you that i have the entire galaxy looking for me?

Re: Dsf Revan

so could be like a grudge i have against you.

" The only thing we have to fear is,fear itself. "