Topic: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

The new Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag comes out Oct. 29, 2013 and will take place in 1715 and you play as a young assassin/pirate and who is also Connor's grandfather. If you have played AC 3 then Connor's name you should know since that was your main character the half white and half indian. The new Assassin's Creed  4 game looks awesome from the trailers that I have seen of it and you will still have the hidden blade and awhole new arsnal of weapons to choose from. Ship to ship battle will also be in AC 4 Black Flag but it will be stepped up from AC 3. Also for the first time you will be also ables to explore under water ship wrecks and find hidden caves. From what I have read is that you start out as a Astergo employee or something along those lines but I am sure that are keeping a lot of the game tight liped untill it is released. So if you have been playing the Assassin's Creed games from the begining like I have then this should be a great game to play and from the trailers alone it looks to be a way better game then AC 3 ever looked.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I am super pumped about this. I recently just got brotherhood, Revelation, and today I bought AC 3. Loved #2 and #1. Not too far through brotherhood, been doing Multi-player a lot tho. I play it on PC

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I play on the 360 and I liked all the AC games and each AC game was stepped up from the game that came before it so in that thinking AC 4 Black Flag will and should be King of them all.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Only 22 more days until AC 4 comes out and I can not wait to play it and see how they have done on the game.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Going to be honest, I didn't really like anything after brotherhood. Revelations I just couldn't get into, and #3 for me.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I agree with you on Revelations and AC 3 but since they are through with Desmond's story and it is about pirates it looks to be pretty cool.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

It could be interesting

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Yeah and this will be the first AC game that you can swim deep under the water and find hidden caves.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

See now that sounds interesting.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I agree too because in past AC games you could always swim and hide under the water but this will be the first time that you can swim deep under the water.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Going to be honest, I dislike games where you can't jump, or swim.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

That is the same with me and I remember when you could not do either on GTA 3 and Vice City. I really want to see what type of assassin's blade you will have and if there will be any new weapons that we have not seen before.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

There will be some killer double gun kills. Gonna look sweet

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

That is true and they say the ship to ship battles are going to be better too.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Yeah it really sucked in #3 imo

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Yeah, I spent all that money upgrading my ship and weapons and I believe I really did not have to do that because the other ships could not hit s**t even if they fell in it.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I am getting Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag tomorrow so when I play it awhile I will post what I think of it so far.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I still have not got this game yet but I will and post what I think of it so whom ever wants to know they can read it.  cool

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I have started playing AC IV and so far it is really fun and the gameplay is the same as the other games but it does take a few mins to get use to the new button layout. It is on 2 discs so you know the game is pretty massive and I will keep posting updates on my progress as I play and get further in the game.

Re: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

I never finished #3 or revelation. However I will eventually someday go back and replay both. I also thought black flag looked dope. As well as the new ones that came out this year