Topic: Question

Is this area just for RPG type fanfiction or just SW fanfic in general? I had a browse through and it mainly seems to be RPG stuff, so I figured I'd check.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

Yes, you are correct. This area is meant for users to create their own universes.

In its heyday, this place was the epicenter of the site. Along with the cantina and light side Darkside forms.

Re: Question

So if someone were to go crazy and got stupid Revan fanfic in her head, it'd be fine/encouraged for her to post it here?

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

Haha yes that's totally chill!

Re: Question

Then this is so happening... once I've finished the half dozen or so other fics I need to write.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

Please do!!!! Keep the flame going.

Re: Question

It's currently joint second on the list. I have a gift fic I need to actually finish writing for someone. Then I have a crossover chapter that I'm still fleshing out which I can do whilst making a start on this.

I even got around to reviewing the original KOTOR aftermath fic I wrote ages back, so I'm (hopefully) in a good place to get started.

Which made me really want to play KOTOR again... I need more time in a day.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

That sounds great!!!

But yeah, I go through a phase once a year where I play one of the games. But now I use mods to enjoy the story alot more (example: influence in kotor 2). I just got a new computer and dont want to download games on it now...

Re: Question

I got a mod that added in a planet that the random space station orbits. But I never got around to playing it as I tried to go too early and insta-died and forgot to go back. lol I should go finish that sometime.

Ah the good old days when video game companies (EA, I'm looking at you) didn't try and stop gamers getting more out of their games.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

Yeah, that reminds me I need to play that portion as well. The PC version also had the yavin space station but i thought that was pointless.

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Yeah, that was it. Never understood why it was there, assumed it was going to have a more significant part but got cut or something.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

Agreed. It is Pretty Pointless. Like even the items they sell there dont make a huge difference.

Re: Question

I ended up looking up the KOTOR yavin space station out of curiosity, apparently if you keep going back & following the shop keepers plotline (I think he's being shaken down for credits) and beat him he opens up a special inventory of good items (internet words not mine, I tended to just use what I found and rarely needed credits or items after Taris) and beating him at pazaak like 10 times gets you a 20% discount and he pays more for any item than any other shop keeper.

Or so the internet says, and we all know how reliable that it.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

Ah man, I’d love to see fan fiction in here. The RPG we had goin, I don’t know. Lost interest in me. But I still like the characters.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Question

Oh, don't say that, because that will inspire me to start writing a finish for it and therefore accidentally break everyone's characters, and I don't need more fanfic prompts.

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

More fanfic prompts, the better the world is. I think Lincoln said that, after the Gettysburg address.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Question


I mean... what else do I have to do these days, other than the list of writing projects that's already a dozen long and work and chores. I'm sure I used to play video games at some point...

Maybe I should send prompts to other people... We could start some challenges?

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

I’m trying to make a slight fanfic of resident evil. I’m asking my close friends and family to make characters for me to put into the situation.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: Question

When does fanfiction become slight fanfic?

Hobby writer, here's my sci-fi;

Re: Question

It’s basically fan fiction.

But, kinda like how the original resident evil 4 turned into Devil May Cry.

Last edited by Taustin17 (2020-04-12 18:50:21)

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.