My favorite prestige class is the dark side one where you can use force choke...but I can't remember what it's called :unsure:


(238 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Yeah but Juhani and Jolee are really bad with a lightsaber which is so disappointing because Juhani is a Jedi Guardian...


(52 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Ok thanks!  smile


(52 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Does that depend on whether you choose Revan as a male or female when talking to Atton?


(140 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Definitely Dxun (a moon, but whatever)  :unsure:  but I really like Korriban's layout in both kotor and kotor II

I usually go with consular :blink: , but what is usually recommended?


(238 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Exactly, so I tend to go to Dxun first just so I can have Mandalore in my party early  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile


(238 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

I usually travel with HK-47 even though you can really have conversation with him. That's too bad you travel  yikes

I usually use 2 single-blade lightsabers unless I s**k at combat then I&#39;ll just stick with one. For armor, I just throw on whatever is available  <_<  lol


(238 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

I think it&#39;s always useful to have a party member that you always travel with, so who would you pick and why?


(52 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Oh well I was just wondering what happened after the end of kotor and what happens so that the exile ends up on the ship


(312 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Whoa that&#39;s a lot of emoticons for me to handle at once&#33;  :blink:


(312 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Thanks, it&#39;s been a while but I&#39;m back&#33;   lol


(312 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

ah such friendly banter... tongue


(312 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

I&#39;d personally say the female exile and Atton.

I said Revan, but Darth Traya was pretty crazy powerful for an old lady. :huh:


(21 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

Thanks&#33;  smile


(21 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

I&#39;ve a got a few, I&#39;m actually a blonde myself.  wink

~How do you know if a blonde is trying to kill herself?
      -You find gunshots in the mirror. *Begins to laugh uncontrollably*

~A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and
help me. I have a jigsaw puzzle, and I can&#39;t figure out how to
get it started."

Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it&#39;s finished?"
The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box, it&#39;s a tiger."

Her boyfriend decides to go over and help her with the puzzle.
She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread
all over the table.

He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns
to her and says, "No matter what we do, we&#39;re not going to be able
to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a tiger."

He takes her hand and says, "I want you to relax. Let&#39;s have a nice
cup of tea, and then he sighed...

"Let&#39;s put all the Frosted Flakes back in the box..."  lol


(18 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

Very funny  tongue  but I admit, it did take me a few seconds of delay to understand the joke (blonde)   :blink:

And I am a human, not a robot except I do tend to talk in monotone...


(52 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

:huh: Ok, I tend to be quite oblivious to many things, but does anyone know how the exile and Kreia ended up on the Ebon Hawk? Where was the transition from the Ebon Hawk in the end of kotOR to the beginning of kotOR II? Just curious.