Topic: Naruto

Dose anyone else like and watch Naruto like me because if you do you can watch it free online at for free. I started watching it on the tv then I found this site and I started all over again from the first episode of Naruto and now I am up to the new episodes of Naruto Shippuden. The Naruto Shippuden is way behind in the Dubbed episodes but I have been watching the Subbed episodes that are new episodes every Thursday night. The site even has all the Naruto movies on it too so if you are into Naruto like me or just want to check it out them this is the best site to watch them.

Re: Naruto

Ahhh I gave up on the anime because all they were putting out were filler episodes, so I'm thinking of catching up wink

Re: Naruto

They do that a little in Naruto but only to have a short break to get everything just right when they start back where they left off before the filler episodes.