Re: The history for those unaware.

Yoda needed balls more then anything.  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: The history for those unaware.

That too. Course at 900 years old, he may have needed some spam to help with that too.

I Am Jedi

Re: The history for those unaware.

hahah spam.....

Re: The history for those unaware.

LSM wrote:

That too. Course at 900 years old, he may have needed some spam to help with that too.

Ah, randomness. The spice of life. lol

Re: The history for those unaware.

haha, well, it wasn't supposed to come out as spam. That's the editing program's fault... cool

I Am Jedi

Re: The history for those unaware.

spam? i thought you mean the pan grease spray that loosens foods for easy cooking...

by the way i love my new signature. dont you all love it too?

Re: The history for those unaware.

It is rather creative. ^_^ You could also use DOPE I suppose... though I guess a lot of people would think of drugs before thinking of it as meaning a stupid person.

Re: The history for those unaware.

Although that would be an interesting political analysis, comparing Obama to a drug.

I Am Jedi

Re: The history for those unaware.

Possibly effective but I couldn't see them comparing him to something as generally harmless as marijuana. More like cyanide. Results in a quick but relatively painful death. Just like what Obama has done to the U.S. economy. See? That's a better comparison. wink

Re: The history for those unaware.

im telling you.

i love the urban dictionary's definition of him:

chocolate jimmy carter. freakin hilarious. … rack+obama

look for definition 7

Re: The history for those unaware.

I'm leaning towards Cain right now as far as the candidates are concerned. I've got till next November to really make up my mind, but so far that guy's won my vote.

Re: The history for those unaware.

I like the way you think.

I have Cain as my VP and as a backup if Perry (in some backwards parallel universe) doesnt recover.

Re: The history for those unaware.

I like Cain a lot as well. He seems to have a pretty firm grasp on stuff. I think everyone is going to give him a lot of crap over the sales tax part of the 9-9-9 plan. But the way I understand it, his point is that people are already paying more than that 9% in federal taxes through other means. So it would kinda hurt when you go to the check out, but you'd also have more money to start with so it balances out.

I Am Jedi

Re: The history for those unaware.

are you hearing the bullshit the liberal media is saying about him?? its f**king bullshit!

Re: The history for those unaware.

Well I mean it is politics. No one's ever been too nice about it.

Re: The history for those unaware.

its ridiculous.

Re: The history for those unaware.

What more did you expect of American politics? Those kinda people are heartless bastards who like getting dirt on people so they can use it against the people they don't like... even if that dirt isn't a very reliable source and all the sudden decides to make a debut when someone just happens to be running for President.

Re: The history for those unaware.

its pisses me off so much because i know why they're doing this.

its not even the fact that he's conservative. now you know me. i wouldnt say this unless it was absolutely true, but they're only assaulting this guy because he's conservative AND black. and his message is getting through to the american people, and the left wing nutjobs cant have a black republican threatening their precious black democrat. thats all it is.

little do they know that this wont hurt him in the polls. f***in idiots...

i mean its politico!!! no one listens to them! theire like the National Enquirer for politics: all the spew is bullshit!

Re: The history for those unaware.

Anybodies better then Obama.

Re: The history for those unaware.

except hillary.