
(16 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

^ It comes on TV still, Saturday night's @ 11:00 on Cartoon Network (or Adult Swim) So far, I think it's the only anime they show that night, besides Full Metal Alchemist.


(17 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

There's a BioShock movie coming out (in around 2010 - 2011) that is based around the BioShock game(s). I don't know whether it's revolved around Jack (the main character) or the destruction of Rapture, but this movie should be very good.

The movie will feature a green screen use, for almost all (or all) of the movie, like what 300 did with their blockbuster. So, whats your thoughts on this?

(BTW anybody get the 'Topic description' message?) tongue


(115 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

This is one of my (and probably my one and only) TV show. The suspense is always nail biting. I didn't watch it when it 1st came on, but now I'm watching the whole season on a network that's showing it again.


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

Both, because I can do that!  :angry:

lol jk, I'm light.  big_smile


(80 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)


Or an arrow right through the head, splattering your brain chunks through the end of somebodies head.

ARROWED&#33; <===<<<


(17 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

I have a feeling you like mandalorians, right?  tongue

If KOTOR 3 started you off as a Mandalorian, it wouldn&#39;t bother me all that much. I like&#39;em too cause their armor is pretty sweet.  wink


(127 replies, posted in TV Shows, Movies and Music)

I thought it would be later. I heard Peter Jackson was directing it, and that&#39;s the guy who made King Kong I believe.


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Person: Hey Polo&#33;

Polo: ...? Hm?

Person: Prepare yourself&#33; *Activates lightsaber*

Polo: Wha...?&#33;

Person: *Swings Saber*


(80 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

What&#39;s more horrible than being blown to chunks? tongue


(69 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

They should let you do more stuff with the old koot. Like knife&#39;em or something.

Anybody else like killing the drunks?  lol


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Thanks, maybe I would. *Thinking*


Polo: Alright, Hutt, where&#39;s my money?

Hutt: *Ha Ha&#33; Sure, I always keep my debts. Here&#39;s 500 credits.

Polo: (Takes Credits, leaves)


(80 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

The Sith soldiers, and the Dark Jedi Lord marched across the barren landscape, and came outside the ruins Mandalore is holed in.

Dark Lord: "Come out Mandalore&#33; Your Clan will fall before the strength of the dark side&#39;s rule&#33;"

Mandalore: (Looking at Strategy Table) "Hmph..."

Dark Lord: "Show yourself&#33;"

Mandalore: (Pushes button) (Walks out) (Removes helmet)

Dark Lord: "Ha Ha&#33; You lose..."

Mandalore: "Not quite" (Looks up)

A Plasma Nuke Ship awaits in space, visible in the sky. It shoots out 35 red and blue glowing Bombs dropping towards the planet at 500 MPH.

Mandalore: (Smiles)

The Planet sparks into millions of pieces, and sends a shockwave across the solar system, and the explosian is visible to planets far far away...


That&#39;s how I would like Mandalore to die. This concept is actually from Tom Clancy&#39;s endwar demo. It was awesome.  big_smile


(69 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)


I&#39;m playing throught KOTOR 1 again. So far, I got the Prototype accelerator thing and now I&#39;m bringing it back to Gadon.

When I first played KOTOR 1, I believe I talked off at Calo Nord, and he got mad. So he killed me and my partners...  big_smile


(158 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Thanks. I will now celebrate my new rank with an awesome battle:

Cold Shot: *Fires rapidly at Polo*

Polo: *Dodges shots, grabs blaster*

Cold Shot: *Charges shot, and shoots*

Polo: *Rolls (dodging shot) then fires at Cold Shot*

Cold Shot: *KSHT&#33;* *KSHT* Agh&#33; *Falls on ground*

Announcer: Congratulations &#39;monster&#39; on winning your first battle&#33; Don&#39;t worry folks, Cold SHot is only knocked out. We&#39;ll get the meds to fix&#39;em.

*Crowd cheers*

Polo: *Drops blaster, then walks off*


(69 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic)

You let them kill&#39;em?  tongue


(128 replies, posted in Video Games)

There are even some rumors going around that Halo 4 will be the Xbox 720&#39;s launch title. (BTW Xbox 720 is the code name for the Next Box)


(7 replies, posted in Video Games)



(81 replies, posted in Video Games)

Hm. What system do you have? 360?


(128 replies, posted in Video Games)

I would give Halo 3 a 9/10.

Story - 8.0/10 - Not a whole lot of surprises, and seemed sorta rushed. Some of it seems so predictable, but the ending was AWESOME.

Graphics - 8.5/10 - Pretty good, but sometimes looks bland. The Brute&#39;s armor, and other units looked dull, and none detailed. Sometimes the Human faces look badly graphiced at most times. Still mad that there isn&#39;t any real time reaflections on the Chief&#39;s visor, but oh well.

Gameplay - 9.5/10 - Some of the best FPS gameplay I&#39;ve played. This beats the last two by a long shot, and it&#39;ll take alot more to make it any better. So much fun on multi-Player, SO much fun and even more fun online.

Sound - 8/10 - I guess it&#39;s okay, most of the sound isn&#39;t convincing at times. The voice acting was great in my opinion though.

Lasting Appeal - 9.5/10 - You can: Search for skulls, that will let you do more stuff in story mode; play on multiplayer (online, and local); and Forge. It will last you for a long time.

I thought the game seemed a bit rushed, but was a satisfying ending to the Halo trilogy... for now.


(7 replies, posted in Video Games)

I would give it a 7/10.

Gameplay - 6/10 - The Gameplay ways pretty good, it&#39;s just that it got very repetitive after the 100th kill. It felt like you did the same thing over and over again. The good about it was the ammount of powers you can do with each of the X-men and Brotherhood.

Graphics - 7/10 - The Rendered cutscenes looked very very good, but the gameplay graphics looked very bad. But, I&#39;m a sucker for the Cartoonish look. It was okay, but sometimes looks horrid.

Story - 9/10 - I don&#39;t care what anyone says, but to lead a force of X-men and Brotherhood members against the greatest Marvel superhero villian in a clash of the titans is fun&#33;

Sound - 7/10 - Some of the sounds sounded weird, and reused too often. But the voices (and voice-copies) of the superheroes were fun to hear.

Lasting Appeal - 5/10 - There isn&#39;t a whole lot to do after you beat the game really, except play it again. Although playing as Iron Man was very fun.

The game was pretty good, but didn&#39;t leave me satisfied all that much.