Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Okay guys, enough with the one line posting (the same with the Halo RPG too). There were some really good posts guys but then you started like losing ideas and started one line posting. One line posting is really kinda pointless. Nothing happens in one line.

Revan walks through the halls of the Jedi Temple, her boots making echoes as they hit the great marble floors. She listens through the Force, following the sound of his footsteps down the corridors, towards the only place they could be alone.

But things weren't like they used to be. On a level, she was his enemy now. But he had always loved her... always would.

...Kote Te’t, Mandalorian Armada; near the Republic planet of Serroco...

Mandalore folds his arms over his chest. This babbling fool was getting on his nerves. Death was not supposed to make a Mandalorian cower in a corner like a lost child, or stumble over himself like this pathetic weakling was doing.

Mandalore's guards step forward, sensing a kill, but Mandalore hold his hand up for pause.

Perhaps that is why he preferred Cassus over all the others. Not only was the Mandalorian brilliant but he was fearless... a deadly combination. He, like Mandalore, led his own men into battle. He did not sit back and watch them win the war with their sweat and blood, but bled with them. Fought with them.

A true Mandalorian leader.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Amos: Hey Krien this feeling is like a war is about to start but there is no indecation yet to make it happen. This is just not feeling right. I am getting ready for it because it is becoming close for it to start.

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Is that better?

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

big_smile There you go, Amos! ^_^ See, you have ideas, you've just got to let them flow in more abudance. I don't mean to be mean or anything. I'm just trying to help things flow smoother.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Amos: *runs to a temple* Any one an i mean any one knows whats happening outside and through the force there is something that is happening and it is not right

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

alright, but my ideas are way too long
Krien: i have to go, somethings calling me

*krien gets into a a ship and is about to put in the co-oridinates when kriens ship gets zapped up into a ship*

*krien is being dragged to the main Bridge by 3 Serrocco warriors*

Krien: *They put him in the bridge in front of the serrocco leader*

Leader: Krien...

Krien: yaa?

Leader: What are your battle formations?

Krien: battle formations?

Leader: yes... oh and dont use the force... we have 10 sith behind us watching.

Krien: i dont have 'em,

Leader: *kicks krien* dont play dumb with me jedi.

Krien: *coughs up blood*

Leader: i will ask you one more time... the battle formations?

Krien: *coughs blood in the leaders face* *smiles*

Leader: take him to the tourture chambers *wipes blood off his face*

*krien gets dragged to the chambers and is put in a forcefield*

Krien: what you gonna do to me?

Leader: im going to slowly murder you *turns power up to 10%*

Krien: i dont feel anything

Leader: *turns power to 25%*

Krien: arghh my arms

Leader: *turns power to 50%*

Krien: arghh my neck *falls on the floor*

Leader: *turns power to 75%* will you tell me?

Krien: no! arghh my heart my lungs, i cant breathe

Leader: or well, you get short term paralasys *turns power to 90%*

Krien: *veins show up around his body*

Leader: well, it was nice knowing you *overloads the cage*

Krien: *falls on the floor... dead*

Leader: dump in on the planet below

*krien was shot back onto the planet, landing by amos's feet*

Leader: *holds up a disc* the battle plans... *he puts it in the holo tv* WHAT!!! *he sees a childrens show (like igglepiggle or the tweenies)*

If you bring me to the medics i will make a revcovery.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

The holographic planet still rotates slowly around the holotable, casting a light across each of the mandalorians in the room. The advisor, still tripping over his words, is interrupted with a single sentence from Cassus. "We bomb the planet."

"Bomb it?" The advisor repeats.

Cassus stands up from his seat, and spreads his fingers at the holographic image - and thrusts his arm foward. "800 kegs of Nuke bombs is more than enough to deal with them." He comments further.

The other advisors sits down.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Sorry about the long post guys. Lots of ideas flowing.  tongue

Revan opens the sliding door with her hand before she even reaches the room. She steps inside and the door quickly closes behind her, a movement through the Force by the Jedi who stood on the balcony in front of her, his back to her.

His grip tightens on the railing. "Do you know what you're doing Alora?" he asks casting a quick glance over his shoulder at her before returning his consentration to the traffic below.

"You say the Jedi Council is cowardice to wait while the Republic struggles and fails to combat the Mandalorian threat... but do you really understand why?"

He turns to her now. "There is more to this war than the mere taint of the darkside. It is pure darkness, everything we stand to fight against. And it waits for someone just like you."

He takes a step towards her, a slow dramatic step. "It waits like a predator, to find you in your weakest moment. And when it does, it will strike with pure brutality... without mercy."

"So this is why he brought me here," Revan thinks to herself. "To lecture me."

She nods. "I understand, Kavar-"

"Damnit, no you don't!" he yells. "You think you are so strong, that you will be able to resist it. Be able to defeat it!"

"You taught me well-" she tries to insert.

"I have been a Jedi nearly 30 years and even now I find myself bursting out with anger!"

Revan remains silent, surprised at such anger coming from a Jedi Master. He sighs and moves to her in a swift movement, grabbing her my her arms.

"This darkness..." he begins in a low voice. "It will twist your soul, corrupt your being until the very evil you fought against is good and the good you once stood for is now the viliest of evils."

"You cannot fight it Alora..." he says looking into her eyes. "it will consume you..."

...Kote Te’t, Mandalorian Armada; near the Republic planet of Serroco...

Mandalore's helmet hides his smile, but the battered Mandalorian's approval is obvious. He chuckles.

"Well done, Cassus," he says resting his hands on the edge of the table. He looks around at the other advisors.

"I wonder why I even let all these other idiots claim to be my advisors when none of them even speak and the ones that do stumble over themselves like some handicap!"

He pounds his fists on the table making the other advisors jump with surprise and even fear. Cassus remains still, in complete silence with his arms folded over his chest.

Mandalore growls, glancing around the table at the guards that surround it. "Remove these hut'uuns from my sight!"

Each guard promptly steps forward and grabs one advisor by their arms. They each yank them from their seats and leads them away. Mandalore glances back at the two guards behind him.

"Fetch my aloran."

The guards nods and leave. Mandalore looks up at Cassus once more. "You've managed to outdo yourself again, Cassus. My congratulations."

Hut'uun- Mando'a for "coward". The worst possible insult.

Alor- Mando'a for "leader, officer, captain, commander, general, etc." The added suffix an means "all". When used together it means to fetch all leaders i.e. main leaders of the Mandalorian army and armada.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Jaden:well i better go i guess it would seem kinda bad to be late haha *walks out of the room and down to where everybody else is at*so what is up and where is reven?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Rhyykol, Serroco is a canon Republic planet that the Mandalorians bombed during the Mandalorian Wars. There are no Sith there… and there have never been any Sith there. Your scene is kinda off. If Krien was on a different planet that would be understandable.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Alek is greeted by a man in the Hanger. The man has blond hair, and wears a brown robe with red stretch across. He looks almost jedi, but carries no lightsaber - making him look different from others. The man walks as he carries a burden, although it could just be because he's in charge of Hanger management.

"Afternoon, Alek." the man says, writing something on a datapad. Alek nods back, and the man takes it like Alek replied verbally. "I need the ship unlocked from the sub-frame security protection, Ben." Alek says.

"Planning a trip?" Ben replies.

"Doesn't matter."

(( Meanwhile... Kote Te’t, Mandalorian Armada; near the Republic planet of Serroco ))

Cassus gives an affirmitive nod, and smiles. "Thank-You, sir."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

i never said sith... i said serroco thugs... there could be pockets of resistance... ???

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

No doubt there would be pockets of resistance but no Sith: "Leader: yes... oh and dont use the force... we have 10 sith behind us watching." A Jedi would easily be able to get out of that situation. wink

OMG did you guys know that you can change your name?

Revan pulls away from Kavar. "I can resist it, Kavar. And I will. The darkside calls to us all eventually. It is the true test of the Jedi. And I will not fail. "

With that Revan turns and leaves, a little disappointed in Master Kavar. After all, he had been a part of the war effort once.

...Kote Te't, Mandalorian Armada; near the Republic planet of Serroco...

Mandalore watches as a line of Mandalorians stride into their room, their armors painted in a variety of color, denoting their ranks within the vast Mandalorian society.

They stand around the table, observing the holographic image of Serroco as the advisors had done just moments ago.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

have you ever heard of a ... cant think of a word but what im saying is that the serroco leader made a statement which wasnt true, the sith was not there... and im sorry for making a diffrence in a regular star wars

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

And Cassus could take them ALL OUT! MWAHAHA! lol

Nah, Starr, I didn't know that. Do you mean your real name or the username?

"Well then... of course, it isn't. The ship is unlocked." Ben replies. Alek nods, and walks past him. Ben, with a frown, walks to the hallways.

(( Kote Te't, Mandalorian Armada; near the Republic planet of Serroco ))

Cassus, his helmet's visor dark, stands there also; arms folded.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

im waiting on amos, he needs to get me to a medic.

so username or password you can change?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

I wouldn't doubt it for a second, Hovoth. ~_^

It's really no biggie Rhyykol. Sith are in all corners of the galaxy but I just doubt they'd ever be on a fully Republic planet in the Outer Rim. Just a thought...

Like your username, it's so cool. See? ^_^ Only admins and mods can put a note though so I'd keep your sig the same or put a notice in your sig about who you are or leave a siggie in your sig that has your name (example: Hovoth's sig)... just so no one's confused.

Revan strides down the hallways of the Jedi Temple. This place wasn't like it used to be. It had a bit of a chill to it, something that made Revan's hair stand on end. It used to feel like home... now it just felt distant.

...Kote Te't, Mandalorian Armada; near the Republic planet of Serroco...

The guards that had lead the advisors away move back into the room seeming to blend in with the shadows that surround the table. Mandalore looks around at his generals, his captains, his admirals... truly the best the Mandalorian culture had to offer.

Each Mandalorian removes his helmet, some resting them on the table's edge beside them, others holding them under their arms. They each turn to Mandalore, bowing their heads in respect. Mandalore nods back.

"Cassus," he begins, "has once again devised a brilliant attack strategy." He pauses, and stands back to his full height and begins to walk around the table.

"As we all now, the Republic has some rather important bases on Serroco." The holographic table, obviously voice-commanded, zooms in on the slowly spinning Serroco and highlights the main Republic bases that are stationed on the planet.

"But they made a cowardly move. Each base is located within a major city." The table now highlights the major cities in which the Republic base is located.

Mandalore growls. "It is a coward's tactic." He stops at his normal position, at the head of the table. "A defense without honor."

"Kih'kote," the leaders agree.

Mandalore nods and continues, "And because of that it deserves none. We are going to bomb Serroco... we are going to light that planet ablaze and let the Republic know just who they're dealing with!"

"Mhi pirunir!" the leaders shout in unison, raising their helmets in the air.

"Who are they to think they can stop us?! We are Mandalorians! And we will have our glory!"

"Kote lo'shebs'ul narit!" the leaders shout again.

"Your ships are to be loaded with nuclear devices. We move to attack in two ehn."

The leaders nod, understanding.

"When no single brick lies atop another, only then... will I be satisfied. Teh Manda'lor."

The leaders bow their heads in respect once more, putting their helmets back on. They are then lead out by the guards that had lead out the advisors.


Ooh, I used lots of vocabulary. So proud of myself. ^_^

Kih'kote- Mando'a for coward-like (lit. no honor)

Mhi pirunir- Mando'a for "we will make their eyes water". Mando'a slang for defeat or kill. A war cry.

Kote lo'shebs'ul narit- Mando'a for "we will have our glory".

ehn- A Mandalorian time unit. Close to the amount of time an hour consists of.

Teh Manda'lor- Mando'a for "for Mandalore". When spoken by Mandalore (the sole leader of the Mandalorians) it more than likely means for Mandalore, as in the homeworld of the Mandalorian race.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

wait, how did you do that? change you username?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

I don't see the option anywhere... :S

"I'm beginning to wonder how they even got a start..." Cassus comments to Mandalore. "Their military power is below average. I found more resistance in a game of Tharko'sa than against the cowards." Cassus puts his golden helmet back on. "May the might of The Glory crush their skulls."

Tharko'sa - A game, similiar to chess, but the piece count is much higher. It's played on a holographic board, where one person controls one side and another person controls the other.

'The Glory' in the since that Cassus is saying is the Mandalorians in general.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

lmao Apparently I can do it for you.  lol

Like the title Hovoth? XP