
(372 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Ok, just don't bump into anything. Nothing worse than stubbing your toe  or stepping on a Lego in the dark. But if that's where you wanna stay............


(235 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Well, you win some and you lose some.


(73 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Their sound has really changed a lot since "Anatomy of Tongue and Cheek" and "Two Lefts...". Their line up has completely changed except for the two Matts. You should check them out again.


(17 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

lol, I thought that might be the case.

Dude, could you imagine what Mandalore would be like with force powers!!! that would rock!!!


(142 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Art)

Thanks. That one was actually pretty easy. The lighting was fun to mess with.


(24 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

The weird thing about fighting the Sith in this game was that they didn't chase you like Malak did in the first one. If I start getting low on health I use Knight speed and get the heck outta there and heal. But Malak would keep chasing me. In KOTOR II, all you had to do was put a pillar between yourself and Sion or Kreia and they quit chasing you. I thought that was kinda lame.


(312 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

No. I thought while I was playing the game that their's would become my favorite by the end of the game. But nothing happened.......like after you fight Atris, nothing hardly happens. I thought Visas and the Exile had a better ending. I would have liked the one with Brianna best if it hadn't been for that.


(170 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Let me show you the true power of the light side...

:Uses force power (that should have been in the game) to crush both crystals in Spartan's lightsaber, rendering it useless:

:Force jumps back:

Sometimes one must admit defeat. At other times one must end the fight to battle another day. Such is this time. Until we meet again...


(17 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Or, plot line #3, screw both sides and take em both on, work 'em against each other and then sweep the board clean?


(86 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

Something more to ponder. After seeing Episode III, could Revan school Darth Sidious as bad as Mace and Yoda did? Or would it be Sidious schooling Revan? Hmmmm,..........word to the wise for Revan, stay out of the senate in this fight!


(170 replies, posted in The Light Side)

Nice. I always thought that would be a cool idea, to have a saber that could join at the ends to make a double blade. But you have much to learn....

:steps back and both lightsabers begin the fight by themselves, as Lightside Master guides them in the force:


(24 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Ya, that was pretty awesome. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on, but then it really helped understand the character better.

I started kicking the crap outta Sion the first battle. I don't know why Kreia thought I couldn't beat him. It was easy then and easy at the end. oh well, as long as he was turned, it all worked out for the best!


(142 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Art)

So I haven't finished any of my KOTOR fan art. I have two that I'm working on, one of Revan, one of Revan fighting Malak. But here are some of my older Star Wars pics on deviantart that you can see:


Enjoy and comment please!!!


(170 replies, posted in The Light Side)

:parry: "much to learn, you still have. you overconfidence is your weakness"


(86 replies, posted in The Dark Side)

I wonder what a fight between Luke and Vader would  have looked like if they filmed it with the same technology they had for the three new films. Could Vader have been as fast as Maul or Dooku, or even himself before his little run in with Obi-Wan's blade? hmmmmm


(24 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Agreed. I was also really surprised at how easy the Sith were to beat. Then again, there wasn't any body in KOTOR I that was much of a challenge until you fight Malak. He and Kreia were about on the same page, although Kreia wasn't nearly as strong, just the floating lightsabers made it a little more interesting. But ya, I'd like to find out more about Sion. The man was a worthy opponent not because he was good, but cause he just wouldn't freakin die! haha


(170 replies, posted in The Light Side)

"Chancellor Palpatine, Sith Lords are our speciality"....................:lightsabers ignite: "Your move!"


(33 replies, posted in The Light Side)

I agree, Master Heal is really good. Getting any level of Force Speed is also good, and the higher the better. Also Force Immunity is really handy when fighting Sith like Kreia, Bandon, and Malak.

Even though force lightening is a Dark side power, it makes fighting groups or droids a lot easier. Going through the final part of the Sith Academy on Malachor V, I could use that twice and wipe out most of the people in the room.

Haha, nice choice Spartan.

Most annoying would have to be Mission: "Just die already".


(17 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

That would be interesting, since the Mandalorians already tried their strength against the Republic. In game III you could choose whether to try to take the Republic again or go after the resurrected Sith Empire.