Topic: The Feature Of Companions In Star Wars: The Old Republic

One of the great features of an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) like Star Wars: The Old Republic is the fact that you can bring along companions to join you in your galactic quests. Just like in the books and the movies, each hero was always accompanied by a companion (like Chewbacca or R2D2). Choosing your companion wisely is critical because it will complement your player character’s strength very well. You will run into a number of companions you can choose from and use them to accompany you on your missions or pilot your starship. But be very careful, it is also possible to lose companions due to neglect, inaction or not fulfilling their quests or demands. Companions all come with different skills and abilities which are really useful for missions. Some are really good soldiers. Others are really good at hacking into computers. Some are trained medics. Each companion will do things really differently depending on the situation needed. You can bring along one companion on a mission because two is a company and three is a crowd. The rest of your companions will remain on your ship to accomplish other tasks. You also have the option of sending your companions on missions alone and often, they will return with the fruit of their labors adding to your wealth. One of the coolest options of having a companion is the fact that you can send them on tasks or missions while you log off in real life and do something else. When you log back in, their work will be already done. This can be really useful if you are not a hardcore gamer who wishes to play every single waking hour of their day. At the end of the day, companions bring a lot of fun and variety in an MMORPG game like SWTOR – they might even make you laugh or develop into a romantic relationship.

SWTOR Power Leveling Guide:  SWTOR Power Leveling

Re: The Feature Of Companions In Star Wars: The Old Republic

Nice and thanks for the guide.