Re: Malak?

sorry i haven't posted in about a week. this week has been hecktic. and to top it off, yesterday i had day camp. i am still sore... sad

Owe you 500 credits!

Re: Malak?

it's all good man. no worries. life can get busy.  wink

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

whew, you can say that again. sept. 2010 has become the worst month of my whole life.

Owe you 500 credits!

Re: Malak?

sorry about that man. it's been crazy for me, but getting married in 4 days so it's been a good month for me.

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

Life is hard but it gets easy as you get older.

Re: Malak?

Yeah. Just lookin for some stability right now.

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

We all are looking for that.

Re: Malak?

haha, true

I Am Jedi


Re: Malak?

you kill malek and his corpse gets blown up and i trew the rest of the star forge in to the sun

revan will return

Re: Malak?

It dose not matter what you do with the Star Forge because that is the last you see of it.

Re: Malak?

yeah. I think there are way to many super weapons in the Star Wars universe... but that's just me, lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

Yeah I agree because in the movies you have the Death Star and in the KOTOR 1 you have the Star Forge and even in some of the books you have super weapons. Like you I think enough is enough but they feel that if it has big weapons then it will draw in more people and add more action to the storylines.

Re: Malak?

It's always an end of the galaxy scenario. A game or movie could be just as interesting if only the main character and a few of his or her family and friends were in danger. Sometimes those can even be greater stories than superweapon crises, such as the story in the movie Gladiator.

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

i liked the idea of the star forge way more then the idea of the death star. If they make a new game it should start with like revan or the exile, or them together at the star forge.

Re: Malak?

I think they should show the Rakatans and their homeworld and have it that you go back to find out what Revan was doing there and what really happened to the Star Forge.

Re: Malak?

How about a defensive technology? You don't see that as much as super weapons, but what about a huge army or fleet with an impenetrable shield or cloaking devices? Or scanners that can pick up any enemy movements so they know exactly what everyone is going to do? Or a dark Jedi that can read the thoughts of his enemies and plan his battles accordingly.

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

i wish you could start the game in a state of power, and command forces. either as a man in the sith or republic fleets.

Re: Malak?

That would be cool LSM and Atrox and I like Atrox's idea because it would be cool to command your own flagship and fleet and still go on missions like in KOTOR 1, 2.

Re: Malak?

That is a good idea Atrox. big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Malak?

It would be like Battlefront mixed with KOTOR.