Topic: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

This is not the story but the begining plot its just the basic no detail

Plz read and hope you enjoy  smile

if anyone has any ideas or even characters that would be great ill make a second post for characters

After the initiation of the new republic modernization program. the new republic mounted a large task force separated in to many group to seek and destroy the last of the empires remnant forces. one force led by the newly introduces nebula class star destroyer and several Bantha-class assault shuttles.there we designated to the old imperial maw instalation. the ships left coruscant with the escort of a powerful but aging Mon calamari star cruiser, as they reached the instalation the SD's comlink detected activity withing the abandoned facility. as the fleet grew closer two brutaly beaten and batterd Imperial II star destroyers emerged from the blackness of the maw cluster.  before the I II's could fire opon then the republic fleet launched several Old gallofree GR 75 transports into the hanger bays of the facility . Dozens of soldiers poured from the landing ramp of the GR 75's including 2 republic scientists. they made there way  through the facility meeting heavy resistance .of which they thought were of the leading commanders and several elites stormed into the main reserche bay of the maw instalation. encountering a dozen imperial scientists gathered around a large object resembling a large arc. the republic soldiers quickly rounder up the scientists and led them onto the the transport .as that was being done the republis scientist analized the  data stored in the facilities computer. the item the imperials were tampering which turned out to be something they called a hypergate dug up and excavated from the barren planet of gree. suposidly the item was capable of interstellar travel between other hypergates, thus no other gates were ever found , the republic force engaged the  imperial fleet and decimated them with ease..they were curious how the star destroyers were so heavily damaged no ships in the galactic data base could of done such damage, as the imperial scientist were borded onto the nebula SD they were interogated on what was going on at the facility and what was the hypergate for.none answer except for one a short bith with relatively dark skin  spoke as if fear was lodged in his throat..we.. activated....gate...and ...killed ...scientists ..left away..they....gost..ships.the bith collapsed .everyone was curious. another strik team was lead to the faciliy this time acompanied by a couple imperial scientists. they were  commanded to activate the "gate" and as they did the facility shook as if collided with a larg asteroid..a larg black hole began to form inside the gate..the soldiers and scientists ran for there lives to the transports.the hole began to grow devouring the facility they made it to the ship and cramed in some hyper space roots.but it was too late the black hole had cought them and begun pulling them in there ship  brought up all reserve thrusters to full but no even the might of the republics mighty stardestroyer could wisstand the strenght of the black hole as they were pulled in the hole closed behind them .sending then trough a unknown hyperspace route. But as the ship slowed back down into subspace it incountered a mass of debris and the wreckage of front of them  layed a large rust colored world barren with old factories and shipyards little that they know is that the gate had malfuntioned and not only brought them here but also the instalation.
the republic fleet pulsed forwards pushing out debris towards the planet.........                                                                on bored the nebulon star destroyer a cloaked man walked up to the bridge and rested his hand on the shoulder of the captain.and with terror in his voice he said.Captain my friend i dont know were we are  or what this is but i feel an incredible disturbance in the force..

And so the story begins from there

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Atrox: Laughs evilly.

"Vexok savaka" Atrox shouts in ancient Sith and his sith minions spring into action.

Atrox: Finaly a challange worthy of my troops"  " Gather the fleet"

(( Dozens of ancient warships simular to the star forge models, but much more sophisticated zoom out off from behind the moon, and get into attack formation.))

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

THe jedi looked onward towards the fleet .admiral send this hyperspace routes to all available fleets we need all the assistance we can get.. the captain ran down the bridge..Master Darr there are ships coming out of hyperspace  all around us ..they seem to be republic warships ..but not of our era..what will we do .. the ships comms shriek as a voice appear on comm..Ship stand down this is Admiral gordon fyyar of the the republic fleet do u require some assistance...darr replied that would be very apreciated sir. Fyyar roard on the inter comm ..ALL SHIPs IN ATTACK FORMATION ..this will be a tight one.. darr turns to the admiral .ill use my battle meditation to position the fleet ..stay focused ..

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Darth Atrox: "Jiaasjen Kissai Saarai-kaar" Atrox shouts

(( Around the republic fleet, Weapon satellites come out of camouflage, and open fire on the unsuspecting warships)))

"Jiaasen saari sithari"

(((More ships come out  from the moon)))

"All ships fire Fire"

((( Atrox and group of Dark Jedi board the shadow chaser and punch in coordinates for the capital ship)))

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

(((( tell me if i am god modding i have trouble with that sometime, but this is my home planet that you are attacking, and it will have a bigger force))))

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

yea you are god moding..and i wasent attacking. the hyper gate created a flux that warped me to the unknown regions(or a different hypergate located on your planet)

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

The admiral stared with awe at the amasing sith fleet . he turned to the  one of tthe soldiers * CONCENTRATE ALL POWER TO FORWARD SHEILDS* A rain fall of laser fire poured down onto the republic fleet.effortlessly  bouncing of the massive star destroyer * Sir the ships fire power ar no match for your sheilds may we open fire? the admiral turned to face the viewport *Ensign open a breach in the sheilds and concentrat all forward fire power on the fleet* the forward turbo lasers made there mark peeling away the hulls of the ancient sith war ships. Darr picks upthe comm link and signals fyyar * do u have any way out of this * fyyar punched in a hyper space route and transfered it to the nebula's nava computer* make the jump well hold them off. the ancient republic warships broke out of position and engaged the sith fleet with sheilds down and guns full..the fleet engaged and the nebula broke free

the nebulas also referd a the star destroyer ..

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

((( yea thanks, and i thought you were attacking me, from space))))

Sith Minion : "Are fleet will not last against those nebulas." " Shall we bring out the "last resort"

Darth Atrox: " No you fool its to soon, to activate it know would ruin everything"

Darth atox:  " Send a small force through the space gate to zoist, tell them we need reinforcements tell them to bring the eclipes's, their lasers can wipe out their fleet..

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

(( is this dead)))

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Darth Jester shows up with 4 fleets of 100 ships in each fleet to add my Master Darth Atrox to destroy the the victom of the DARK SIDE.

My Lord Darth Atrox my saber and my fleet are yours to comand and to destroy this creature from the face of this galaxy.


Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Thank you apprentice

Atrox talks to his generals and tells them to form a square box with the combined fleets and told them to wait for his signal

((atrox and jester did not join the square and chose to watch the massacre from side angle))

Atrox: "FIRE!!!"

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

MY apprentice it is time to give you true sith name

I shall call you Lord Derriphan which means Devourer

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Thank you Master for my sith name of Lord Derriphan and let us watch as we wipe the weak from the Galaxy.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

The enemy fleet is  is ripped to shreds ***

Atrox: "Lord Derriphan search the reckage of the fleet, kill all survivors dont hesitate, show no mecy"

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Yes Master I will search and kill the unlucky one that did not die but I will have fun with them before I kill them.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

( good times)

" Sir we managed to capture one of the generals, he may aid in are plans"

(atrox looks at the captain)

"Very good bring him to me"

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

Master, What dose he know?

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

I dont know yet, but soon he uses will become clear

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

We will beat it out of him, Master.

Re: The Dark Unknown (rpg)

" Commence interrogation"