(118 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

some ideas:

WAY MORE!! force powres to choose alot more funner and stuff different species is good alot more places and the plot different for each species and u can actualy creat light sabers not just find them or get some guy to make ur first one if dis is already possible in 2 i cant remeber rofl anyways u can train more party members to be jedis and a different means of travel den the EBON HAWK

and u cna choose to start out as a padawan or youngling and stuff


make it challenging i dotn want to eb abel to beat this game in about or less make it long and challenging it would be alot more funner

mine are death field kill and storm

my fav would be heal u survive alot easier especialy if u on da light side


(73 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

my favorite would be revan hes pretty powerfull