Topic: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

Now, this game is a great story to follow up on. I wanted to make an RPG out of it, but I want to hear from you guys. I'm sure some of you have heard about it, but it's basically about a man trying to make an Atlantis under water. Here's a full information on it if your interested. If you want to play the game, and don't want to know the story - then don't read the story of it:

What do you guys think?

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

I have only played the game once so I don't think I could keep up in the rpg but it is a good idea.

Re: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

hey why not, im all for it.


Re: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

BioShock is awesome. They're coming out with BioShock 2 this year, can't wait to get my hands on that. You play as a special big daddy this time around with plasmids.

<span style='color:red'>{[font=Geneva]SITH[/font]} [size=14][font=Impact]Se7en Sign[/font][/size]</span>
Come join the BIOSHOCK UNDERTOW RPG, an RPG brought to you by Hovoth, come join the suspense&#33;

Re: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

I heard that they had some problems with the game so it will not be out until early next year.

Re: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

Alright, I have the RPG open. Come join in, let&#39;s see if we get enough people...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Upcoming: Bioshock Rpg

Okay, We will try.