(44 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Finished both games 4 times each.  LS Male, DS Male, then LS Female, DS Female.

Liked KoTOR II better though.


(25 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Oh definately. Its not been announced yet but the good people at Obsidian will probably take it up again. They did an amazing job with KoTOR II and made KoTOR II a more mature and intellectually competent game.

KoTOR I was great but it had a teeny kiddy side to it with the story. At the end of the day we become the super powerful unbeatable jedi/sith lord etc etc.

Anyway thats getting into another debate, getting back to KoTOR III, its not been announced but word about it is expected in Q4 of 2006 (incase you don't know what that means its September-December 2006).


(25 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Heh nah, its ok. Just i've see alot of good series be butcher turned into movies or tv series. I don't want to see that happen to KoTOR.


(25 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Well as far as i know according to the canon story lines set, Revan is Male and LS.

The Exile is also LS. There is some speculation whether The Exile is Male or Female.

A certain high up official in LucasArts is quite keen on making The Exile Female, however that would effectively get rid of Handmaiden from the KoTOR II line up.

Personally being a male myself i would prefer The Exile to be Male, lets see what happens though.

As far as actors? Well i know Racheal Weisz would be perfect for Bastilla dunno about others. The original Voice Actor of HK-47 can come back for him.

Ugh! look what you made me do? You have me thinking up of people to play parts! NO ! NO KoTOR MOVIES OR TV SERIES! EVER! NO! I SAID NO! OK? NO!?

</end hysterical craze>


(25 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

Ohh God&#33; I hope not. Princess deary, don&#39;t scare us all like that. KoTOR and KoTOR II are master pieces. Better than anything lucas could churn out.

Lets face it, A movie would destroy its wonder. Lucas is good at making plot outlines and what not, but falls apart when it comes time to make an actual story. I no longer trust Lucas to do ANYTHING right. Part of the reason KOTOR was so good is that he had absolutely nothing to do with its creation.

Plus if a movie or even a TV mini-series on KoTOR is made, it would not be accepted as a part of the Star Wars universe, because if it is not penned by George Lucas, it will be part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

We already have tons of Expanded Universe Movies and TV series, Most of which were/are crap and unheard of. KoTOR will just be the latest of them and it would be a sad sad day in history to see such a great series be dragged in mud.

I looked it up after i read your post, princess, and so far its only rumours. Lets hope it stays that way.


(130 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Amidst all this chaos and ranting. I&#39;ll just drop my suggestions.

KoTOR III : Termination Bliss.

KoTOR III : Ascension.

KoTOR III : Symbol Of Destiny.

KoTOR III : The Void War.

I agree that the script and plot of the games did not have much input from lucas. However since the games were such smash hits and allow for a much more detailed involvement as well as story telling experience.

IMHO, both the KoTOR games have showed star wars fans a deeper and better understanding of the universe (the ones that played the game anyway). Before KoTOR. One was either good or bad, i.e. Light Side and Dark side. After KoTOR we understand now that both extremes are not the true way.

Episode 3 may not have directly taken lines from the games but LucasArts does confer with all people it gives licences to add to the universe.

It is most probably that the ideas and concepts from the game that gave us a better understanding when were shared with lucasarts before/during the making of Episode 3, They added these subtleties just to confirm what was told in the games, as well as keep the whole canon stories streamlined.


(74 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Bah... I am neutral so i guess that adds me to the intellectual cool side who couldn&#39;t care less either way.

Well actually,

Kreia hinted in KoTOR II at Korriban when you are in the valley of the Dark Lords  that the Old masters (both sith and jedi) were far better skilled using the light saber than even the most powerful of weapon masters. They would make the lightsaber masters of today look like amateurs.

I think it was Tulak Hord or maybe Ajunta Pall (i forget), in front of the tomb of one of these sith lords, Kreia tells us that his(which ever one he was) skill with the lightsaber was unmatched.

So none of the above list would be correct.


(25 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)


I suggest you play TSL in full LS again and when you play make sure you say "but Revan returned to the councel" in a dialogue somewhere instead of "....yeah i know, he fell to the dark side".

Because Kreia tells us if you read the proper canon story (i.e. the LS story) that revan never really fell to the dark side in the sense that most people think.

His reason to become a sith lord and to follow the dark side was to gain power and to strengthen the republic by attacking it. Because the republic had gone on unchallenged for so long, it had started stagnating, become corrupt and weak from the inside.

The only way to strengthen it, was to provide an opposition, attacking it so eventually they can rebuild a stronger more dominant republic without the weaknesses and corruption that it had become.

Revan did not harm key planets in the Jedi Civil Wars. Even if he did, he left the infrastructure intact so that it could be quickly rebuilt. (Like Onderon and Dantooine (where he destroyed the jedi enclave to remove the incorrect teachings they had incorporated, The remenents of that enclave were of course finished off by Kreia))

Revan wanted to make the republic stronger to prepare it for the &#39;Real Sith&#39;  when they attack. The same &#39;Real Sith&#39; that Revan went in search of and later the Exile after him.

I hope that answers your question.

Well, i am not the one saying the new world, characters and story that will be created for the series when it ventures into next gen consoles will be MK.

Midway is saying that. So you can&#39;t take that arguement up with them, i am just repeating what i know and what was announced.

As for the &#39;kid&#39; thing. I may be a youngling on the community but i think i am alot older than most folks in here.

Hmm there is no Metal or Industrial in the list so i selected Rock.

The kind of stuff i listen to is probably too heavy and hard for you folk&#39;s liking anyway but incase anyone wants to know what i listen to then its bands like, Rammstein, Turmion Katilot, Deathstars, Animal Alpha, Clawfinger, Eisbrecher. etc etc. Doubt many of you even heard of them though.


(100 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Nothing has been made official however it is expected that Obsidian will be making KoTOR III. LucasArts have not said anything specifically but an official announcement is expected towards the latter half of this year.

Hopefully we will all be discussing the new game this time next year when it will be nearing completion.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Is NOT the last MK game.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon however will be the last MK game featuring the story and characters we have seen throughout the series.

Armageddon will feature all, yes ALL characters (both including in previous games and characters from canon stories that were not put in games before).

Each and every MK character will be present and very much playable in all their forms (Smoke both Human form and Cyborg Form, The original sub-zero (the elder brother of the Sub-Zero we all know i.e. the one without the facial scar) as a lin-qui warrior and in his Noob Saibot form, Sub-zero with and without mask etc etc).

As the name suggests MK: Armageddon is the end of the MK world presented thus far.

Midway has decided to end all the stories for MK with the present generation consoles and start with an absolute fresh story, world and characters for future installations of the game.

As for whether the MK series sucks or not being cool, that is a matter of opinion.

Comparing Star Wars to MK is like comparing Transformers with X-Men. They are completely different genres of Sci-Fi. Both having their own styles and format.

It would be silly to compare the two, however both are considered classics in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy communities.

SW is as much a master piece as MK is.

Signing off.


(95 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Hello folks,

I am relatively new in here. So first off, Greetings to all of you.

Now getting back to the topic at hand.

I am quite surprised as to why so many people found KoTOR II &#39;s ending bad. Infact to be quite honest i liked KoTOR II better than KoTOR 1.

Someone mentioned earlier in here that KoTOR II had a book like ending. I agree with you 100%. That is what makes KoTOR II so much better and that is why i appreciated it on so many levels.

I don&#39;t mean to sound rude or to offend anyone but the fact is KoTOR although had a great twist and a good story line, the ending was pretty predictable for both lightside/darkside.

I understand KoTOR &#39;s story and ending may appeal more to kids or folks in their early teens because its an all out Super-Jedi/Sith Lord thing. Being unstoppable and Destroying anything and everything that opposes one.

Which again brings me back to KoTOR II. The ending was deeper and more cerebral.

Not to mention that KoTOR II&#39;s character&#39;s depth and their stories were way better than KoTOR 1.

Obsidian have done a way better job than BioWare in my opinion.

Another thing that i would like to bring to light is that if any of you have played the "Neverwinter Nights" series by BioWare (an RPG availible for the PC in case you wish to look it up) then you will realize that KoTOR 1 was pretty much a clone of sorts of the NeverWinter Nights game with the differences that KoTOR was a Star Wars adaptation.

Both games feature a superior race that existed God knows how long. Both games superior races thing conquering and using the other races as slave aspect.

Yes, KoTOR has a big difference in story but one can&#39;t deny that the KoTOR story was inspired from Neverwinter Nights.

Quests in KoTOR are completely lifted from Neverwinter Nights like like the "Court Case Quest" on Manaan.

That is not necesarily bad thing. KoTOR is using a modified version of BioWare&#39;s Oddessy Engine. (The engine that they made and used for Neverwinter Nights).

I am not trying to put down KoTOR. Indeed it is one of my favourite games but most people seem to hate KoTOR II in here just because they didn&#39;t get to play Revan or know more about where he went and who he went to fight.

Dont hate KoTOR II simply because the game was a sequel or because KoTOR II did not agree with the story some fans had already made for it because they were still not over the whole "Revan" thing.

If they told us everything then what would they do for KoTOR III?

I still think KoTOR 1 is one of the best RPG&#39;s of all time but KoTOR II is better.

Obsidian will be making KoTOR III but nothing is official as of yet. However it is expected that it will be announced at the end of this year.