Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Xam woke up with what she could only describe as a terrible headache, and an entire body full of dull aches and pains. She slowly pushed herself around so that she could see her surroundings, at which point she heard a synthetic laugh.

"You really did it this time." Shab stated in amusement, she was in the middle of tweaking her blasters.

Xam glared at her. "What happened?"

"I found you in what was left of your ship, dragged you away, and then the war broke out." Shab efficiently summarised.

"I guess that explains why you've been a little sparing with the kolto." Xam suggested, annoyed that she couldn't see the look Shab was giving her through the enviro-suit.


Shkala and Kric were carefully treading their way through the apartment block, which they'd only ducked into to avoid a skirmish outside between the Sith and Jedi. The war on Junkka had broken out fully, and their old streets and hideouts were now overrun by fighting by outsiders.

Many of the more affluent locals had wanted to stay out of it, but the locals that they knew? Well they took a side, and it was to be against both sides. Antagonising both equally in the hopes that eventually they'd take their war elsewhere.

Shkala suddenly put her hand on Kric's arm, stopping him as she slowly rolled her head as she listened with her montrals. "There's a group up ahead." She stated quietly. Kric nodded and they decided to turn back and find a different way out of the block.

However the group came around the corner before they had a chance to disappear. "You there, identify yourselves!" A voice demanded, and both of them turned to see a group of grey Sith uniforms.


"How many is that now?" Astra asked tiredly.

"Another 27 students still outstanding." Fraya replied.

Astra took a breath as she foolishly looked out of the window again. Few of the Council buildings still stood after the bombing, they were currently in one of the outer most buildings within the compound, low standing so had remained relatively in tact. But from there you could see the destruction caused that they were desperately trying to search for any remaining souls.

"Once we've accounted for everyone we need to call on our allies." Astra started.

"What?" Fraya asked, snapping more easily due to her tiredness, and Astra shot her a concerned look as she regained her composure. "I mean, don't we have more important things to worry about here?"

"It is about the bigger picture." Astra reminded her. "This will be the scene playing out everywhere if the Sith win."

"Yet they already stopped their attack here."

"They could not sustain a long attack on Coruscant, the planet is too well defended for that." Astra paused. "Anyway it is for what is left of the council to decide, not us."

"What's left of it."

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Kraven: Not mentioning who was the person who FOUND her ship? That's typical.
After the bombs went off Sara Jane and Venrii saw two people flee from the last bomb and started to chase them, following the individuals for a couple of streets they were able to determine that they were chasing the two guys from Junkka's Docking Bay.

Sara Jane: Did you see where they went?

Venrii: No, but the monkey has a very distinct stench. *Sniffs* Down that alley.
Tamos: Are they still chasing us?

Dacrott: The dog is still chasing us, yes. You shouldn't have stopped to enjoy the explosion.

Tamos: I know, but it felt so good after all these years to finally get back at those smug pricks.
Zeta is in the middle of the Junkka War, wondering aimlessly to find his target, a squad of Sith troopers come out of an apartment building being fought by Republic troopers, a lost shot nearly hits Zeta. All troopers on both sides are gunned down.

Monarrow: Don't shoot, I'm just a civilian.

Zeta: Meatbag lies, but meatbag hasn't tried to harm this unit, as well as not being my target, meatbag should consider itself lucky.

Monarrow: First off, my name is Danden Monarrow, secondly I could take a tin can on, and thirdly a target? How much and who?

Zeta:.....Meatbag should walk away.
Outside an embassy in Coruscant a bomb was exploded. The damage has been stopped by first responders.

Nitsua: Is everyone okay? Does anyone need assistance?

Nelsin: I caught a bomber, he is struggling, I need a hand.

As Nitsua makes his way over, the man holding the bomber is fought off and the bomber makes a run for it. As he is about to escape he is pulled to the ground.

Lillithen: You stay put.

Britton: Let go of me you Jedi scum.

Lillithen: I am no Jedi, remember that as she starts to choke him.

The failed escapee is about to lose life as the attacker is blasted away and the escapee is still being held down.

Nitsua: No one else is dying while I'm here.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Shab clicked her blaster back together a little too forcefully. "And make you even more insufferable?" She asked Kraven. "About that, I believe I have you to thank." She added, turning to Xam.

Xam looked perfectly innocent, before Shab pointed her blaster towards her in a reminder that the enviro-suit protected her from Xam's pheromones. Xam sighed. "I wanted a free ride, he didn't provide one."

Shab actually forgot she was supposed to be holding the blaster up and it thumped against the table she was sat at in her astonishment, signing a rude Ubese word with her free hand. "I know trust is illusive in our line of work, but seriously? You gave that away for free?"

Xam wasn't sure if she needed to be worried. "It was a gamble, it turns out he's as stubborn as you."


Shkala and Kric shared a look, and with a small smirk on Shkala's face they had an agreement. Kric activated his energy shield whilst Shkala tossed a grenade at the group of Sith. Then they both ran, the blast going off when they'd closed half the gap, Kric drawing his vibrosword and Shkala her blasters. As Kric reached melee distance Shkala jumped, using the wall to aid her acrobatic abilities and to confuse the Sith as she started shooting.


Tamos and Dacrott were too busy talking & running to see Nei step out from the shadows - her Jedi robes once again dirty and smudged since the explosions at the compound - and use the force to push them backwards off their feet.

She regards them cooly as she steps up to where they're lying winded on the floor, igniting a green lightsabre in her left hand. Trying to decide what to do.

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

As she stands undecided, Dacrott's tail wraps around Nei and pulls her to the group. Tamos force pushes her into the nearest wall and they run off. Just as they leave Sara Jane and Venrii come running in.

Sara Jane: Oh no. *She kneels down to Nei who is writhing in pain* What happened?

Venrii: *Sniffs* The monkey.
Continuing on after the run in with the strange Droid, Danden is walking down a corridor and a republic soldier is walking down and pulls a blaster on Danden.

Soldier: Hey, stay still and put your han...

A sniper shot is heard and the Soldier drops dead with a hike in his head.

Unknown voice: You can stand, if he pulled his blaster on you, then you can't be with him. But if you make a move, I will not hesitate to blow your brain out.

Danden: I'm just a civilian, trying to survive in this crazy place, come here for work and then all sorts of crazy happen.

Voice: My name is Brutas, if you aren't on a side, then I suggest get off this rock.

Danden: That's the plan.

Brutas: I'd stay away from Coruscant if I was you.
Kraven: Well, enough. Let's get away from this ticking time bomb, so either of you know a safe place? I'm going back to Coruscant, and no I wasn't on the planet.
Lillithen: He needs to pay for what he did.

Nitsua: He needs to go through trial.

Nelsin: I say we kill him, too many innocent lives were taken by him, he deserves to die.

Britton: Innocent? All of you monsters hiding on this planet, you are all the reason this happened.

Nitusa: *Smashes the bomber to the ground knocking him out* I'm taking him in and none of you will stop me

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

All three of them froze as they heard a blast outside of the door. "I think that's your bomb." Shab stated.


Shkala was in full distraction mode, confusing the sith as much as she could as she gracefully dodged and flipped around their shots, taking her own shots at them allowing Kric to slice his way through them.

The sith clearly hadn't expected any proficiency or skill from them, being taken completely aback by these two street rats. It was one of the sith that felt the need to hack through the nearby door to try and take cover.


Nei managed to fight through the fog of pain in her head to use the force to nullify whatever it was that Tamos had done. As she pushed herself to her feet she signed a question to them, before the confused looks on Sara Jane & Venrii's faces reminded her that they didn't know sign, so she fumbled around her pockets for her implant.

"Since when were they force sensitive?" She asked through the electronic voice of the implant.


"Nitsua, I do not believe that violence was necessary." Astra scolded as she and Fraya approached the embassy area.

"On the contrary, I believe that after a bombing campaign that violence is the best way for us to gain a tactical advantage." Fraya replied.

"You wish to torture anyone you find in connection with this?" Astra demanded. "That simply reduces us to their level."

"And how will the moral high ground win us the war?" Fraya asked.

"That does not mean we sacrifice everything we stand for to achieve it!" Astra nearly shouted.


As a sith backed into the room neither Shab nor Kraven hesitated and shot at him, he clearly hadn't expected the room to be occupied, much less occupied with armed mercenaries.

Shab ran towards the door controls as both Kraven and Xam provided covering fire from the ruckus in the corridor.

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Brutas and Danden have met face to face and Brutas has taken Danden into a Sith operated cantina.

Brutas: I'm kinda glad I didn't shoot you. Well you're here, you can take any of the beverages you want. Before you do anything though, you should join us.

Danden: How much you guys paying?

Brutas: Enough. The reason you should consider it, is because...I shouldn't tell you this, but I think I can trust you, this rock is set to blow. The charges are being set at every end of this place and in about an hour, boom.

Danden: So if I join you, I get a ride off this place?

Brutas: Yes.

Danden: In.
Dacrott: She should've killed us right there. I think she forgot about you being able to use the force.

Tamos: Damn child shouldn't of blind sided us like that. Next time, Imma end that kid.

Dacrott: Well until then we have to leave this place, we nearing the hanger bay?

Tamos: We will be there in less than 5 minutes.
Kraven: I think now is the best time to get back to my ship and leave. So have decided if you're coming with me ?
Nelsin: He should be killed right now.

Lillithen: If you get in my way, any of you, it won't end well for you.

Nitsua: He should be tried, not killed, and not tortured. It wasmt violence, it was me doing my duty to make sure no more bloodshed will be done.

Britton: *Still knocked out*

Nitsua: I will let no harm come to this prisoner.
Sara Jane: Are you okay?

Venrii: The Human was always Force Sensitive, the monkey, not at all. *Hightens senses to try and find them,catches the words Hanger Bay*

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

"Well as mine was conveniently destroyed during the bombing what choice do I have?" Shab asked, having given up on the door controls as the shooting had stopped.

Xam was in the doorway now, blocking Shab's view of it's occupants. "I'm not sure getting there will be as clean as you like." She started, and both Shab & Kraven moved to see past her.

Shkala and Kric had turned to the open doorway as they heard voices, Shkala still with her blasters raised in defence, Kric nearer the door, blade in hand but lowered. "Don't harm us, and we don't harm you." Shkala warned.

"I think the more pertinent question is why the rush, now, to get off the planet?" Kric stated. "What does he know that we don't?"

"There's a war on, in case you forgot." Shkala teased sardonically.

"Yes, for week now, but why leave now?" Kric corrected. "They're clearly mercs, mercs can make good money during wars."

Shab giggled, the enviro-suit mutilating the sound. "That depends entirely on the type of merc." She retorted.


Nei pinched the bridge of her nose. "I feel like I should be worried I forgot that." She paused as she hooked her lightsabre back on her belt. "If you want to continue chasing them then they went that way. However they've looped around over there now if you want to jump them..?"


"And so we're already divided?" Astra observed. "Already descended into vigilante justice?" She sighed, feeling like a school teacher. "Nitsua, Fraya and I are on our way to the council - what's left of it - would you care to join us with the... prisoner?" She invited.

"Maybe this will be fun after all." Fraya muttered as she felt a drastic shift in tension in the group.

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Kraven: I want to get off this planet, because being dead isn't on my to-do list today. Also, how about you tell us who you are, just in case you do something stupid and I have to explain to my employer who and why I killed someone.
Give a little bit for the others.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Sara Jane and Venrii agreed to follow Nei to jump the duo, however when they reached their destination, no one was there and a ship was seen leaving the planet.

Sara Jane: How did we lose them?

Venrii: *Sniffs* We didn...

Before Venrii could finish his sentence, Dacrott kicked him in the back of the head. Tamos came out of the darkness and force pushed a distracted Nei and Sara Jane.

Dacrott: I'm going to snap his neck if either of you move a muscle or even think of hitting us with whatever the normal throat one did on Junkka.

Tamos: Before we leave...No one knocks me on my ass and gets away with it. *He ignites his lightsaber and points to Nei* I'm taking a piece of you with me.
Danden and Brutas make their way on to a ship and departs the planet.
Zeta is seen in a security room viewing surveillance.

Zeta: Target spotted.

Zeta leaves the room, on the camera there is footage of the skirmish between the ignitors of the war.
Nitsua: I will, once I hand the prisoner to the guards.

Lillithen and Nelsin both appear angry, but have accepted the terms.

Lillithen: *silently* pfft, the council. Pretentious pricks.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

"Civilians, though having grown up in this area I'm not sure that description is entirely accurate." Shkala replied cautiously. "But if you don't shoot us, we won't shoot you."

"But is hitching a ride outta here a bad idea?" Kric asked.

"Leave?" Shkala asked, astonished.

"Might not be a bad idea." Shab suggested. "But we gotta get moving." She added, and even Xam nodded, from what she could see all her reasons for returning to the planet - namely her sponsors - had all gone to pot. Staying was now far more dangerous than leaving.


Nei looked as Tamos stalked towards where she and Sara Jane were stood, briefly glancing at Sara Jane, who looked terrified. Taking a deep breath she relaxed her body, and fixing her stare at Tamos, who looked like he was trying to determine if he should be worried.

After a brief pause he decided that he definitely had the better hand, and started walking towards her again, at which point Nei flicked out with one hand - but not at Tamos - cocooning Dacrott in the force and propelling him straight up in the air. Completing the motion Nei activated her lightsabre, ready to defend herself.


Fraya couldn't help but feel disappointed as she looked around the rooms the council had requisitioned, she had rather hoped the incident with the other group would be far more interesting.

Astra meanwhile was trying to get the councillors to agree to some form of plan. But beyond then agreeing how to clean up the planet, she was getting nowhere.

"Then let me go to the other planets and try to rally some support." Astra requested after finally giving up on trying to convince them to take some sort of committed action. "I'm owed enough favours among the diplomats to secure some alliances."

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Kraven: Well I'm leaving, I did my good deed of the day and money isn't important when a war is going on around me.
In the council chambers, Nitsua brought the prisoner and was about to explain what happened, when he heard a whisper in the world and had a sudden feeling of terror. Nitsua stopped what he was doing and tried to follow the whisper.
Tamos: Clever girl. *He swings his lightsaber towards Nei while pushing Sara Jane into the wall further*

Sara Jane is being squeezed into the wall and horror is forming on her face. She can barely form a sentence, "I can't breathe".

Venrii is still down, he is really feeling the effects of Dacrotts weight on his neck.
Lillithen makes her way to the council chambers, she is able to mask her presence to disguise herself among the others.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

"Day? More like week." Shab teased

"Stop trying to lose us our ride." Xam warned, as they followed Kraven back towards his ship.


Kric and Shkala looked around the corridor as they stood there surrounded by dead sith. "You know, leaving isn't such a bad idea..." Kric eventually started.

Shkala looked up as if he'd hit her. "But, this is our home..."

"Home is where you make it." Kric corrected. "It can be somewhere without a war."

There was a pause, before Shkala gave a tiny nod. "There's no harm in asking..." She suggested. Then they hurried to catch up with the strange group of mercenaries who they'd just met.


Nei blocked Tamos' lightsabre swing before hopping back out of reach, before using the force to smash a hole in the wall behind Sara Jane, surprising Tamos and giving Sara Jane a few moments to make an escape as his grip faltered.


Astra froze as the council debated her suggestion, hearing a disturbing disturbance in the Force. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on it so that she could seek out what had caused it.

Meanwhile Fraya had slipped into the shadows herself, before grabbing Lillithen's wrist and tugging her away from the crowd. Placing her other hand over the woman's mouth before she said anything. "You are not the only Jedi who knows tricks they don't teach." She stated calmly. "Now, why are you here?" She asked sweetly, removing her hand from Lillithen's mouth.

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Lillithen: First off, don't ever do that again. Secondly, I'm here to see what happens to that man in there. He killed a diplomat I was protecting. Here's a thought, shouldn't you be focusing on your friend who just left? She seemed depressed.
Kraven: So you decided to follow us after all? Good, I could use a few people keep my ship afloat. But we have to get through that first. *Kraven points*

A meer few feet from the group, a battlefield has been made by the hangars.

Kraven: Look, they even have an HK Droid.
Nitsua is on the ground now, the whisper is getting stronger.
Sara Jane is getting her breath back as she looks into the room.

Tamos: I've dealt with you for the last time, I'm gonna kill you.

Dacrott having been freed from Nei's power stands up right behind her as he lunges towards her, Venrii, now fine, spears into Dacrott.

Dacrott: Damn dog, you need to be put down.

Venrii: *Fangs pop out* Stupid Ape.

Before Venrii is able to bite, Dacrott's tail ropes around Venrii's neck.

Dacrott: Now, you will need to be put down. *Dacrott bites into Venrii* You should've had your neck snapped.

Dacrott then jumps off and swings off the walls to Ramos.

Dacrott: You might wanna stop playing with her, she will have enough on her hands.

Tamos: *Smirks and give a low laugh* You did it?

Dacrott: Yes.

Tamos: I'm sadden by the news I'll have to leave, but knowing you're gonna be dead gives me satisfaction.

Sara Jane has made her way to Venrii, trying to calm his convulsing body.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Shab tapped her visor scanner into action. "The fighting has initiated a lock down, but only in this sector. If I get to the tower I can undo that." She paused. "And providing I'm right about which hangar you're in, we can close that blast door trapping them away from us, and only exposing us to minimum fire."

"And you propose to do that how?" Xam asked. "Even my sponsors couldn't get access to those codes, not for lack of trying."

"It might have been something in their approach." Shab teased. "Local lock downs aren't anywhere near as bad as blanket ones, I've hacked through a few in my time, should be fine."

"And we have the blast door codes." Shkala announced.

"All I need is a little cover fire..." Kric agreed.


Nei scrambled to her feet to drop down next to where Venrii was still convulsing. "Hold him!" She half yelled as she tried to in a few of his limbs herself so that she could use the Force to find out what was wrong with him. Sara Jane tried, but it was proving difficult. "Venom." Nei announced unhappily. She was practically sat on Venrii now to hold him down as she tried to use the Force to draw the venom out of him and heal him.


Astra fought the voices, trying to focus on them without listening to the message. She presently managed to stumble her way to it, where she was confronted by Nitsua on the floor, and a dark presence nearby. She heard a shout, but was too busy fighting the darkness to realise it was herself.


Fraya raised an eyebrow at the threat, maybe this would be interesting after all. "She can handle herself." She explained calmly. "So what's so special about this diplomat, and this bomber? When many have dropped bombs that killed thousands..."

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Kraven: Nope, my ship, my danger to be in. Everyone stay here and make sure to not be found, a decent crew is hard to find.
As Zeta tries to find a way to get to his target, by random chance an individual from the security vid comes out of nowhere. As the individual is make his way to the control room, Zeta kills anyone who takes aim, many casualties on both sides.
Nitsua turned around to see that he was being followed, the trance seemed to break.

Nitsua: What are you doing?
Tamos looked as Nei tried to heal Venrii.

Tamos: It won't work. *Throws his lightsaber at Nei*

Sara Jane pulls Nei off Venrii to save her life. Sara Jane looks up as the two leave. She stands up and tries to chase them, but as soon as she made a step, Venrii grabbed on to her leg. Sara Jane stopped and before looking down she felt claws digging into her leg. She cried out in pain as Venrii clawed into her, she tripped and her brother, now acting more wolfish than ever before climbed on top of her on all fours.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Lillithen: Its not who the diplomat was, or who the bomber is. I swore an oath, and that person in there, made me break it. *Lillithen then slumps down* (barely audible) I failed you, why did you leave me?
Danden and Brutas are walking on a former Republic battleship that has been remodified for the Sith's needs.

Danden: So I forgot to ask, where are we going?

Brutas: The best place in the whole galaxy, Korriban.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Shab and Xam shared a look, before Shab nodded. "Like I though, not a chance." She decided, following Kraven as Xam issued orders to keep their group safe and huddle in a way that could defend their route if the fighting got too near to them.

Shab easily made her way after Kraven, gaining ground on him due to the fact that many people had been taken out after him. A fact that she found suspicious as she made her way quickly towards the control room, catching up with Kraven there as he made a start on the systems. "You sure you know what you're doing?" She teased, automatically keeping a look out, sweeping with her scanner.


As Nei found her footing again after Sara Jane tossed her, she launched herself at Venrii, tackling him off the girl. Before using a force stasis, if she could stun him she could get him to a medical facility. Someone - Jedi or no - must be able to reverse the poison they'd used.


Astra found herself free of the dark shadows. "I could ask you the same question. Did you not feel it?"


Fraya sighed. "If you failed then why would you deserve continued service?" She asked tartly. "Get up and use that fire you had before to affect real change rather than focusing on mere, pathetic individuals."

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Lillithen: *Looks angrily towards Fraya* I'm going to get my revenge on that scum in there, I'm just waiting on the verdict and where they will take him.
Nitsua: I still feel it, however, whatever you have, that was something incredibly different. But right now, I feel something bad is going to happen. You can follow me for now. *Starts towards the whisper, but is slowed by the presence coming off the woman behind him*
Venrii takes no break from being tackled by Nei to throw her off and start moving towards her. He jumps in the air, just about to land on Nei, but Sara Jane is able grab a hold of Venrii's leg. He crashes into the ground, but reacts as though he landed on his feet. Sara Jane runs into the alleyway, soon followed by her brother who is jumping from wall to walk making an indention with his claws every landing.
Kraven: Not in the slightest, but in my time, you learn a few tricks. *After multiple attempts he gives up angrily, slamming his arms on the controls*

Robotic voice: Turrets activated. All personal are deemed hostile.

Kraven: Um...Maybe you try.
Zeta sees the individual chase his informant. However, the individual didn't appear to harm the informant. Zeta starts to the control room.
Danden looks around to see where they are. And he is not surprised as he sees they are in fact on course to Korriban.

Brutas: Every been there before?

Danden: No.

Brutas: As long as you stay by me, you should be good.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Shab hurried over and deactivated the turrets - that was the easy part. Before setting to with the airlock to the launch bay that Kraven had given her. She was almost done when she spotted movement on the scanners. "Something inbound, looks like one... droid?" She warned, unsure of the reading, it was barely there but looked like it should be a maintenance droid.


Nei ran after the brother and sister, catching up and using the Force to knock Venrii off his landing, her lightsabre activated in her left hand. Venrii landed badly but easily shook it off as he focused on Nei again. Prepared this time she's able to dodge and block his initial attacks, trying not to do too much damage with her lightsabre. Striking out with the Force again, attempting a whirlwind but only succeeding in off balancing him. She risks trying to stun him again.


Astra pauses for a moment as she realised whatever it was was still there. Taking a seat on the floor she retreats within herself, meditating as she applies a Force shield around her mind, at least temporarily blocking interference. Now that she's looking for it, she easily finds the dark kernel of doubt in her mind and dispels it. She would have to look for who placed it there later, she had more important things to focus on now. Job done she retreated from her mind and hurried back after Nitsua.


"He is in the hands of the Jedi. They will pronounce him guilty and then sentence him to imprisonment." Fraya stated. "The Jedi believe life is sacred, regardless of what that life has done." She paused. "With all the destruction in the city I believe the options are more limited, and that it might be more productive for concerned individuals to help ensure the transport provisions are adequate."

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Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg) Sign Up

Kraven: If it's just a droid, is suggest not to worry about it, focus on getting us out of here.
Nitsua: So decided to join after all? It's getting louder. How fast can you move? *Nitsua then briskfully goes knight speed*
Zeta slowly makes its way to the area his target is, killing a few people who tried to threaten the unit.
Lillithen: I know how it works. Just need to hear where he is going.
Venrii has now become a more feral looking version of his previous self, walking exclusively on all fours, ears pointed, and foaming at his extended fangs.

He leaps to Nei, who easily anticipated he movement and crashes into nearby trash. Within the trash there are multiple items, and in a fury grabs it all and launches towards Nei.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.