Topic: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

The Rise of Skywalker was a good movie that I give it a 8/10 but from all the surprises to seeing the clone body of the Emperor to learning who Rye's family is I was disappointed in the ending of the movie. The one person to live at the end has NO Skywalker blood in them at all but if you think back to Star Wars episode I where Anikan's mother said there was not father that the Emperor could of had a hand in creating Anikan's life himself using the force so you could say that Anikan was the son of the Emperor too but that still wouldn't make Rye a Skywalker.

The Rise of Skywalker ended wrong in my book because I would have had it where Rye died saving Ren who still turned back to the lightside after helping defeat the Emperor. This would have made more since he actually has Skywalker blood. The ending was too much like they took the ending from Episode VI where the Emperor dies and a Skywalker dies leaving a kid to rebuild the order.

With the ending of Episode VIIII The Rise of "Skywalker" it is the end of the Skywalker saga which also means the end for Rye's story as well because honestly her story was tied into the Skywalker/Emperor saga so if there are other movies then she should not be apart of them.

I want to see Star Wars movies hundreds or thousands of years before the Skywalker's time maybe when the Sith were exiled from the jedi that way we could see the original Sith race when the exiled jedi settle on Korriban but there are so many storylines out there to use and time periods that they can use to make kickass movies from.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Darth Jester wrote:

The Rise of Skywalker ended wrong in my book because I would have had it where Rey died saving Ren who still turned back to the lightside after helping defeat the Emperor. This would have made more since he actually has Skywalker blood.

They could never do this because there's too many moral questions about what you do with a man who's killed thousands in the name of the Dark Side but then atones to become Light Side again. Seriously, you just let that guy go and do... whatever?

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Maybe but that is a flawed statement because Vader killed millions in his time as a Dark Lord but in the end turned back to the lightside at the end of episode 6 to help and save his son from the Emperor.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Yeah... and how did he finish the film? lol

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Darth Vader and Kylo Ren were both on the Darkside, they both killed their Masters to save someone they cared about which lead them back to the lightside. What was their reward of returning to the light, Death because they both died. Both their deaths were caused by the Emperor too which I found pretty cool.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

My point was that the films have a history of avoiding dealing with the consequences of a Sith Lord returning to the lightside by just killing them off after their redemption.

I can't remember how they handled Revan because it's been a LONG time since I played KOTOR 2 (if it's even mentioned).

But having created this narrative that a force-sensitive can almost "choose" their alignment complicates matters (massive over simplification, I know). Because it's not as simple as X did Y because X has "redeemed" themselves. But does that get them off the hook for the original atrocities?

It's easier to kill them off. tongue

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

This is true it is easier to just kill them off.

They talk about what happened to Revan and Bastilia in KOTOR 2 when you go to Korriban and find the hollow recording in Revan's camber that says he felt a great threat to the universe in the Unknown Region of space and went to face it and Bastilia went after him to help.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

For the most part, Star Wars tries to cater to families and young audiences. So it’s hard to justify to kids that evil people can be redeemed after what they (Kylo) did. I just feel the movie kept cheating it’s viewers from satisfaction.

From the whole Chewbacca thing to “Rey Skywalker”. No coherency between the three movies and each movie trying to twist the last one.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Darth Jester wrote:

says [Revan] felt a great threat to the universe in the Unknown Region of space and went to face it and Bastilia went after him to help.

Yeah, that's what he ends up doing, but there's nothing about in between. Did the Jedi just let Revan go because defeating Malak was good enough "redemption"? I know they pin a medal on the entire squad at the end of KOTOR but that doesn't mean there aren't still repercussions for Revan to face.

Especially awkward given that Revan's memories are patchy at best. So there's the added angle of separate personalities (loosely speaking).

Taustin17 wrote:

No coherency between the three movies and each movie trying to twist the last one.

One of my colleagues said that they did a massive switch for IX and that the whole emperor story line wasn't the original plan. I can't remember the why though.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Need to read Star Wars the Old Republic : Revan to find out what happens I guess.

Disney came in and said that all original star wars cannon is wrong and wont be used so they could start some what fresh with their movies but they still use original cannon too. the whole Emperor as a clone is in the original cannon which makes their statement all the more confusing.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Darth Jester wrote:

Disney came in and said that all original star wars cannon is wrong

Wait, what? I know there's a difference between "canon" and "legends canon" these days, but I assumed that at last the main films (ie anything with Episode ##) was still valid.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Yeah Episodes 1 - 6 are still valid but all the books, comics and games for the most part before Disney took over are not valid.

In the original cannon Leia and Han have twins a girl and boy but in the movies they only have 1 child a son.

In the original cannon Luke gets married and has a son Ben but in the movies Luke never marries or has kids.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

I vaguely remember those things from back when I used to regularly read fanfic...

Was it Kylo Ren's sister who lost her arm during a lightsabre duel with him and then basically became a badass despite it?

Okay, I looked that up on wiki and no, it was someone else but the original male Solo child. Or at least I'm assuming Jacen Solo is the original inspiration for Kylo Ren. Anyway Tenel Ka Djo was who I was thinking of, the badass with a rancor's tooth lightsabre and one arm.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

That was badass and correct on the rest too.

Disney decided to use what they wanted of the original cannon even if it made no sense and that is why they said that the original cannon was not to be used to go by the fans.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Money over substance with Disney. Most of the time that’s what you get with the House of Mouse.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

I agree but at least we are getting more in movies, series and games then we did with LucasArts at the helm but only time will tell how this change effects the lore of Star Wars down the road.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

True but only because Disney will milk everything out.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

I must admit I was worried when Disney acquired Star Wars because I worried they'd sanitise to appeal to the widest audience possible rather than focusing on what made it good.

As you said, time will tell.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

Well a big win just happened recently, if it’s true. EA will no longer be the only game studio to make Star Wars games, so let the milking commence.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Star Wars VIIII The Rise of Skywalker

As if EA didn't milk stuff for all it was worth.  lol

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;