Topic: Legendary

At the end of kotor 2 o was shoked. i didn't think to see Carth Onasi.... yikes  yikes
Darth sion ,Nihilius, and evil atris and Darth Trayas were so easy to beat.
If their were a storylined game on sion, i would love to see. Obsidsian put very little work on the sith lords. (my opinion) :angry:


Re: Legendary

Agreed. I was also really surprised at how easy the Sith were to beat. Then again, there wasn't any body in KOTOR I that was much of a challenge until you fight Malak. He and Kreia were about on the same page, although Kreia wasn't nearly as strong, just the floating lightsabers made it a little more interesting. But ya, I'd like to find out more about Sion. The man was a worthy opponent not because he was good, but cause he just wouldn't freakin die! haha

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

He keeps on screaming or something in korriban and keeps gaining life.
Damn he's good.
when kreia told me in a vision to leave i refused. But i left and went to the cave. Inside was so interesting you go into your deepest thoughts or memories.
Has anybody been there?
When malak was there my eyes opened.
Then came the war between mandos and republic.
Soon kreia was there and you can choose to help her, go agaisnt her or the"apathy is death" fraise.
Last but not least you fight a vision of the almighty revan.
Beside him at first it looked like u beside him.
kotOR is awesome! B)  lol  :angry:  lol


Re: Legendary

Ya, that was pretty awesome. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on, but then it really helped understand the character better.

I started kicking the crap outta Sion the first battle. I don't know why Kreia thought I couldn't beat him. It was easy then and easy at the end. oh well, as long as he was turned, it all worked out for the best!

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

i used the glitch of force heal and power attack but he just kept gaining freakin vitality. My party members were mandalore and atton(bcuz he has fighting spirit)


Re: Legendary

The weird thing about fighting the Sith in this game was that they didn't chase you like Malak did in the first one. If I start getting low on health I use Knight speed and get the heck outta there and heal. But Malak would keep chasing me. In KOTOR II, all you had to do was put a pillar between yourself and Sion or Kreia and they quit chasing you. I thought that was kinda lame.

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

true. B)  :angry:


Re: Legendary

They need to add Kreia's lightsaber guiding force power thing to the next game, be it mmo or a later rpg. That would be freakin awesome. The lightsaber throw is close, but now they need to take it to the next level!

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

they said it was some kinda cheat code or glitch to where you could do that, but i don't believe it.

Re: Legendary

doesn't sound true either.


Re: Legendary

i have to admit though, when she did break out with those floating lightsabers, she did get me a couple times.

Re: Legendary

that was kinda tough. but the stupid things don't follow real close tho. Knight Speed can get you outta a ton of trouble! big_smile  big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

i just try to get one lightsaber by itself and take it out one at a time, but using speed is always fun

Re: Legendary

i love that you can use force storm on anything and it just blasts em!!! haha especially a group!

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

tru veld.


Re: Legendary

I used Lightning on the sabers and I killed the old women with my lightsaber.

Re: Legendary

I thought that the boss battles could have used more work on, and the battles could have been more challenging. The battles got repetitive a bit.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Legendary

The jedi master on Dantoonie was harder to beat then she was.

Re: Legendary

I'm going back thru and actually learning a lot more about KOTOR II this time, especially how to fight. I've made some wicked awesome sabers and blades, and the Jedi defense powers and Battle Meditation really work wonders. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Legendary

Hovoth,Dec 31 2008, 10:29 PM wrote:

I thought that the boss battles could have used more work on, and the battles could have been more challenging. The battles got repetitive a bit.

same here.