Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

lol i need to blend my sig more the chick staund out too much

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

no it's fine this way big_smile

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

You usually want the main figure to stand out. To draw attention to them.

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

That's what I thought big_smile

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

no i know that just blend it a tad more into the background

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

unsas wrote:

I have already completed this game for many years,

but until now there is one mission i can't understand

when i land on Korriban somebody ask me deliver a big box to Tatooine

when i go back to the ship , I find i can enter the box , there is one prisoner

he gives the brief about box , and if you want to leave ,he will ask you some

Qs. ..... finally, i give the box to the fat guy....

I really want to konw are there any story behind the mission???????????

I am eager to wait the answer from someone...................................

you doin too much bro. just give the box to the hutt and move on. stop overanalyzing thte game ese.

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

It's a little bitty tiny quest to be stressing over.

I Am Jedi

Re: a question has confused me for many years.....

^^^^ what he said....