Topic: Taris Restoration Project

okay, i just thought of this not 5 minutes ago: an RPG Fan Fic on the Restoration of Taris. what do you think?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

RPG! All for it!

Re: Taris Restoration Project

at least someone cares about my ideas...

The great planet of Taris was obliterated by Darth Malak, as we all know. Billions of people were killed, leaving only 200,000 alive. After 20 years of drilling upward, they finally see the light of day. Leading the expedition, unexpectedly, are the Outcasts from the Undercity. Rukil is dead and Gendar is now very old, leaving Shaleena to be the actual leader of the remaining Outcasts. (let's just assume here that there was no "Promised Land" under the Undercity, okay?) Now the quest begins to rebuild everything out of nothing, repopulate the planet, and make it thrive once more. But, something lerks in the waters of Taris; something that will intertwine the fate of the Survivors (as they call themselves) and the rest of the galaxy...

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Nice, That is a great idea.  big_smile

Re: Taris Restoration Project

you can choose to be one of these characters.

Shaleena (greeter)

Hendar (man who nearly got his ass kicked by the rakghouls)

Trewin (gate guard)

Gendar (Leader of the Outcasts)

Igear (greedy punk ass trader)

or a customizable character.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

I will be a customizable character

Re: Taris Restoration Project








Re: Taris Restoration Project





Sith, Mercs, and Bounty Hunters


Was born on Setesh and when I hit the age of 15 I left to find the people who killed my family. At the age of 17 I joined the sith academy and after I gaind the rank of dark jedi knight, I left after I learned where my familie's killer was. I found him on Tatoonine and killed him and then I went to Dxun. I became a bounty hunter when the money was right and I have a friend who grow up with me on Setesh that is a merc. When I turn 26 I left Dxun because the hate within me kept growing because of the bloodshed of war so I decided to come to Taris to try to strain from war and live a normal life.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jinn Chaar



269 lbs

jedi, sith, exchange, republic.


born and raised on the planet felucia, Jinn Chaar has had a hard life. he has been taught to survive by taking the defensive or offensive stances when the times calls for it. being prone to man eating viruses, visible-to-the-n*ked-eye bacteria, and other plagues and diseases, fear is not an option. he constructed a ship from thousands of other crashed ships and flew to Dantooine, where he received jedi training. Charr deserted the Order at 15 and headed to Korriban for Sith training the sith were too brute for him and "did not use wisdom". when he returned to the jedi, he was welcomed back. he is now a member of the high concil holding the rank of Supreme Jedi Weaponmaster. when taris was destroyed, Jinn saw an oppritunity to revitalize the jedi spirit. in so doing, he went to taris and is now aiding in both the recovery effort and the new Jedi Academy. he wields two lightsabers, one being blue; the other: purple.

ship: controls over half of the republic fleet, but his personal flagship is the Raxus Valiant

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Okay, Should we wait for Starr?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

yeah... i'll get her.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Okay  big_smile

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Name: Censura Atrox
Gender: M
Age: 28
Alliance: Republic, Jedi, and after reven falls to dark side, becomes sith
Weapon(s): Blue Lightsaber
Appearance: height 6'8, bald,268 lbs ,has a scar going from eye down to his mouth, muscular Apearence

History:Taken when he was young to train as a jedi. he grew up along side Revan, and malak, and became one of their best friends. When he was older he became one of the greatest Generals in the republic. But once Malak and Revan turned, he turned as well becomeing one there top general.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Apatros

Ship (if they have one): On revans command ship, but has a his own sith a Interdictor-class Cruiser Specialties SIth interdictor

Class: General

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Now we wait for Starr.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Name: Slvar Dakaar
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 1.5 meters (5'10'')
Weight: 56.4 kilos (124 lbs.)
Alliance: Jedi, Sith, Republic, Bounty Hunters, Hapans, Mandalorians, etc.
Weapon(s): Most commonly seen weilding two lightsabers: one green, one blue. However, other weapons include Mandalorian made weapons, rare Hapan military equiptment, and custom made weaponary.
Appearance: Appearance
Background: Born to a Hapan slavegirl and a Mandalorian bounty hunter on the planet Adari.
History: Born and raised on the beautiful yet dangerous planet of Adari, Slvar struggled to survive since birth. At the age of eight a raid by mercs on their village ended with the dead of her mother. Her father then took her to Xenon where she was then raised by her grandmother.  At the age of seventeen she left Xenon in hopes of finding her father and following in his footsteps.

She joined a Mandalorian hunting clan at the age of nineteen. Four years later, after killing their leader in a duel she now leads the clan of heartless, bloddy thirsty bounty hunters know as Drox Kis.
Species: Half-breed.
Homeworld: Adari
Ship (if they have one): A rather large smuggler's ship know as Devil's Advocate.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Okay, Now we can start.  big_smile

Re: Taris Restoration Project

i'll start since i created it.

jinn: (is in a council meeting at the jedi outpost)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Stands outside of the council meeting but listens)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Slvar: (stands in the corner of the room, her cloak hiding her features)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

jinn: ....the republic has decided to continue funding for the project, seeing as how the telos restoration project was a success.

brianna: for how long?

jinn: five years worth three hundred twenty million.

visas: do we have our proposed priorities?

brianna: yes... first priority: establish legalized jedi academy and order on taris.

jinn: second: make a republic embassy coupled with the jedi academy.

atton: third: re-establish the capital of taris.

mical: fourth: elect a leader to the capital of taris.

bao-dur: and fifth: elect a planetary council to the capital of taris.

jinn: all in favor?

visas: aye.

brianna: aye.

atton: aye.

mical: aye.

bao-dur: aye.

jinn: aye. very well council adjourned.