Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: Fine Marines suit up

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

The wall that blocks the tunnel quickly melts before the highly heated plasma. Without a second though, Vali’s soldiers rush in, eager to spill Demon blood.

…Alliance; Ancient Structure…

Lisa smiles. “Ah, a true Spartan I see. You know, I never had a thing for by-the-book junkies; that’s why I stick with Daar,” she jokes, putting her helmet back on. It locks with a hiss. ”But hang with me and you just might turn out alright, sugah,” she finishes, patting him on the shoulder.

And with that she follows the others back down the tunnel.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Darth Jester wrote:

Grim: (Walks out of the shadows with a grin on my face and walks up to Maxiums)

Grim: What have I missed?

Grim: (Looks over at the Elite and I hold my hands up to make a sign that only his race knows how to make it and what it means)

Grim: What are you looking at?

Grim: (Laughs because the sign that I showed the Elite is the sign of WAR on the humans)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thell's men follow behind, and find a small room, with a single hallway heading down the stretch, opposite of the opening the Sangheilli's made. The hallway is mostly dark, with blue crystals lighting up some of the way down. "Well, we know where they went." Thell states.

(( Meanwhile... ))

The Spartan catches up with the rest, as they are coming near the end of the tunnel. "I can see the light up ahead." Jay states. "Almost there."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

lol Sorry, Jest, I thought you were talking to some other Elite. Didn't see Maximus's name. My bad.  tongue

Maximus steps out of the ancient structure through the tuneel and growls at Grim. "That depends, human..."

Maximus moves aside to allow the other humans to exit the tunnel.

...Elites, Ancient Structure...

Vali follows the other Elites into the dank tunnel. Ardo follows behind her and quickly grabs her soldier, turning her to him.

"The Parasite will follow us, Vali..."

"That is why we must move quickly, Ardo, and not waste time on talk."

Ardo releases his grip on Vali's shoulder as she turns and continues down the tunnel.

Re: The Halo Rpg

That's okay Starr.

Grim: (Spits on the body of a dead human soldier and laughs)

Grim: It is almost time to..........

Grim: (Takes out knife and cuts my arm for almost telling the secret)

Grim: That feels better.

Grim: (Smiles and runs to catch up to Maximus and the others in the tunnels)

Grim: Maximus, Where are we heading now?

Re: The Halo Rpg

The group finally comes out to the open stone door, and winds pick up. Jay uses his hand to cover his eye, as the rest of the small group comes out. "It wasn't this windy when we went in." Links remarks. "It seems a storm is 'uh brewing."

Jay looks up and notices a heavy, fog-like cloud descend across the outlying mountains, coming towards their position. "I love storms." Jay smiles.

(( Meanwhile... Tunnels... ))

"Something tells me that this tunnel isn't a short one." Ullono declares. "That's why we must be quick, Ullono." Bel'san growls. It was only supposed to be a small mission, practically recon-based. Turned out to be something more, Thell thinks to himself.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Maximus looks at the dead body of the human and then his eyes move to the blood dripping from Grim's arm. Humans did not act like that... Demons did not even act like that. He looks up at the soldier's face to watch him carefully.

He did not like this human. He acted different than the others... smelled different. And different wasn't good in this case. His thoughts were interrupted by Jay and Link commenting on an upcoming storm.

He looks back at the humans, then at the Spartans as they too exit the tunnel. He turns to face the oncoming fog.

"We must move faster," he growls.

...Elites, Tunnels...

The Elites continue through the tunnels; Cado leading, following the scent of the humans. Suddenly an eerie sound echoes through the tunnel. Ardo growls and grabs Vali, turning her to him.

"The Parasite has breached the door, Vali," he hisses, turning to look behind him.

Vali orders the other soldiers to move on. Cado leads the group forward faster while Vali and Ardo remain still. Vali turns to him again.

"You cannot," she growls quietly.

"I must," he retorts. "We both know why the Prohpets chose us to go on this mission," he continues somberly.

Re: The Halo Rpg

"There you are Grim..." Jay states, and nods "I agree, we should keep moving..." he looks back at the Spartans,"Was there anyone... following you guys?"

(( Meanwhile... Sangheilli... ))

Thell continues on, looking back. "Let's go sir, I'm sure they can handle the parasites." Bel'san says. "Live by the gods, die by the gods."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: Damn there coming hard we need more than just us we need more people *Sends a message* If anyone hears this the flood have taken the base on planet no no aaahhhh *message ends*

Marine: we need to go asap

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: I just hope someone on another planet heard that

Marine #1: I hope so too because there are only 5 of us left

Thomas: That is not good what so ever........Man why did we have to go to the flood

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: I can take them i am Special forces so i think i can take them

Marine #4: Sir what are we gonna do

Thomas: Kill them all

Marine #2: Now all of them

Thomas: Yes (becoming annoyed)

Marine #1: *radio* Zharr, Alxsis what is your statis

Thomas: *starts blasting*

Marines 1,2,3, and 5: *starts shooting*

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Lisa wipes a spiderweb off her armor and shakes her head. "Me and Daar closed the tunnel up behind us. They'll make it through but that doesn't mean they'll survive the Flood... and even if they do, we'll be long gone."

Daar glances back at Lisa then at Bruce. Daar had never worked well with men. He had a serious competive drive, which is why he and Lisa had been a pick from the start. He was calmer around her. Always had been.

His helmet muffles a growl. He had a feeling this new Spartan would step out of line before things were over with... and Daar intended to put him back in his place.

He turns back to Maximus. "Let's get moving," he agrees.

...Elites, Tunnels...

Ardo growls. "I do not have time to argue with you, Ship Mistress. It is an honor to die in battle... especially when I would save the lifes of those worthier than me."

Vali shakes her head. "I will not waste your life, Ardo. The Parasite is dumb and it will take them a while to follow our path."

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks ahead and then looks at Maximus)

Grim: Maximus, I smell something ahead.

Grim: (Says stupid to myself)


Grim: (Takes out knife and I cut my arm again and then put the knife away)

Grim: Do you hear it?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: Move! move! move!

Soldier #5: aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Soldier #2: damn move

Soldiers 3 and 4 die with 5

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Bruce remains silent. It almost seems like he's plotting, planning, and observing what the group does. Without participation, many looks are drawn out to him every few seconds - as well as the rest of the Spartans. The Blood dried out on his helmet, and a hand with dripped blood just remains. The golden surrounding reflects from his visor, and he stands very tall over the rest of the group: about the same size as the rest of the Spartans. Finally, he snaps out his observation with Grim exclaming something to the elite.

"What is coming Grim?" Jay remarks to Grim, unsure to what he's yelling about. The dark clouds become more violent, and lightning is soon thrown up from the emerging darkness.

(( Meanwhile... Tunnel... Elites... ))

"I smell it again - the parasite is very close!" Ullono states.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: Come on you two

Soldier: Go on i will take them on

Marine: Okay see you on the other sid

Thomas: Come on. You sure about this

Soldier: Yes sir

Marine: Thomas lets go

Thomas: okay

Thomas: I just hope some one heard my transmition

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Zharr starts shooting a few metres ahead of thomas. "arghh!"

Zharr turns around and spots thomas.
"tom! we gotta get to the escape pod! the flood have killed everyone on board! alex is not answering com... the covenant are joined with the flood and actually is about to take the shape over" Looks behind him and sees two thousand covenant and flood. " i need the prototype armor if we are gonna get to the pods!"

Zharr runs to the locked down room and kicks the window in. inside the room is two prototype suits. he hands one to thomas. Zharr puts on the suit, "wear it if you want... lets go!"


The suit looks like the nanosuit from crysis, if you dont know*R7h4ggiIGssxQMrwNXI0Nke7NfA1u-SsRLFEP5mNbtO2IgZWNtJpAM/nanosuit_soldier.jpg

or Amos if you want you can make yours look like this

or refuse it...

im going for no. 1

Re: The Halo Rpg

okay i will take no.2
Thomas: Marine stay right behind me

Marine: okay

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Zharr shoots down twelve flood. "cool suits eh?"